What's Trending Thursday 16 January 2025


Weather... Cloudy. Chance of flurries this morning. Wind Chill minus 19. Then sun and clouds. High minus 6.

- -  Gas Price Prediction: Gas MAY increase more than a cent (to 164.7) and Diesel MAY increase five cents (to 192.4). see here https://www.scottyandtony.com/2023/09/gas-price-predictions-are-bit-of.html
*subject to change. **for entertainment purposes only.
- - Liquor Store continues to be Cash-Only because: some kind of cybersecurity issues - article.
According to the article linked below, some kind of cybersecurity incident involving ANBL and Cannabis NB continues to impact methods-of-payment. Since January 9th it's been a cash-only situation at ANBL corporate store locations. The ANBL website says "... there is no evidence to suggest that customers’ information has been impacted by this incident." see https://www.cbc.ca/lite/story/1.7432018 and also https://www.anbl.com/operational-update
- - Irving Oil Remains Unsold, Sparking Relief and Speculation... 
Canada's largest oil refinery has announced it will stay as a privately held company,. This ends a couple years of uncertainty around a possible sale. The article below gets into how this announcement is a relief Saint John, and to all of NB as far as hanging on to those jobs. The company's announcement didn't come with an explanation but one of the things mentioned in the article is the threat of US tariffs that Donald Trump has been talking about. That might be a factor. 
- - Red dye #3 in the news: it's being banned from use in food in the USA because of a potential link to cancer. Meanwhile, Health Canada's stance right now according to the article below is that Red No. 3 does not pose a health risk to the general Canadian population at the levels set out in the  List of Permitted Food Colours... but "If new scientific data becomes available demonstrating... a human health risk... Health Canada will take action... " 

- - missing persons report from RCMP...  **FOUND SAFE
Codiac Regional RCMP is asking for help to locate 16-year-old (redacted) of Moncton... last seen January 8th around 4pm, near Lionel Street in Dieppe.  is five foot ten/ 110 pounds/ with hazel eyes and blond hair. Last seen wearing a grey jacket and tie-dye pants. If you have info please get in touch with Codiac RCMP at 506-857-2400.
-- Q League Hockey: Moncton Wildcats vs Charlottetown tonight at 7:00 at Avenir Centre. Cats play again Saturday at 4pm for a ❄️WHITEOUT❄️ Game (wear white!)
Note from Scotty to Wildcats: the first one through the doors on Saturday should get a free container of 'Wite-Out'. Call me, Wildcats Promotional Team I got a million ideas!

Info Links...
⛽ Gas... EUB current prices http://www.nbeub.ca/ ... Gas Buddy Price Comparison https://www.gasbuddy.com/GasPrices/New%20Brunswick/Moncton ... CAA Gas Resources https://www.caa.ca/gas-prices/
🏒🏈🏀⚽⚾ Sports... scores https://www.flashscore ...  Moncton Wildcats Q League Hockey https://chl.ca/lhjmq-wildcats ... Moncton AAA Flyers U18 Hockey https://nbpeimu18hl.ca/teams/flyers ... Ladies High School Hockey www.leaguelineup.com/cehockeyec ... Boys High School Hockey www.easternconferencehockey.com ... West Kent Steamers Jr A Hockey https://www.westkentsteamers.com ... High School Football https://www.gridironnewbrunswick.org/highschool.php
💰 Atlantic Lotto Winning Numbers... https://www.alc.ca/content/alc/en/winning-numbers.html
🩸 Donate Blood ... Moncton Blood Donation Centre Hours are Monday from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm ... Tuesday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm ... Wednesday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm ... Thursday from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm ... Friday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm ... 🩸 The Moncton donor centre is at at 500 Mapleton Road. ... 🩸 Get an appointment through the GiveBlood app (iphone) (android), call 1 888 2 DONATE (1-888-236-6283) or book at Blood.ca. ... 🩸 Check the CBS Moncton Facebook https://www.facebook.com/LifelineMoncton/