What's Trending: Some stories in the news today


Here are links to the stuff we talked about:

Weather: some ice pellets today, special weather statement tomorrow https://weather.gc.ca/en/location/index.html?coords=46.091,-64.791

Seclusion Rooms in School https://www.cbc.ca/lite/story/1.7405339

RCMP Stuff-a-Squad-Car https://www.facebook.com/rcmpnb/posts/981904710633576  

Anglo East Fill the Bus https://www.scottyandtony.com/2024/12/fill-bus-2024-from-anglophone-east.html

Wildcats Teddy Bear Todd Game is Friday night! see HERE

Here's a transcript of our morning news:

Good morning, Tony's out sick today. I'm Scott. Here are some of the stories we're tracking. Got a little bit of ice pellet action in the forecast today. So today's weather flurries changing to ice pellets with a high of minus one. And then we have a special weather statement for Moncton and area. This is about a storm hitting us Wednesday into Thursday, a rainstorm, strong winds, 25 millimeters of rain. Couple other stories. Seclusion rooms in our schools making news. Kelly Lamrock, New Brunswick's child, youth, and seniors advocate says in a report that came out Monday,

This is a quote, it's time to stop normalizing breaking the law. And he is referring to spaces in schools meant to give students who feel overwhelmed a safe and calm environment outside of their classroom. The gist of this story, my takeaway is that Lamrock says seclusion rooms aren't governed by any current laws and that needs to change. If you want the whole story, that is just my paraphrase, but you can click the link on the Scotty and Tony blog for the whole thing.

Got a note from Codiak RCMP. They will be at Sobeys on Vaughan Harvey today from four to seven this evening to stuff a cruiser. They collect food and monetary donations. This time around, it's for the Peter McKee Community Center. They do food drives in a number of communities across the province. So if you see them at a grocery store, that is likely what is happening. And also Anglo East fill the bus continues. So every school in Anglophone East is collecting food to help hungry people. And you can...

Click our Scotty and Tony blog for more details on fill the bus and to queue league hockey, Moncton Wildcats, a couple of games at Avenir Center this weekend, Friday and Saturday. Just a reminder that Friday night, if you're going to the game against Bathurst, it is teddy bear toss night. We'll put a link with more details on the Scotty and Tony blog, Scotty and Tony.com.