What a Weird Week Fri Aug 9, 2024: 10 Weird Things that happened this week, such as "Dog Chews His Way to a Fire".

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Hi friends, I'm Scott and this is What a Weird Week, a show about the weird stuff from this week's news. See below for a transcript of the podcast episode. To subscribe to the podcast or for social media and more links, you can get everything at www.shownotes.page. These are the shownotes for Season 5, Ep 32 first published on Friday Aug 9, 2024. Here are this week's stories...
❿ The high you get from bargain shopping lasts 3.5 hours!?

❾ Seagull steals man's wallet from grocery store parking lot

❽ Spontaneous Chewing Combustion 

❼ Apollo the Parrot names names!

❻Broken Shoelace... ... record... broken shoelace record!

❺ Bluey Coin Theft Story...

❹ Black Clothing Ban
❸ Dolce & Gabbana's new dog perfume

❷ Crab found snapping at snacks inside vending machine in Iowa

🍅 Lake Erie alligator eludes capture...

❶ "Bad at Shimmy Shammy" still remains a top cause for marital strife
Scroll down for a transcript🠋 
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 EPISODE TRANSCRIPT: (powered by Riverside.fm) (is it still transcribing? maybe!)
More seagull organized crime and that dog that chewed his way to a fire. The dog's okay, you guys. What a weird week. Hi friends. I'm Scott. And this is what a weird week. It's a show where we catch you up on all the weird stuff that happened this past week. We do a top 10 of the weird news.

If you want show notes or to subscribe to our podcast, all those social media links, you can go to shownotes.page, shownotes.page. Here we go, season five, episode 32, first published Friday, August 9th, 2024. 10. The high you get from bargain shopping lasts three hours and something. This is from Study Finds, pretty big study. I think 2000 people were surveyed

bargain shopping and that rush you get from getting a good deal. The study gets into different things like how much we love to brag about a good deal that we got and stuff like that. But one of the takeaways was, and you guys, I'm on the wagon there, so I don't drink the booze or partake of the stuff, you know. And so that seems like a long time, three and a half hours of post-bargain bliss. The high you get from bargain shopping.

I guess there are some highs that last longer, but three and a half hours. Plus you're getting, you're saving money on something. Maybe a wonderful outfit that you can wear around the house while you're enjoying your post-bargain bliss. We'll link to the whole thing if you want to check it out. The show notes, maybe you're not a bargain shopper and it's a mystery to you. This might be enlightening. Nine.

Another organized seagull crime ring. If you caught last week's episode, we talked about the, there was a seagull making headlines for stealing chips or crisps. This week it's straight cash. Although not exactly. This happened in Massachusetts, a fellow in a parking lot of a grocery store going to his vehicle, you know, going across the parking lot and doesn't have pockets. So his wallet is there on the top part of the cart, whatever, top shelf.

loads groceries in the vehicle, looks up, a seagull is there on the cart, grabs a wallet, flies off. And then they have surveillance video, we'll link to this in the show notes, the seagull is going through the wallet, doesn't want the cash, wants the credit card. There goes some money coming out of it. Is seen, it's captured on video going through and getting the credit card and the license and stuff. So this fellow goes cash, he just wants his license back.

He wants his credit card back, another victim of seagull crime. Organized, it seems. Seagull crime. There's a bird out there, there's another seagull who knows this isn't right. It's not right to steal. And this message is for you, seagull. The man is offering a hundred dollar reward. He can buy a lot of delicious french fries. Anyway, seagulls, come on. We want your information, not your name. Come forward.

Hang on, up next, that famous dog made headlines for chewing and causing a fire. Your dog's okay.

Thanks for listening to what a weird week. We're a show about all the weird news that happened this week. Eight. This one made headlines a lot, picked up a lot. Every major news org, the Oklahoma dog that started a hot, caught a house on fire by chewing on a battery. This is another one where they have footage. The dog is on camera in the dog bed, just having a pleasant chew, but it happens to be on a lithium ion battery. And then the dog bed caught on fire.

Dogs and cats were involved in this. Maybe the cat made the dog do it. It seems clear to me that this was not a setup in that it's the cat did it and then tried to blame the dog. I have insinuated that occurs. I'm pretty sure that occurs sometimes, but this is a case where it's clear the dog was chewing on that battery thing, caught on fire. Dogs and a cat were able to escape through the dog door. No animals, no humans were injured, but scary.

Worst chew toy ever. Eh? Like, that can't be good chewing on the lithium ion battery. That's probably not good. But then the fact any chew toy that starts a fire, come on, chew toy industry, you need to do better. Here's a little bit of the video. I call it spontaneous chewing combustion. And you guys, serious question. Did I just come up with a genius name? Just recently, a home fire in the Tulsa area was sparked by a...

pet chewing through the housing of a portable lithium ion battery intended for charging cell phones. Many individuals keep these batteries within their homes for convenience, unaware of the potential dangers they pose. Got a record breaking parrot at number seven. This is Apollo, the parrot breaking records and taking names, baby. What's this called? Sock? That's right, sock. Actually, it's breaking records and saying names.

You want to earn a pistachio? You got to answer four questions. You get a pistachio. What's this called? Book. Yes, book. That's right. Good boy. What's this called? That's right. Wario. Good job. What's this? Cork. Yes, Cork. Good job, Apollo. This is pistachio. So that video is about 19 hours long and it's just Apollo the parrot naming things. What? 19? Oh, it, it only seemed like 19 hours.

I'm kidding Apollo. Listen, once you're clever and you're a world record holder, people like me are going to start to feel jealous and become Weisenheimers. Apollo is famous on TikTok and has the Guinness world record for successfully identifying 12 objects in three minutes. Congratulations Apollo.

Hang on next, a very long shoelace, a fascinating shoelace is our next story. The art of the tease. Hey you guys, I just said what it was. No tease.

Thanks for listening to What a Weird Week, we do weird news, weird news, weird news. Six. Very long shoelace made headlines this past week, but like very long, you guys. Insanely long, 2,700 and some feet, more than half a mile of shoelace. That is a world record breaker. This is a museum in Missouri. They broke the record for the most people in one place wearing underpants on their head.

Then, just last week's episode, we talked about how that record got snatched away from the City Museum. Somebody on America's Got Talent convinced the entire studio audience to wear underpants on their heads. And that broke the record. So now the City Museum has a giant shoelace record. It's your move, America's Got Talent! This was really an interesting record to break. It kind of pays homage to the history of the place. So the City Museum...

is also a location where there used to be the International Shoe Company. The International Shoe Company building is there. So the museum teamed up with the folks from the shoelace factory and were able to use some of the old shoelace making equipment. Kablami, you've got yourself a very long shoelace. One of the things that's so fantastic about this record and the Guinness Book of World Records, folks, is if you make the longest shoelace in the world,

One of the things you have to do to prove it's the longest shoelace in the world is you have to use it to tie a shoe. Now they didn't use an enormous shoe, which was my hope. I'll link to the video in the show notes or you can click show notes dot page. They used a traditional sized shoe, but laced the shoelace through it to prove it was really a shoelace that could function as a shoelace. I was hoping maybe pack up the shoelace.

Head to New York, Statue of Liberty, something like that. I don't know. A giant sneaker on the Statue of Liberty laced up with the biggest lace in the world. That would have been pretty cool. This is also pretty cool. Five. Hello to our friends in Australia. Number five is one of your stories. Thank you for liking, subscribing, five star reviews. In Australia, in the news, the Bluey coin heist. Now Bluey is a dog, cartoon dog.

Well, it's the name of the show. Bluey is the star of the show, but...

It's a children's show or a family show where it's heartwarming and well loved. They were celebrating Bluey by releasing actual dollar coins commemorating Bluey. That was scheduled to happen. They weren't supposed to hit the general circulation until next month. Meanwhile, these dollar coins, I should say, if where you live, you don't have coins like in Canada, we got rid of the dollar bill. So here we have the dollar coin.

Every so often they'll come out with one that commemorates whatever a hockey player or something like that the Zamboni You can get that dollar coin with the Zamboni on it or whatever So that's what was going on here with bluey commemorating bluey They're worth a dollar but collectors would pay more than that, right? So these coins were at a warehouse in a truck Waiting to be shipped to or transported to a storage facility I assume with more a couple more locks on the door or whatever

the storage facility. So anyway, allegedly this warehouse employee saw an opportunity. 600,000 Australian dollars worth of Bluey coins gone. Dare I say, kablooey. That's kind of the gist of it. There are some nice photos of the Bluey coins. If you want to, we'll put a link in the show notes or click show notes dot page. They recovered about a thousand of the coins. So that leaves maybe 63,000 missing.


Okay hang on, I'm next is the school who wants to ban black clothing. What does it mean? What will it do?

You're listening to What a Weird Week. It's about weird news. Four. The Texas Middle School who banned all black clothing due to a perceived link to mental health issues. Charles Middle School in El Paso made headlines. The school there has implemented a new dress code policy prohibiting students from wearing all black clothing. School admins say that is associated black clothing associated with depression, mental health issues and criminality. Now some parents

some students not happy, nobody likes to be told what to wear. I've got to warn you, if you look into this just under the surface, like at first, it just seems like a freedom of expression issue or, you know, a lot of things become political very quickly. But just under the surface, there's a lot of different research into this. And you can waste a lot of time looking at different angles of colors, the psychology of colors and the psychology of the clothing you wear.

It's a lot, you guys. Some research seems to indicate that when you wear black, like one study was about sports teams whose uniform is black, it ain't always great for the sports team. But then other research seems to indicate black as a color of power and perhaps may indicate that you're taking back your power when you dress in black clothing. And there's another study that says wearing black may change your body chemistry and make you feel great. I have to be honest, this story...

almost didn't make our top 10 of weird news this week because it just seemed like one of those stories where the school board is cracking down on school uniforms anytime that happens people don't like it there are some people in the news who will say this ain't right freedom of choice but just under the surface i'm learning all about the colors we wear and the research and the psychology into it how something as simple as a piece of fabric can somehow change our mind brains all of that just under the surface of the story links

to all the stuff we talked about in the show notes. Three, Dolce and Gabbana's new dog perfume. Is it Gabbana or Gabanna? Potato, banana. Dolce and Gabbana, the dog perfume that they launched, made headlines this week. It's called Fifi and it costs 99 euros for a little bottle, a hundred milliliter bottle. Company claims the perfume is safe for pooches and some veterinarians are quoted in the article as

having concerns that it might interfere with a dog's sense of smell. And then it gets into how pet owners, it seems to be a bit divisive, divisive potato banana. Anyway, some pet owners are like, don't over humanize pets by dressing them up and making them smell like they're wearing perfume. And then other pet owners are like, that's a lovely smell. And my Brutus is usually stinky. So that's sort of me paraphrasing the sentiment of the article.

I can't really weigh in on this one because I do not have a pet. I have asthma instead of a pet. And unfortunately, until the Patreon dollars start rolling in, we cannot afford to broadcast in Smellorama. And so we cannot broadcast through your speaker what the pooch perfume smells like. You're not able to scratch and sniff this show to get a real sense of what Fifi, the Dolce & Gabbana pooch perfume, smells like.

Hang on, up next we have the story of the vending machine crab.

This is What a Weird Week, a show about weird news. And thank you for listening. You can Google What a Weird Week and stuff will come up. Pretty sure. Two. A weird crab story made headlines this week. A crab found inside a vending machine in Iowa. The crab was found in the Francis Building, I think the vending machine, second floor of the Francis Building, downtown Sioux City, Iowa. People initially thought, oh, there's a mouse in there or something, there's something moving. It seems to be going for the snacks.

It turned out it was a crab. They called the company to take care of it. It was a crab in the vending machine. There's a photo. The vending machine fellow got a photo of it. I think sent it back to head office. Like maybe they have some kind of a bet of the weirdest things you've found. I'd like to think that anyway, that if you work at a vending machine company, you have some sort of award every month for the weirdest thing found in the vending machine. I can't confirm that. Nobody will go on record.

Anyway, here it gets a little weirder because another crab was found in the Sioux City Public Library. According to the story, the buildings are linked by a skywalk. So two crabs, Sioux City, Iowa. Hello to our friends in Sioux City. I don't know, I'm not going to say panic. I'm not going to say two crabs makes a, I would say at least three crabs before you start to panic, but maybe carry around a stick.

Honorable Mention. This week our honorable mention is the Erie, Pennsylvania alligator, which has eluded capture, was spotted on Sunday. There's video of the alligator. We'll link to it in the show notes. There's an alligator in Lake Erie. They believe the alligator was released illegally by somebody. So far the alligator has not been captured. Alligators don't do so well in the cold weather, so hopefully the alligator can...

be rescued.

You're listening to What a Weird Week, a show about weird news from this past week. One. Okay, this one is PG-13. PG-13. Earmuffs for the kids. This involves a husband and wife and things that people do when they love each other very, very much. But then also what happens when that love goes away. This is the New York Post quoting the South China Morning Post.

about a husband and wife, their relationship broke down, the wife complained that the husband was no good in the shimmy-shammy department, not even in the shimmy department, and it seems as though there were other things happening in the relationship that weren't good. When the wife began charging the husband $15 to have a conversation, literally have a conversation $15 and then also the same charge for, you know, some other

other things. The article talks about how the couple tried to make it work, split one time, got back together, made a go of it. But that $15 charge crept back into, or you know, the issues crept back into the relationship. And the article ends on the bright note that they have gotten a divorce. Look, I don't want to weigh in on the charging for conversations and other things in relationships. I just want to stop maybe. I just want to stop at right here. Thanks for listening to What a Weird Week.

giving the reviews on the podcast apps. All of it. If you want to get our show notes, a transcript, or our social media stuff, go show notes dot page show notes dot page. If you want to hear us weekends on Fun House Radio, you can seek out Fun House Radio online or ask your smart speaker to play Fun House Radio. Catch you next Friday with 10 more weird things from the news on What a Weird Week.
