*Update! icymi, here's some video...
@scottyhorsman Blood Moon vs. Tomato #lunareclipse #2025 ♬ original sound - scottyhorsman
Early on the morning of Friday, March 14, 2025 we are getting a Lunar Eclipse. Total Lunar Eclipses are where the Sun, Earth and Moon line up for your viewing pleasure. Total Lunar Eclipses are also extremely confusing for werewolves, so please keep them in your thoughts.
^Lunar Eclipses: confusing to werewolves^
Here on the East Coast we get a great view and we're supposed to have clear skies.
Timeline Via Gary the Backyard Astronomer:
"the Full Worm Moon slides into the Earth's shadow producing a spectacular total lunar eclipse. The orange tint on the moon's surface during totality is refracted sunlight passing through Earth's atmosphere, much like we see beautiful red sunsets. Here is the schedule for the Atlantic time zone: Begins at 2:39a on March 14th 2025/ Mid eclipse at 4:28a/ Ends at 6:17a."
🌕 This is safe to view with your eyes, there is no need for welder's goggles, Ray Ban sunglasses, 3D glasses from Cineplex, Minion Goggles from Spirit Halloween, or XRay Specs.
🌕 Most of this info is via Gary Boyle (https://twitter.com/astroeducator) including this explainer "A total lunar eclipse when the sun, Earth and moon are aligned, with Earth in the middle. Earth’s shadow falls on the moon."
*If you happen to spot a Secret Moon Base, report it to Scotty's Secret Moon Base Hotline at 506-431-3136 (long distance charges may apply) (I never answer this line)