Look in the Sky, See stuff!

You guys, remember when things like the Northern Lights were uncommon? 

Now we've got Northern Lights, Jupiter and Mars, the Milky Way Galaxy, the Perseid Meteor Showers, and secret moon bases!* (citation needed)

1) Jupiter and Mars thing:

"the close conjunction of Mars and Jupiter. In the pre-dawn sky of August 14, the two planets will blaze brightly in the constellation Taurus and stand just 0.3° apart, less than the width of the Full Moon in the sky. The sight will be visible in the early-morning hours; the planets rise together in the east around 1 A.M. local daylight time and reach 45° in altitude in the hour before dawn."

via https://www.astronomy.com/observing/how-to-see-tomorrows-conjunction-of-mars-and-jupiter/
