Blue Monday and Mental Health Check-in: Help is available. Here's some info...


Blue Monday is what they call the day in January (usually the third Monday of the month) that's supposedly the most depressing day of the year. Truth is, there's not a lot of science behind that day being selected. ANY DAY might be your Blue Monday.

If your mental wellness is suffering, or if someone you know needs help, here is a list of phone numbers and websites where you can find that help. People are ready to listen and provide support.

- if it is a mental health emergency call 911
- for the Suicide Crisis Hotline, dial or text 988, or see
- Atlantic Wellness Community Centre: 506-382-0298 or CLICK HERE
- Chimo Helpline for Suicide Prevention: call 1-800-667-5005 in NB or Click
- Kids' Help Line: 1-800-668-6868 or Click
- Tele-care: 811
- CLICK HERE for a big list of  phone numbers to get Mental Health help
- CLICK HERE and also HERE for a big list of links to Horizon Health Mental Wellness Resources 
- Check 211 NB if you have questions about: accessing food, mental health support, or other non-emergency programs or services. Call 211 or CLICK.
- For a big list of local churches click HERE 
- Resources for ANYWHERE in Canada HERE