What a Weird Week Fri Dec 6 2024: Old Birds and Chocolate Bars


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Hi friends, I'm Scott and this is What a Weird Week, a show about the weird stuff in the news. See below for a transcript of the podcast episode. To subscribe to the podcast or for social media and more links, you can get everything at www.shownotes.page. These are the shownotes for Season 5, Ep 49 first published on Friday Dec 6 2024. Here are this week's stories...

Australian restaurant sets Guinness World Record with 1,212-pound kebab
Man receives $2.53 compensation for smooth Mars bar missing its signature ripple
Cryptocurrency entrepreneur eats $6.2 million banana art after purchasing it at auction
@dailymail A crypto mogul has devoured the $6.2 million banana art he purchased — and now he’s promised to buy 100,000 more bananas from the vendor who sold the original fruit to the artist. Justin Sun made global headlines for buying a provocative artwork by Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan last week. The piece — dubbed the ‘most expensive fruit in the world’ — featured a 35-cent banana duct-taped to a wall. The 74-year-old fruit vendor who sold the banana for 35 cents to the artist outside Sotheby’s auction house in New York was stunned to learn how much the humble fruit fetched. To ease the vendor's shock, Sun pledged to buy tens of thousands more bananas and distribute them ‘free worldwide’ through his stand, ‘while supplies last.’ #art #banana #crypto #news ♬ News - yagobeats

Miller High Life Introduces Dive Bar-Scented Perfume

Guilt tipping is real and bad for  business.

Blank white canvas valued at over $1.5 million to be auctioned in Germany

Loch Ness Monster Mystery: Expert Suggests 'Standing Waves' Could Be Behind Sightings

Cow Fart Reduction: Feeding grazing cattle seaweed can reduce methane emissions by almost 40%
Underwater Man: "I think I'm still married"

Oldest Bird known to science has laid an egg (74 years young!)

Transcript below...

Giant kebabs and smooth Mars bars. Oh, the humanity. What a weird week. Hi, everybody. It's weird. This is like crazy new healing. Really weird. Well, I got a great show for you today. What's so wonderful? Oh, it's tough. Hi, friends. I'm Scott, and this is what a weird week. If you're new here, we're a show that at the end of the week, we recap all the weird stuff that happened in the news. So you don't even have to keep track.

We got you covered. New episodes drop every weekend. If you want show notes, podcast stuff, everything we talk about in more detail, go to shownotes.page, shownotes.page. Here we go, this is season five and I can't remember the episode number, but dropping on Friday, December the 6th, 2024. 10. A giant kebab made news this week. King Kebab House in New South Wales cooked like 1200 pounds of kebab meat.

And they made, they set a world record for the biggest kebab in the world. Now I pronounce it kebab. If you pronounce it kebab, I'll throw in a couple of kebabs as well. Kebab, kebab, kebab. They had to put out 300 feet of table, like line up tables for 300 feet to hold all that kebab, kebab. You guys world record.

We'll put a photo in the show notes. Nine. Number nine is the fellow who got a smooth Mars bar and contacted the company and got a two pound voucher for his trouble. So if you're unfamiliar with the Mars bar, the article says the Mars bar, known as a Milky Way in the United States. And I don't believe that to be true. They're very similar, but they're different bars. Here in Canada, we do have the Mars bar, Milky Way bar very similar. You got nougat, you got delicious caramel and chocolate, and

Usually that Mars bar has some kind of wavy pattern on top of it, you know in the chocolate and this fellow got a smooth one We'll put a photo in the show notes, but the photo will make you hungry you guys hungry for Mars bars So be careful where you're at where you're tuned in if perhaps you can't purchase a Mars bar You're just gonna want a Mars bar. That's my prediction. So this fellow a British fellow Opens up the Mars bar. It's smooth. I should say he didn't contact the company like I'm gonna

get a lawyer and we're taking this right to the Supreme Court. It wasn't that he contacted the company. He wanted to know, hey, what happened? Is this the way Mars bars are going to be now? Why did I get a smooth one? And they rather than give him an explanation, just gave him a two pound voucher. They do in the article, quote some experts who say maybe in the blowing process, maybe that bar missed the blower. So that is a thing.

I assume it's a machine, maybe at some, you know, maybe the handmade chocolate companies, it's a person who blows on the chocolate. I'm not sure. That would be an interesting job to be a chocolate assembly line blower. But anyway, the bar, I assume it's to spread the chocolate or to cool the chocolate, something like that. And the blowing process, as the bar goes through, the blowing also creates ripples in the chocolate. And so the commenters on the article say.

Probably this bar didn't go through the blowing process and that might solve that mystery.

Okay, that's 10 and 9 already, just like that. Number 8 is up next. Hopefully the last time we'll talk about this very, very famous banana.

This is What a Weird Week, a show about the weird news of the week. Eight. Number eight is the six point something million dollar banana. The art installment that is a banana duct taped to the wall. Well it was. So it made headlines when some artist said, I'm going to duct tape a banana to the wall. And then it made headlines when somebody else came along and ate that banana. And then it made headlines again when a replacement banana was duct taped to the wall. And then it made headlines.

when it sold at auction for $6.2 million, something like that, and now the fellow who bought it, Justin's son, ate it. He ate the $6 million banana. I don't know, you guys. I'm not a huge banana fan. I mean, I know they're supposed to be good for me and all that stuff, and I guess the big question here is how did it taste? Would a $6 million banana taste better than a regular old banana that you find in a tree? Or at the grocery store?

I don't think so. As a matter of fact, this banana has been handled so much and duct taped so much, I don't know if it would taste good at all. I'm not a banana expert. I don't find bananas that appealing. Hey? 7. Number 7 is the Miller High Life. Oh, please enjoy responsibly all that stuff. This is one of those things, a publicity stunt or a way to get the brand out there, cut through the noise. During the holidays, Miller High Life has introduced a dive bar scented.

Perfume. So it is called Miller Highlife Dive Barfume. You wanna cut through the noise, you wanna get some publicity for your Miller Highlife, and then you propose a name like Miller Highlife Dive Barfume? Is that really what we're going with? Barfume! Who am I to judge, right? First of all, don't consume alcohol, and I have asthma, so perfume not tops on my list. Dive bars?

You know, they're a nice place to hide out when you're when the heat's on, I guess. I don't know. I'm not qualified for any of this. Let me just read the story. Miller High Life launched their perfume Miller High Life Dive Barfume. They say it captures the sense of a neighborhood dive bar, including notes of cedarwood, tobacco, leather and sea salt.

I mean, I know they had to put some work into this. They didn't just throw a bunch of chemicals together and shake it up and say, let's see if this, see how this one plays. Sea salt, an interesting choice. $60. There's a limited amount available. I'll link to all the stuff, but again, please enjoy responsibly. I know it's perfume, but you know, when we mentioned Miller High Life, I think we're supposed to say, please enjoy responsibly. And when we mentioned any kind of dive bar scented perfume, also enjoy that responsibly.

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Next we'll get into this article that made headlines this week, Something about the new way we tip is not good for business. That is coming up!

This is What A Weird Week, a show about the weird news of the week. The thing about tipping from steady finds research shows that, you know, how you go to a place now more and more places, it'll ask you for a tip if you go to pay with your card. And sometimes they'll hand you the thing through the drive through window and you'll go to tap and they'll be like, oh, no, you got to got to do the tip first. Then you can tap or whatever. Sometimes that occurs. Well, we will tip more when that happens, when somebody is watching you, according to the research, will tip.

more money. It's called guilt tipping. When you feel like you're being watched, you're going to tip more. But then also, the other side of that is we are less likely to go back to that place and we are less likely to recommend it to others. There's more on that research and that we link to the whole article if you want to click the show notes or go show notes dot page. But that's kind of the big takeaway for me is the will tip more. We do not like to tip more.

and we may not go back to the place. Five. I do not understand art, and sometimes it frightens me. A white, a blank white canvas valued at over one and a half million dollars will be auctioned off in Germany. A work by Robert Reiman. It's from 1970, so you know, it's got some age to it, but it is a blank white canvas. The artist passed away a few years ago, and other works, similar works.

have sold for millions of dollars. I don't think I said art, you know, I don't understand it and sometimes it scares me. I don't think I'd be frightened of the white canvas. I'm talking about, you know, when sad clowns are the subject in the painting. You know, sometimes I find those to be frightening. The thing in the article says the viewer is challenged to become the creator of the art. So when you stare at this blank canvas, you're supposed to, I guess, fill that in with your mind.

I mean, people pay millions of dollars for this, so I'm no art critic and all that. Not going to weigh in. I don't have 1.5 million to spend on a blank canvas, but I do have $9. And where I live, I can go to a store and get a blank canvas for around $9. So I could kind of make my own replica. Maybe we should do a break right here. Some music right here. And then we're back with more weird.

This is what a weird week. You don't have to keep up with the weird news. We got you covered. Four. This one, I like discovery stories, especially when it's a youngster who discovers something and now they'll have a story to tell until they're old and gray. The nine-year-old boy who discovered the 60,000-year-old Neanderthal hand axe. This was in England, West Sussex. This story began three years ago. The young fellow was playing on a beach and he found this thing.

It's like described as a shiny Flint stone. So the young fellow kept it at home for three years and then went to a museum, saw a Stone Age exhibition and thought that's close to what I found on the beach that time. And now it has been confirmed, it made headlines. Experts at the museum say it is a Neanderthal artifact dating to the late middle Paleo, whatever, one of those eras, you know, I'll link to the details of it but.

Young fellow finds old thing. That's the story. Show notes dot page three. Oh boy, you guys, the Loch Ness Monster mystery solved. Maybe. Not sure if you're a true believer. Perhaps you are not. But and this might make you happy then if you're not a true believer. So the Loch Ness Monster, we all know, is some sort of weird creature that was photographed or was it. Some weird things have been photographed in Loch Ness and some weird photographs have been faked. But now a fellow.

an expert says, I think I've got an idea now I'm paraphrasing. I think I know what it could be. Standing waves. So this has to do with wave, you know, if you're a wave scientist, frequency, amplitude, whatever. But essentially, it's when a couple of boats cause a wake and the frequencies line up and it makes the waves look humpy. Those are standing waves. And they didn't in the article. They don't say it makes the waves look humpy, but it does. It makes the waves look humpy.

That is the what is happening, the phenomenon, the standing waves. And now this fellow thinks he got some footage of standing waves and he was like, holy moly, that kind of looks like some sort of Loch Ness monster situation. Again, that's me paraphrasing, but... And that could be it, you guys. It could be solved. It might just be this weird wave phenomenon. Standing waves, or... Let's... let's say it one more time. Humpy waves.

Up next is a cure for global warming maybe or certainly something to make the air fresher around cattle.

This is what a weird week we catch you up on the weird news of the week. Okay, this one, I don't know if it's PG 13. I don't think so, but it, it's a bit lewd. It involves cows passing gas. Cow farts will probably say the word fart a few times here. The article talks about emissions from livestock, but we're just going to call it what it is. Cow farts. Hey, is that all right? This has got to it. Cow farts. And so feeding a livestock,

Seaweed may reduce the cow fart situation and save us all you guys this could help Climate change this could help air pollution or whatever, you know raising cattle does cause methane emissions And now University of California did a study and so via seaweed We're on our way to a better world with less cow farts. Would it work for humans? Hey, we all know somebody who needs some of this seaweed this miracle seaweed juice

We are on our way to the number one story of the week, next!

This is What a Weird Week. That's the name of the show. It also may describe the last seven days. We are a program about weird news. Honorable Mentioned. Just before our number one story, a few honorable mentions that we will link to in the show notes. One headline from the New York Post is, I'm living underwater for months to break a record. I think I'm still married. This is a fellow in Germany trying to break the Guinness World Record for the most time spent underwater.

in a fixed habitat. And we'll link to it. He thinks he's still married. Not to a mermaid. To a human on dry land. Honorable mention to... The other one, I don't know how much I can mention of this, but it is weird. And I'll put the link in the show notes. PG-13 though, it's about a lady who is making headlines. She got a surgery I didn't know you could get that restores your... You know, let's say you...

you have loved before and you want it to seem as though you've never loved before. There's a surgery you can get for that and it cost $19,000 American. This article is about that lady. There, I think I said it without saying it. Hooray! One. Number one is something, a story that doesn't hatch every day. I'll tell you that much. This is the oldest known bird in the world living in the wild.

An albatross that's 74 years old in Hawaii has laid an egg. Albatrosses, I didn't know any of this stuff, it's all in the article. Albatrosses mate for life. One spouse. They also lay one egg per year. Now this albatross, her name is Wisdom, they've been tracking for a number of years, and they thought there would be no more eggs for Wisdom. As I mentioned, albatrosses, one spouse, you know, they mate for life. Mr. Wisdom hasn't been seen.

for a number of years and now Mrs. Wisdom has found a new beau, it would seem, has remarried. So I guess congratulations, Wisdom. 1956 was when Wisdom got banded and they began researching and tracking Wisdom the Albatross. So that was the year Blueberry Hill by Fats Domino was a big one. I like to imagine a world where the scientists are grooving to Blueberry Hill by Fats Domino while they're putting a band on.

wisdom the albatross, never knowing that in the year 2024, when Taylor Swift is on everybody's Spotify wrapped, that same albatross would lay another egg. What a weird world. What a weird week. Okay, that's it. If you want to get our show notes, go shownotes.page. All the podcast stuff is there as well at our social media. And if you want to get in touch somehow, even a link to leave a review, if you want to do that, appreciate the stars, the...

diamonds the plus signs whatever for reviews and thank you to fun house radio where you can tune in enjoy their programming every weekend we are part of that programming fun house radio online or ask your smart speaker to play fun house radio we'll catch you next weekend with more weird stuff on what a weird week