What's Trending Fri 17 Jan 2025


Weather...  mix of sun and cloud. Cold wind chills this morning. Later, High minus 4. 
- -  Gas prices: Gas was 163.5/ now it's 167.5/ UP FOUR CENTS. Diesel was 187.4/ now it's 194.6/ UP MORE THAN SEVEN CENTS! Furnace oil was 154.7/ now it's 161.5/ UP ALMOST SEVEN CENTS. see here https://www.scottyandtony.com/2023/09/gas-price-predictions-are-bit-of.html
-- Q League Hockey: Moncton Wildcats beat Charlottetown last night at Avenir Centre. Final score was Cats 5, Islanders 2 . Cats play again Saturday at 4pm for a ❄️WHITEOUT❄️ Game (wear white!)
Note from Scotty to Wildcats: the first one through the doors on Saturday should get a free container of 'Wite-Out'. Call me, Wildcats Promotional Team I got a million ideas!  
BTW, the Cats posted this on social media: "Due to high ticket demand, we will be opening seats in the bottom half of Sections 110 & 111 for the 4pm game vs Quebec." Expect a good crowd on Saturday.
A couple other stories...

Trump's Tariff Threat Creates 'Real Trouble' for New Brunswick's Snow Crab Industry
US pres Donald Trump takes office next week and his talk about tariffs on Canadian imports has New Brunswick snow crab producers concerned. Higher tariffs would ramp up costs to consumers and reduce demand... the NB Snow Crab industry is already facing challenges. Most Canadian premiers, including NB Premier Susan Holt, are joining forces to come up with a strategy to take on the tariff threat.
see https://www.cbc.ca/lite/story/1.7432826

Headsup: A Moncton event will be a part of Hockey Day in Canada on Saturday. The crew from "Skate for Tate" posted this on Facebook: "We are so excited to share that Tate and SKATE FOR TATE will be featured this SATURDAY during the 25th Annual Hockey Day in Canada!
During the first intermission of the Senators/Bruins game, our story will be broadcast for all of CANADA to see." see https://www.facebook.com/share/p/1A9QaAx56L/
Icymi, Skate for Tate was organized in memory of young Tate Hughes and became a coming together of community, and an event to support a kids hockey charity. 

🏫 Scotty and Tony's School News Page newcountry969.ca/school

💊 Health Care and E.R. Wait Times Resources https://www.evisitnb.ca/ and https://www.sowhywait.ca/ and https://horizonnb.ca/services/emergency-department/estimated-emergency-department-wait-times/ 
⛽ Gas... EUB current prices http://www.nbeub.ca/ ... Gas Buddy Price Comparison https://www.gasbuddy.com/GasPrices/New%20Brunswick/Moncton ... CAA Gas Resources https://www.caa.ca/gas-prices/
🏒🏈🏀⚽⚾ Sports... scores https://www.flashscore ...  Moncton Wildcats Q League Hockey https://chl.ca/lhjmq-wildcats ... Moncton AAA Flyers U18 Hockey https://nbpeimu18hl.ca/teams/flyers ... Ladies High School Hockey www.leaguelineup.com/cehockeyec ... Boys High School Hockey www.easternconferencehockey.com ... West Kent Steamers Jr A Hockey https://www.westkentsteamers.com ... High School Football https://www.gridironnewbrunswick.org/highschool.php
💰 Atlantic Lotto Winning Numbers... https://www.alc.ca/content/alc/en/winning-numbers.html
🩸 Donate Blood ... Moncton Blood Donation Centre Hours are Monday from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm ... Tuesday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm ... Wednesday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm ... Thursday from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm ... Friday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm ... 🩸 The Moncton donor centre is at at 500 Mapleton Road. ... 🩸 Get an appointment through the GiveBlood app (iphone) (android), call 1 888 2 DONATE (1-888-236-6283) or book at Blood.ca. ... 🩸 Check the CBS Moncton Facebook https://www.facebook.com/LifelineMoncton/