What a Weird Week gets you caught up on the odd and weird stories in the news this week.
See https://www.shownotes.page or search "What a Weird Week" where you get podcasts.
See https://www.shownotes.page or search "What a Weird Week" where you get podcasts.
Hi friends, I'm Scott and this is What a Weird Week, a lighthearted look at the odd, interesting, and weird stories in the news. See below for a transcript of the podcast episode. To subscribe, or for social media and more links, you can get everything at www.shownotes.page. These are the shownotes for Season 6, Ep 3 first published on Friday Jan 17 2025...
Swedish Stunt Man Fast Handlebar Wheelie Record
@nya.trafikskolan.skovde Handlebar wheelie at 202.67 km/h #worldrecord#motorcykel#snabbastivärlden#nyatrafikskolanskövde#handlebarwheelie#guinnessworldrecords#ktm#ktm1290superduke ♬ Danger Zone (From "Top Gun" Original Soundtrack) - Kenny Loggins
People as Dinosaurs Gathering World Record
World Record for the longest underwater walk with one breath
1 in 5 Online Job Postings Are Either Fake or Never Filled?!
Nut Job (Nutmobile pilot needed)
Marriage Annulled because bride thought it was a social media stunt
Large underpants study

Beware of the Pooch Smooch!
To Eat (your Christmas tree) or not?
First Time Ever?! Sound of PEI Meteorite captured!
@scottyhorsman charlottetown meteorite sounds like a bunch of lego bricks getting thrown out a window.
♬ original sound - scottyhorsman
Farmers use bear costume to battle cheeky monkeys
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Large underpants study. Well, no large study about underpants. Regular size underpants. What a weird week. Hi everybody, it's weird. This is like Crazy Boom Heel. Weird. Really weird. Bigfoot eats out of my trash. Well, I got a great joke for you. It was so wonderful. Weird stuff. Hi friends, I'm Scott and this is What a Weird Week. If you're new here.
It's a show where we count down 10 of the weird news stories from this past week. So we get you caught up on all the odd and weird news. You can get all the stories we talk about in more detail and look at pictures and that get our podcast stuff, our social media. Everything is at show notes that page. Get our show notes at show notes dot page. This is season six, episode three, first dropping on January 17th, twenty twenty five. Number 10.
Number 10 is the Swedish stunt rider who broke a Guinness World Record for going really fast while sitting on his motorcycle handlebars and doing a wheelie, popping a wheelie. So there's a lot to unpack there. You're going really fast, doing 125, almost 126 miles per hour while on the handlebars of your motorcycle and you're popping a wheelie. That almost doesn't seem possible.
You've got to see the video.
I don't know if we'd get a copyright strike there. I better not play. There's music in the background. It's a tick tock, but I mean motorcycle, the front wheel is in the air. The stunt rider is on the handlebars. It's almost like he's riding a unicycle. Really? It's kind of, that's the physics going on there. I guess. Congratulations, Magnus Carlson. Number nine is another world record involving the city of West Palm beach, Florida and the Cox science center and aquarium.
They set out to beat the world record for the most people dressed as a dinosaur in one place. They did it, you guys. They put out the invite and 468 people in one place dressed as a dinosaur. That's a brand new world record. I'm going to play a clip from the news. This is from WPBF25. I can't tell if they're being sincere, if they're proud of the dinosaur people or not. History was made tonight in downtown West Palm Beach. And what a history it was. The Coxsine Center Aquarium, with the help of the city of
West Palm has done the unthinkable, breaking the world record for the most people dressed as dinosaurs. So I'll link to that video in the show notes or go show notes.page. It looks to me from the video, most people, if you were wondering like, what does it take to set that world record? Some were wearing like some sort of plush or pajamas maybe, or you know, like a dinosaur onesie, but a lot of people are wearing those Halloween costumes where it's the blow up dinosaur. And you can't see with those things. So it's amazing no one got seriously injured.
They avoided serious injury and they set a world record. Most dinosaurs in one place. Well done West Palm beach. Next is our number eight story. If you get winded walking show of hands. Oh, it's just me. Okay. Well I get winded walking. I can't believe this world record, this Australian person just in the news record they set the strange walking world record. We'll do that one next.
catch you up on the weird news that happened this week. This is what a weird week. Number eight. Number eight is the Australian free diver who walked for 370, more than 370 feet underwater, the bottom of a swimming pool. That's a Guinness world record. The longest underwater walk with one breath. Congratulations, Amber Burke, 35 years old, has been doing it a long time. Please do not attempt this at home.
in your bathtub, kitchen sink, or perhaps you have a pool and where you live it is nice and warm pool weather. Anyway, do not attempt. This person was an expert, but for reference, the length of a football field is around 360 feet. So Amber walked further than a football field with one breath underwater. And the technique, it's hard to walk underwater. You got to, Amber has this technique where she bends at the waist and really leans into it.
If you're going to be an underwater walker. Number seven is kind of startling news. Have you ever looked for a job online? One of those online jobs, you know, on the internet. So anyway, here's the headline. One in five online job postings are either fake or never filled like on purpose. That according to a study, the numbers crunched by an employee hiring service called greenhouse. It would seem that either one in five job postings is completely fake or if it is a real job,
The company doesn't really care to fill that position. They've just posted that job. And why you ask? Cause I was like, why first I was like hackers obviously. And then I was like, Oh, AI obviously. And then I was like, uh, bugs in the system. No, the theory is that companies want to seem like they are hiring and that they are growing and it's all optics. That's the speculation why companies do this with fake job postings.
or post a job and then don't bother filling it. They're just more concerned that it seems like, you know, they're a growing company. There are a few other theories in the comments. I'll put a link in the show notes or go show notes dot page. Next we've got a job, a legit job that is not a fake posting and you could have it, but it's a nut job. I don't know how you feel about that, but legit is a nut job.
This is what a weird week. We catch you up on the weird and odd stuff from this week's news. Number six. Number six is the nut job we talked about. It's planters offering a job, $45,000 a year, health benefits, travel expenses, 401k. You drive the nut mobile around the United States of America. The article says if you didn't get the wiener mobile job, maybe this could be your sweet redemption. Got until February 14th to apply.
And some people in the comments are like, $45,000 American. No way. That's not enough. To me, the prestige of driving a giant nut around. 26 foot long peanut. You get to see the United States of America from behind the wheel of a giant rolling nut. It's a one year job. Starts in June. And I can't find anywhere, I'm in Canada, right? I can't find anywhere that it says you can't be outside the United States, but it does say you have to be able...
to work in the United States. You have to be legally allowed to work in the USA. 45 right now, I'm not sure if you're aware of the, uh, some of the friction going on between my country, Canada and the United States of America. But right now our dollar, like $45,000 United States dollars, I think that's like a million dollars Canadian right now. So definitely interested. I, there are some other things there. You can read the whole, like if you want to apply or read more about the job, there are, it is a bit of fine print.
Like I don't think you can have a nut allergy, you know, things like that. Anyway, show notes that page. If you want to read the whole thing. Number five is the wedding annulment that is making headlines because of the reason the judge ruled it wasn't a real wedding. The lady thought it was an Instagram stunt. So this Australian judge has annulled her marriage. She met a fellow. She's in her twenties. She met a fella in his thirties on an online dating deal and
They started to date. He invites her at some point. He invites her to a white party, where something white she does. She gets there. She's the only one wearing white. So she's like, what gives he's like, Oh, you know what we're going to do? Have a fake wedding. It's going to be hilarious. It's going to be great for my grams. This fellow has like seven at the time, 17,000 Instagram followers. So not enormous, but still
You would believe it, right? Let's do a stunt and blow up my Instagrams. I'm going to be a stunt fluencer. I think that's the term you guys, stunt fluencer. Anyway, all of it, we could fall for this. Any one of us could get married and think it was a prank because people be pranking all the time. You never know what's real. So anyway, it turned out it was a real wedding and the lady had to get it annulled. And the judge agreed.
It was all a, some sort of pretending to be a stunt, but a real wedding and this lady was not in on it. And so, annulment. All right, next number four, it's going to be controversial. If you own a pooch, this is not maybe great pooch news, but you might disagree with the study. We'll get into that next.
Weird news to odd news. This is what a weird week. Number four, number four, the controversial story about kissing your dog. Please don't at me. I do not have a dog. I have asthma. So the headline from the study finds folks, your pooches smooches could make you quite sick according to the study that they write up at study finds and we'll link to this in the show notes or click show notes dot page.
Dogs, even when dogs appear perfectly healthy, many dogs could be carrying antibiotic resistant salmonella. And so kissing your dog, that might be symbolically sharing affection and practically sharing salmonella. I don't know what the answer is. I don't have a dog, but shake a paw, maybe just settle for shake a paw. I'm going to stop there on this one. This is not a great news story, but
Might be some helpful information and you can get more if you click the show notes. Number three. All right. Number three. Do we need a trigger warning? It's about underpants. No, we don't. We're good. All right. Kids earmuffs. Underpants. A study commissioned by Haynes seems to indicate that certain generations lean into emergency underpants quite a bit. 60% of Gen Z's and almost 60% of millennials have an emergency pair of underpants handy. Just in case.
And if you want to know if you're normal underpants wise, on average, according to this study, people keep their underpants for three years. If you have underpants in your rotation older than three years, that's not average. I'll just put it that way. Also, your average American maintains four, count them, one, two, three, four, good pairs of underwear. That's the rotation. Four good ones and then the desperation ones, I guess.
Interesting study and we link to it in the show notes or click show notes dot page.
Next, the controversy that was making headlines, Belgium versus Sweden, and should I eat my Christmas tree?
This is What a Weird Week. We catch you up on the weird news and the odd news that happened this week. Number two is the Belgium versus Sweden. Should you eat your Christmas tree controversy? One day after Belgium officials gave a statement saying, don't eat your Christmas tree, Sweden came out and kind of said, no, eat your Christmas tree. Now when you unpack this a little bit more, the folks in Belgium were trying to warn people don't use the needles. Sometimes people make
different recipes using their Christmas tree needles. Well, commercially purchased Christmas trees are probably treated with stuff. Pesticides or some sort of plant protection, right? So Belgium was getting at that. Don't, you know, maybe you don't realize your tree might be sprayed with something. So then Sweden came out the next day and said, no, no, no, go ahead and eat your trees. Kind of. They agree with Belgium. Commercially purchased Christmas trees will probably be treated with something. Don't eat those.
But continue because I guess it's a custom in Sweden. I'm not sure what our metrics are. If you're tuned in in Sweden, please do reach out. Let me know about the eating of the tree needles because it's a custom. Sweden kind of wanted to defend that, but you're supposed to do it when the trees are young between May and June. It's when you harvest the needles. So that was kind of interesting little Christmas tree. Eat your Christmas tree controversy. Didn't get too heated. I think Belgium and Sweden still friends. That's nice.
Honorable mention, mention, mention. This week, our honorable mention goes to the Charlottetown meteorite. This is East Coast Canada, Prince Edward Island, where a fellow named Joe went out to walk his dog. When he got back, his front path had all this debris. To me, it looks like if you took a package of sidewalk chalk and just smashed it. But Joe was like, what the heck is going on? And there was a little indentation in his front walk.
So he goes to the security camera. It's a meteorite. He scoops up some of the stuff, sends it away. So it happened in the summer, but now it's official that it's a meteorite and it got its own official name. The Charlottetown meteorite, named after Charlottetown Prince Edward Island, Canada, North America, planet Earth. First of all, Joe was like, I was on that walk not that long ago. That thing could have hit me or something. That's kind of scary. Then the other thing is.
They think Joe is the first person to ever capture a recording of what it sounds like when a meteorite hits planet Earth. This is what it sounds like.
Yeah, so it sounds like, you know, something hitting the ground. But still, actually, it sounds like somebody just got fed up with a bunch of Legos and threw them out the window. We'll link to the thing if you want to watch the video of the meteorite hitting Joe's front walk, click show notes dot page. All right, next is our number one story of the week involving monkeys and bears.
you up on the weird news of the week this is what a weird week number one our number one story this week the headline from New York Post is fed up farmers in India have started wearing bear costumes to protect crops from monkeys it's a great headline the photos that accompany in the story also fantastic we'll link to all this in the show notes the bear costume is well it's more like a brown fur jumpsuit with a mask that
Seems like, are you familiar with the movie Donnie Darko? It seems like they're working in the same genre as the Donnie Darko bunny mask. It's creepy. Let's say super creepy. So you got these hardworking farmers working the land, right? And then the lousy stinking crop thieving monkeys that come in and get into the sugar cane and the mustard crops and the other crops. So the villagers all pooled their money. They got a bear costume and now the farmers take turns.
going on patrol dressed as a bear. It's got to be hot. It's a fur suit. It's a fur jumpsuit. It's got to be hot in there. I'm, I have so many questions. Did the villagers also chip in for some Febreze? Cause that thing is not going to smell great after a few, you know, maybe it's machine washable. I don't know. I don't want to make light of this. It is not easy being a farmer, working the land. And then monkeys, they're cheeky. It's right in the popular phrase, cheeky monkey, you know, but,
I feel like this could be, if we got a couple of those farmers in a room, along with Mr. Tim Burton, we could craft a pretty good Planet of the Apes movie. Bears fighting monkeys seems to, I feel like I would watch a movie where bears fight monkeys and maybe farmers are, I don't know. Anyway, let's work on that treatment. Let's report back here next week, same time, and we'll compare notes.
So that's it. That's all she wrote for this week. Appreciate your listening. And you know what? I don't often say this. I forget to, but thanks a lot for clicking the reviews, the five star reviews and all that. I do appreciate that. And the comments, thanks for leaving comments. If you want our show notes, you can go to show notes dot page, show notes dot page. Thank you to fun house radio. We are part of the weekend programming at fun house radio. You can find them online or click the button on our show notes page.
We'll catch you next weekend with more weird stuff on What a Weird Week.
Large underpants study. Well, no large study about underpants. Regular size underpants. What a weird week. Hi everybody, it's weird. This is like Crazy Boom Heel. Weird. Really weird. Bigfoot eats out of my trash. Well, I got a great joke for you. It was so wonderful. Weird stuff. Hi friends, I'm Scott and this is What a Weird Week. If you're new here.
It's a show where we count down 10 of the weird news stories from this past week. So we get you caught up on all the odd and weird news. You can get all the stories we talk about in more detail and look at pictures and that get our podcast stuff, our social media. Everything is at show notes that page. Get our show notes at show notes dot page. This is season six, episode three, first dropping on January 17th, twenty twenty five. Number 10.
Number 10 is the Swedish stunt rider who broke a Guinness World Record for going really fast while sitting on his motorcycle handlebars and doing a wheelie, popping a wheelie. So there's a lot to unpack there. You're going really fast, doing 125, almost 126 miles per hour while on the handlebars of your motorcycle and you're popping a wheelie. That almost doesn't seem possible.
You've got to see the video.
I don't know if we'd get a copyright strike there. I better not play. There's music in the background. It's a tick tock, but I mean motorcycle, the front wheel is in the air. The stunt rider is on the handlebars. It's almost like he's riding a unicycle. Really? It's kind of, that's the physics going on there. I guess. Congratulations, Magnus Carlson. Number nine is another world record involving the city of West Palm beach, Florida and the Cox science center and aquarium.
They set out to beat the world record for the most people dressed as a dinosaur in one place. They did it, you guys. They put out the invite and 468 people in one place dressed as a dinosaur. That's a brand new world record. I'm going to play a clip from the news. This is from WPBF25. I can't tell if they're being sincere, if they're proud of the dinosaur people or not. History was made tonight in downtown West Palm Beach. And what a history it was. The Coxsine Center Aquarium, with the help of the city of
West Palm has done the unthinkable, breaking the world record for the most people dressed as dinosaurs. So I'll link to that video in the show notes or go show notes.page. It looks to me from the video, most people, if you were wondering like, what does it take to set that world record? Some were wearing like some sort of plush or pajamas maybe, or you know, like a dinosaur onesie, but a lot of people are wearing those Halloween costumes where it's the blow up dinosaur. And you can't see with those things. So it's amazing no one got seriously injured.
They avoided serious injury and they set a world record. Most dinosaurs in one place. Well done West Palm beach. Next is our number eight story. If you get winded walking show of hands. Oh, it's just me. Okay. Well I get winded walking. I can't believe this world record, this Australian person just in the news record they set the strange walking world record. We'll do that one next.
catch you up on the weird news that happened this week. This is what a weird week. Number eight. Number eight is the Australian free diver who walked for 370, more than 370 feet underwater, the bottom of a swimming pool. That's a Guinness world record. The longest underwater walk with one breath. Congratulations, Amber Burke, 35 years old, has been doing it a long time. Please do not attempt this at home.
in your bathtub, kitchen sink, or perhaps you have a pool and where you live it is nice and warm pool weather. Anyway, do not attempt. This person was an expert, but for reference, the length of a football field is around 360 feet. So Amber walked further than a football field with one breath underwater. And the technique, it's hard to walk underwater. You got to, Amber has this technique where she bends at the waist and really leans into it.
If you're going to be an underwater walker. Number seven is kind of startling news. Have you ever looked for a job online? One of those online jobs, you know, on the internet. So anyway, here's the headline. One in five online job postings are either fake or never filled like on purpose. That according to a study, the numbers crunched by an employee hiring service called greenhouse. It would seem that either one in five job postings is completely fake or if it is a real job,
The company doesn't really care to fill that position. They've just posted that job. And why you ask? Cause I was like, why first I was like hackers obviously. And then I was like, Oh, AI obviously. And then I was like, uh, bugs in the system. No, the theory is that companies want to seem like they are hiring and that they are growing and it's all optics. That's the speculation why companies do this with fake job postings.
or post a job and then don't bother filling it. They're just more concerned that it seems like, you know, they're a growing company. There are a few other theories in the comments. I'll put a link in the show notes or go show notes dot page. Next we've got a job, a legit job that is not a fake posting and you could have it, but it's a nut job. I don't know how you feel about that, but legit is a nut job.
This is what a weird week. We catch you up on the weird and odd stuff from this week's news. Number six. Number six is the nut job we talked about. It's planters offering a job, $45,000 a year, health benefits, travel expenses, 401k. You drive the nut mobile around the United States of America. The article says if you didn't get the wiener mobile job, maybe this could be your sweet redemption. Got until February 14th to apply.
And some people in the comments are like, $45,000 American. No way. That's not enough. To me, the prestige of driving a giant nut around. 26 foot long peanut. You get to see the United States of America from behind the wheel of a giant rolling nut. It's a one year job. Starts in June. And I can't find anywhere, I'm in Canada, right? I can't find anywhere that it says you can't be outside the United States, but it does say you have to be able...
to work in the United States. You have to be legally allowed to work in the USA. 45 right now, I'm not sure if you're aware of the, uh, some of the friction going on between my country, Canada and the United States of America. But right now our dollar, like $45,000 United States dollars, I think that's like a million dollars Canadian right now. So definitely interested. I, there are some other things there. You can read the whole, like if you want to apply or read more about the job, there are, it is a bit of fine print.
Like I don't think you can have a nut allergy, you know, things like that. Anyway, show notes that page. If you want to read the whole thing. Number five is the wedding annulment that is making headlines because of the reason the judge ruled it wasn't a real wedding. The lady thought it was an Instagram stunt. So this Australian judge has annulled her marriage. She met a fellow. She's in her twenties. She met a fella in his thirties on an online dating deal and
They started to date. He invites her at some point. He invites her to a white party, where something white she does. She gets there. She's the only one wearing white. So she's like, what gives he's like, Oh, you know what we're going to do? Have a fake wedding. It's going to be hilarious. It's going to be great for my grams. This fellow has like seven at the time, 17,000 Instagram followers. So not enormous, but still
You would believe it, right? Let's do a stunt and blow up my Instagrams. I'm going to be a stunt fluencer. I think that's the term you guys, stunt fluencer. Anyway, all of it, we could fall for this. Any one of us could get married and think it was a prank because people be pranking all the time. You never know what's real. So anyway, it turned out it was a real wedding and the lady had to get it annulled. And the judge agreed.
It was all a, some sort of pretending to be a stunt, but a real wedding and this lady was not in on it. And so, annulment. All right, next number four, it's going to be controversial. If you own a pooch, this is not maybe great pooch news, but you might disagree with the study. We'll get into that next.
Weird news to odd news. This is what a weird week. Number four, number four, the controversial story about kissing your dog. Please don't at me. I do not have a dog. I have asthma. So the headline from the study finds folks, your pooches smooches could make you quite sick according to the study that they write up at study finds and we'll link to this in the show notes or click show notes dot page.
Dogs, even when dogs appear perfectly healthy, many dogs could be carrying antibiotic resistant salmonella. And so kissing your dog, that might be symbolically sharing affection and practically sharing salmonella. I don't know what the answer is. I don't have a dog, but shake a paw, maybe just settle for shake a paw. I'm going to stop there on this one. This is not a great news story, but
Might be some helpful information and you can get more if you click the show notes. Number three. All right. Number three. Do we need a trigger warning? It's about underpants. No, we don't. We're good. All right. Kids earmuffs. Underpants. A study commissioned by Haynes seems to indicate that certain generations lean into emergency underpants quite a bit. 60% of Gen Z's and almost 60% of millennials have an emergency pair of underpants handy. Just in case.
And if you want to know if you're normal underpants wise, on average, according to this study, people keep their underpants for three years. If you have underpants in your rotation older than three years, that's not average. I'll just put it that way. Also, your average American maintains four, count them, one, two, three, four, good pairs of underwear. That's the rotation. Four good ones and then the desperation ones, I guess.
Interesting study and we link to it in the show notes or click show notes dot page.
Next, the controversy that was making headlines, Belgium versus Sweden, and should I eat my Christmas tree?
This is What a Weird Week. We catch you up on the weird news and the odd news that happened this week. Number two is the Belgium versus Sweden. Should you eat your Christmas tree controversy? One day after Belgium officials gave a statement saying, don't eat your Christmas tree, Sweden came out and kind of said, no, eat your Christmas tree. Now when you unpack this a little bit more, the folks in Belgium were trying to warn people don't use the needles. Sometimes people make
different recipes using their Christmas tree needles. Well, commercially purchased Christmas trees are probably treated with stuff. Pesticides or some sort of plant protection, right? So Belgium was getting at that. Don't, you know, maybe you don't realize your tree might be sprayed with something. So then Sweden came out the next day and said, no, no, no, go ahead and eat your trees. Kind of. They agree with Belgium. Commercially purchased Christmas trees will probably be treated with something. Don't eat those.
But continue because I guess it's a custom in Sweden. I'm not sure what our metrics are. If you're tuned in in Sweden, please do reach out. Let me know about the eating of the tree needles because it's a custom. Sweden kind of wanted to defend that, but you're supposed to do it when the trees are young between May and June. It's when you harvest the needles. So that was kind of interesting little Christmas tree. Eat your Christmas tree controversy. Didn't get too heated. I think Belgium and Sweden still friends. That's nice.
Honorable mention, mention, mention. This week, our honorable mention goes to the Charlottetown meteorite. This is East Coast Canada, Prince Edward Island, where a fellow named Joe went out to walk his dog. When he got back, his front path had all this debris. To me, it looks like if you took a package of sidewalk chalk and just smashed it. But Joe was like, what the heck is going on? And there was a little indentation in his front walk.
So he goes to the security camera. It's a meteorite. He scoops up some of the stuff, sends it away. So it happened in the summer, but now it's official that it's a meteorite and it got its own official name. The Charlottetown meteorite, named after Charlottetown Prince Edward Island, Canada, North America, planet Earth. First of all, Joe was like, I was on that walk not that long ago. That thing could have hit me or something. That's kind of scary. Then the other thing is.
They think Joe is the first person to ever capture a recording of what it sounds like when a meteorite hits planet Earth. This is what it sounds like.
Yeah, so it sounds like, you know, something hitting the ground. But still, actually, it sounds like somebody just got fed up with a bunch of Legos and threw them out the window. We'll link to the thing if you want to watch the video of the meteorite hitting Joe's front walk, click show notes dot page. All right, next is our number one story of the week involving monkeys and bears.
you up on the weird news of the week this is what a weird week number one our number one story this week the headline from New York Post is fed up farmers in India have started wearing bear costumes to protect crops from monkeys it's a great headline the photos that accompany in the story also fantastic we'll link to all this in the show notes the bear costume is well it's more like a brown fur jumpsuit with a mask that
Seems like, are you familiar with the movie Donnie Darko? It seems like they're working in the same genre as the Donnie Darko bunny mask. It's creepy. Let's say super creepy. So you got these hardworking farmers working the land, right? And then the lousy stinking crop thieving monkeys that come in and get into the sugar cane and the mustard crops and the other crops. So the villagers all pooled their money. They got a bear costume and now the farmers take turns.
going on patrol dressed as a bear. It's got to be hot. It's a fur suit. It's a fur jumpsuit. It's got to be hot in there. I'm, I have so many questions. Did the villagers also chip in for some Febreze? Cause that thing is not going to smell great after a few, you know, maybe it's machine washable. I don't know. I don't want to make light of this. It is not easy being a farmer, working the land. And then monkeys, they're cheeky. It's right in the popular phrase, cheeky monkey, you know, but,
I feel like this could be, if we got a couple of those farmers in a room, along with Mr. Tim Burton, we could craft a pretty good Planet of the Apes movie. Bears fighting monkeys seems to, I feel like I would watch a movie where bears fight monkeys and maybe farmers are, I don't know. Anyway, let's work on that treatment. Let's report back here next week, same time, and we'll compare notes.
So that's it. That's all she wrote for this week. Appreciate your listening. And you know what? I don't often say this. I forget to, but thanks a lot for clicking the reviews, the five star reviews and all that. I do appreciate that. And the comments, thanks for leaving comments. If you want our show notes, you can go to show notes dot page, show notes dot page. Thank you to fun house radio. We are part of the weekend programming at fun house radio. You can find them online or click the button on our show notes page.
We'll catch you next weekend with more weird stuff on What a Weird Week.