What a Weird Week Friday 28 March 2025: What the heck is the deal with the pyramids?


What a Weird Week gets you caught up on the odd/ interesting/ strange/ fun and weird news that happened this week. Ten stories in 15 minutes!
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Hi friends, I'm Scott and this is What a Weird Week, a look at the odd, interesting, strange, fun and weird stories that made news this week. See bottom of shownotes page for a transcript of the podcast episode.  To Subscribe/ get in touch/ other see www.shownotes.page.
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These are the shownotes for Season 6, Ep 13 first published Fri March 28 2025.   

Mysterious Golden Orb Discovered in the Deep Ocean 

Marathon Proposals: A Controversial Trend

Bill Gates-backed company launches butter alternative made from carbon dioxide and hydrogen

Were the 380-Million-Year-Old Fossils sent to the landfill because of mailroom mixup?

Recordbreaker Rush Sets New Passing Record, Causes Damage 

Pilot Forgets Passport, Commercial Flight Diverted

Mysterious Skeleton-like Figure Found on UK Beach

Big Ol' Ice Chuk Did Not Come From a Plane! 

^^^ rendering. Actual Chunk was much larger^^^

Free Energy Breakthrough Disproves that it was Impossible to Start With

Asteroid 2024 YR4 Check-in: Don't Panic Yet

What is Boomerasking: a Deep Dive

121-Hour Basketball Game for Charity sets World Record 

What the Hey is Going on Beneath the Giza Pyramids!?
^^^artist rendering^^^
^^^Toblerone Chocolate Bar^^^ 

Transcript below.
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What the heck is going on underneath the Great Pyramids? What a weird week.

Hi friends, I'm Scott and this is What A Weird Week. If you're new here, what we do is in about 15 minutes, we count down 10 of the weirdest news stories of the week. We go back through the news and pick out the weird, the unusual, the odd, the interesting, the cool, the fun  and never that serious.  You can get all our show notes at shownotes.page  and also all the podcast stuff. Everything is there at shownotes.page.  Here we go. is season six episode. I do not remember.

First published Friday, March 28th, 2025. Number 10 is kind of a follow up to the mysterious golden orb that was found in the deep ocean. So the article in Science Alert is new, but mostly it just rehashes some old information. So and even at the end, they say an earlier version of this article was published in September of 2023.

So it looks as though they circled back and they published a story this week about the mysterious golden orb. And if you missed it, it was one of these deep sea scientists, researchers doing a deep sea expedition and they discovered this strange, I mean, they call it an orb, but it's really a golden blob of some sort. looks like something, you know, blob like in the ocean. And they collected it and tried to make sense of it. And according to the republished article, scientists

Researchers still not sure what the golden  orb  is.  Some sort of fleshy  blobby  goldy orb. Old goldy orb, you guys. Basically, it was a check-in from the folks at Science Alert that there is still a mysterious golden orb that we need to learn more about. So there's not a lot to this update, but on the bright side, I guess  the update didn't say, oh, it hatched and it's a monster. There was a monster inside.

Go into your bunker now, everyone. The update did not say that, so that's good news.  nine is the controversial trend of dudes, mostly dudes, asking women to marry them after the woman has finished a marathon. This is based on an article from the CBC, which was based on a TikTok video that went viral. It happens a lot, I guess, where a lady finishes a marathon and the fella is there at the finish line saying, will you marry me?  And

The reason it's controversial is because like a tick tock, a lady named Sarah had a tick tock go viral, millions of views, and she said it was a nice moment, whatever I'm paraphrasing. But, you know, she wasn't saying how selfish, the comments were the expert advice in the comment section.  People were weighing in saying that fellow's selfish. You just finished a marathon. That's your accomplishment. And now he's turning it back to he's getting all the attention. And so the CBC article kind of gets into that. Who gets the most attention when that happens?

the accomplishment,  the lady who finished the marathon  or the fellow who got down on one knee and popped the question. Seems as though I'm not a runner there. I'm very sedentary, so I can't weigh in at  all on this. But it seems as though  many in the running community say, let's do marathons and then proposals later. But then, of course, the romantics weigh in and they're like, what about what of the romance?

So it's an ongoing debate, but I found it quite interesting and it got some traction this week. The CBC article Marathon Proposals. If you want to read that thing, do the deep dive, send it to your running friends, click the show notes or click show notes dot page. eight is the butter or substitute, which I'm calling Futter. Faux butter should be called Futter. Am I wrong about that? Just let me know in the comments if I'm wrong about that.  So this Futter, it's not really called Futter. A company called Savor.

like, mmm, that's delicious. I savor that. So savor  is coming out with this  fake butter that they make from the air. They take carbon dioxide out of the air and hydrogen out of water. And they end up with a molecule, a fat molecule that they can turn into butter that the article says tastes great. So delicious butter out of the air. And the thing is, they're hoping to save the world with their fake butter because  harvesting, you know, right now bakeries

In restaurants, a lot of times we rely on palm oil and palm oil harvesting is not great for the environment and also not great economically. If you could make something out of air that could replace palm oil, well that might  save us all or at least be better for the environment. We'll see how it goes. They say in the making of the Futter, Faux butter, they do not release any greenhouse gases in their process. So there's that. That's good. That seems like a good news story.

If you want to do a deep dive on this one, I'll link to it in the show notes. seven is the dinosaur bones lawsuit that made headlines. Professor Martin Becker filed a lawsuit against William Patterson University alleging that some very old fossils, almost 400 million years old, which were the majority of his collection, were taken to the Tennessee landfill because the university did not settle their outstanding invoice with UPS. My paraphrase.

the professor was going to collab with a colleague and packed up a bunch of dinosaur bones  and sent them to the university mail room to be delivered. And because the university allegedly was in arrears to UPS, those things did not get delivered and instead thrown out to the dump. So the lawsuit now seeking unspecified damages, the fossils are deemed irreplaceable according to professor Becker.

And there's emotional distress and some other stuff in there. This is not a happy story. We've all thrown something away before by accident. And the regret, the anguish. We had this story a couple of weeks ago, the fellow who threw out or had his Bitcoin wallet accidentally thrown out and now he's trying to buy the landfill so he can search the landfill for his Bitcoin wallet. I mean, it's not a great feeling. But don't you think some archaeology students or dinosaurologists, what are they? I think they're called dinosaurologists.

That sounds right. Anyway, wouldn't some students go to the landfill and do a dig? Isn't that an opportunity for students to learn and do a dig and try to find, reclaim those dinosaur bones? I'm just floating it out there. You know, I'm basically an ideas machine. If you want to read more about this, look at some photos. You can click show notes dot page. Number six. This guy is number six. This is an official attempt for the most behind the back passes against the wall with a basketball.

30 seconds. The minimum to achieve is 25. Are you ready? Let's bounce. 3, 2, 1, go.

That's David record breaker rush. My opinion, he's out of control. You guys, let me run down the story for you. So he is a fellow. He has the Guinness world record for having the most concurrent Guinness world records. He went to their headquarters with a basketball and a dream. He wanted to do the old behind the back pass, bounce it off the wall, catch it and repeat. If you could get 25 of those, right? That's a world record. So that's what he wanted to set, but he's out of control. He went Hulk smash.

I don't know, that's what I'm calling it, full on Hulk smash mode where he started breaking the world record and a sign fell off the wall at the Guinness World Records headquarters. He's destroying signage now in his quest for world domination. David record breaker rush. If you want to see the video, we link to that in the show notes. By the way, not only did David Rush shatter the sign, he also shattered the world record. The new record behind the back passes 38.

Number five number five is the United Airlines flight diverted due to pilots missing Passport this happened the other day flight 198 from LA to Shanghai it had to be diverted to San Francisco because the pilot realized oh I don't have my passport so I can't go to there about a six-hour delay for passengers they landed in San Francisco and a new crew had to come on board  and Fly on to Shanghai always sucks when you forget your passport

And there's always that moment where you think, well, maybe they just let me, maybe I don't need it. What if I just talk my way into this country? Seems like that wasn't an option this time around. Number four. Okay. Number four, a time of recording. This one is not solved yet. And before you click the photo, you might want to cause it's interesting, but it's super terrifying. Also, the headline is mysterious skeleton-like figure found on UK beach. And that's kind of it.

Earlier this month, beach goers found this bizarre thing. It looks like an evil mermaid to me. The skeleton of an evil mermaid, perhaps. And now there's all kinds of speculation. So far it hasn't been solved. What the heck is the thing? They found it. was classic mysterious thing washes up on beach scenario, partly buried in the sand. There's seaweed in that. And then, you know, they clean away the sand. They dig around and they're like, hello, golf horses. You know, because they're in the United Kingdom.

If you're tuned in right now in the United Kingdom, I'm sorry. That was  cheeky. So the theories right now, what is the thing? Perhaps it washed up. It's from a boat. Some kind of Halloween decoration from a Halloween boat. You know, those Halloween boats. Anyway, could be  anything at this juncture. I'm guessing evil mermaid. It's finally evidence of an evil mermaid. This story we link to the New York Post write up about the freaky freaky thing. If you want to have a look.

show notes dot page number three number three is another mystery that is yet to be solved at time of recording i don't like it when they're not solved this one you guys a little bit scary uh the faa investigation into  an ice chunk incident that broke through a roof an ice chunk falls from the sky right breaks through the roof of a home number one you're always thankful no one was injured number two you always assume somebody flushed on an airplane and that fell through the atmosphere

Whatever got flushed, froze and boom, through the roof, right? The FAA in this case, they contacted all the airlines, they looked into planes for water leaks, that sort of thing. They say there's no evidence to support the theory that the ice chunk came from a plane. So mysterious ice chunk falls from the sky and it was six feet by three feet. Like that's an iceberg. That's basically an iceberg.

falling from the sky, right? All right, a mini iceberg. What if giant hailstones become a thing?  Six foot by three foot hailstones.  I need answers on this one. I am unsettled that icebergs are falling from the sky, you guys. If you want to have a look, do a deeper dive into the story. Maybe you can crack this case and also crack the ice.

go to shownotes.page. Honorable Mention. According to study finds, there's an article about boomer asking. And I thought we should put it here in the honorable mention. I didn't know what boomer asking was, but it is where you ask a question so that you can talk about yourself. As an example, what's your favorite podcast? Because mine is this one, this very one. And let me tell you how I created. See, I was doing, that was boomer asking.

That was just me play acting you guys. I would never really do that. Anyway, according to these social scientists or the studyers of things,  we don't like it when people do boomer asking. Doesn't matter what you're talking about. Doesn't matter if you've got good information. If you approach it through the strategy of boomer asking, according to thousands of participants in this study, it ain't great.

to do the boomer asking.  two. Number two is the very long basketball game for charity. A bunch of dudes from an Atlanta based nonprofit played basketball for 121 hours and three minutes. The final score was 13,000 and something to 12,000 and something. Can they keep scores that I've never seen a scoreboard that could handle that? Kudos to the scorekeepers also. And of course, 2D players  and everyone who

gave to the charity. Number one, let's get into this number one story. The Great Pyramids mystery. If you haven't seen this, if the headlines have not crossed your feeds, then I question your commitment to all things mysterious because this did generate some excitement.  The  controversial claim of underground city beneath Giza pyramids sparks debate. Italian and Scottish researchers using a certain kind of

radar technology claimed to have discovered a vast, I'm going to say super vast underground city underneath the pyramids, the Giza pyramids. They say perhaps 10 times larger than the pyramids themselves, the structures deep underneath the pyramids, the tubes and the cubes, the tubes and cubes under the pyramids, you guys. So there is some controversy about this. The researchers say this is how we did it. They show their work, but it's not yet  peer reviewed and  Egyptologists and

experts have weighed in saying, Hey, let's not be hasty. Quite a bit of a skepticism, especially regarding the technology. Some experts are saying the technology that they use, the radar technology doesn't go as deep as they say the actual structure is underneath the mysterious city and all that. Well, they say the radar can't go that deep. That's one of the things. So right now until that research gets peer reviewed and stuff, or until the history channel gets a film crew there.

We're not going to know. We've got to wait a bit to find out what the heck the deal is.  If there's anything going on underneath the pyramids.  So that's that. Thanks for listening to what a weird week. If you want to get more about our show or get into the show notes, just remember everything is at show notes dot page. Other ways to listen show notes dot page. Thank you for rating and reviewing and following or starring, whatever the things are.  Appreciate that when you support the show that way.  We'll catch you next week with 10 more.

Weird, odd, interesting stories from the news  on What a Weird Week.