RMS Crafty Craft Fair Sun Dec 8th! #RiverviewMiddleSchool #Fundraiser


Riverview Middle School's Crafty Craft Fair happens Sunday Dec 8th at the school (45 Devere Rd off Pine Glen).
Hours: 9a to 10a is the Senior and Sensory hour, then open to the gen pop from 10a to 4p.
Admission is a donation for the grad class or a non-perishable food donation!
Facebook event LINK.

- A chance to shop for holiday gifts AND support the Grade 8's class trip to Montreal and Ottawa!
- Tables are still available for vendors/ cost is $50 (see their poster)
- Christmas wreaths! Christmas baskets! Goodies! 

From their Facebook:
"We will have:
Lots of fresh evergreen planters, wreaths, lawn decor, garlands. Fresh cut live Christmas Trees.
Multiple vendor tables. Indoor holiday centrepieces, tree ornaments, holiday signs, stockings, raffle tables. Novelty items: NHL, Grinch, Marvel, Star Wars. Quebec maple syrup. LOTS AND LOTS TO CHOOSE FROM!!!! Canteen and bake sale available!!! Come support the Grade 8 RMS students.
Cash preferred, etransfer available. Location: Riverview Middle School
Date: Sunday December 8/24 from 10-4.
*senior and sensory hour from 0900-1000*
Cost: non-perishable food item for Food Bank or donation to RMS Grad Trip.
Want to pre-order a Holiday Broom Wreath or Holiday Planter at a discount?
Orders are collected now until December 4/24.
Order details: go to: schoolcashonline.com (RMS Holiday Broom Wreath and Holiday Planter.)
Pick up details: orders will be ready for pick up on Sunday December 8/24 from 9-4 at RMS.
Portion of proceeds from fundraiser will also support Food bank and local charity."