Luke Combs talks about his mental health struggles:
Country superstar Luke Combs opened up about his experience living with purely obsessional obsessive-compulsive disorder, informally known as Pure O.
— NBC News ( March 10, 2025 at 6:15 PM
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If your mental wellness is suffering, or if someone you know needs
help, here is a list of phone numbers and websites where you can find
that help. People are ready to listen and provide support.
- if it is a mental health emergency call 911
- for the Suicide Crisis Hotline, dial or text 988, or see
- Atlantic Wellness Community Centre: 506-382-0298 or CLICK HERE
- Chimo Helpline for Suicide Prevention: call 1-800-667-5005 in NB or Click
- Kids' Help Line: 1-800-668-6868 or Click Tele-care: 811
- CLICK HERE for a big list of phone numbers to get Mental Health help
- CLICK HERE and also HERE for a big list of links to Horizon Health Mental Wellness Resources
- Check 211 NB if you have questions about: accessing food, mental health support, or other non-emergency programs or services. Call 211 or CLICK.
- Check 211 NB if you have questions about: accessing food, mental health support, or other non-emergency programs or services. Call 211 or CLICK.
- For a big list of local churches click HERE