What's Trending Wednesday 15 January 2025


Weather... some flurries and cold wind chill this morning (minus 14ish). Later wind chill of minus 9. 

- - two missing persons reports from RCMP... 
Codiac Regional RCMP is asking for help to locate 16-year-old (redacted) of Moncton... last seen January 8th around 4pm, near Lionel Street in Dieppe.  Anthony is five foot ten/ 110 pounds/ with hazel eyes and blond hair. Last seen wearing a grey jacket and tie-dye pants. If you have info please get in touch with Codiac RCMP at 506-857-2400.

* missing youths have been found...

RCMP also asking for help locating 14-year-old  from Moncton... last seen on January 13th around 2pm, on Augusta Terrace in Moncton.  Is five foot one/ 140 pounds/ hazel eyes and dark hair/ last seen wearing a pink shirt, grey joggers, a green bag and white shoes.
If you have info please get in touch with Codiac RCMP at 506-857-2400.

- - Another NB industry that might be impacted by a tariff fight with the USA is in the headlines:
New Brunswick blueberry farmers were already facing uncertainty due to low prices and climate change, now add to that the threat of US import tariffs.
A big percentage of NB blueberries are exported to the US and the industry generates up to 30 million dollars per year... an expert is quoted in the story as saying there needs to be a strong Canadian response to the tariff threat. 
Donald Trump takes the oath of office next week (January 20th)
see https://www.cbc.ca/lite/story/1.7429950

- - fire on Waverly Ave Monday night (from the Times and Transcript): Moncton firefighters got the call around 8pm on Monday. The fire destroyed a garage. No injuries were reported. The fire is under investigation. (Waverly runs between Killam Drive and Mountain Rd.)
see https://tj.news/moncton-miramichi/storage-garage-in-north-end-moncton-destroyed-by-fire

- - More people are riding the bus in Riverview and the town plans to buy 2 more buses and improve service. Council voted for this on Monday. Get more info at https://tj.news/moncton-miramichi/riverview-plans-to-buy-more-buses-expand-service (via the Times and Transcript). 

-- Charlottetown Meteorite makes headlines!
see https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-charlottetown-meteorite-strike-first-audio-1.7430018

charlottetown meteorite sounds like a bunch of lego bricks getting thrown out a window.

♬ original sound - scottyhorsman

Info Links...
⛽ Gas... EUB current prices http://www.nbeub.ca/ ... Gas Buddy Price Comparison https://www.gasbuddy.com/GasPrices/New%20Brunswick/Moncton ... CAA Gas Resources https://www.caa.ca/gas-prices/
🏒🏈🏀⚽⚾ Sports... scores https://www.flashscore ...  Moncton Wildcats Q League Hockey https://chl.ca/lhjmq-wildcats ... Moncton AAA Flyers U18 Hockey https://nbpeimu18hl.ca/teams/flyers ... Ladies High School Hockey www.leaguelineup.com/cehockeyec ... Boys High School Hockey www.easternconferencehockey.com ... West Kent Steamers Jr A Hockey https://www.westkentsteamers.com ... High School Football https://www.gridironnewbrunswick.org/highschool.php
💰 Atlantic Lotto Winning Numbers... https://www.alc.ca/content/alc/en/winning-numbers.html
🩸 Donate Blood ... Moncton Blood Donation Centre Hours are Monday from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm ... Tuesday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm ... Wednesday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm ... Thursday from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm ... Friday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm ... 🩸 The Moncton donor centre is at at 500 Mapleton Road. ... 🩸 Get an appointment through the GiveBlood app (iphone) (android), call 1 888 2 DONATE (1-888-236-6283) or book at Blood.ca. ... 🩸 Check the CBS Moncton Facebook https://www.facebook.com/LifelineMoncton/