What a Weird Week Fri July 5, 2024: The Weird News of the Week #WeirdNews #SpaceBikini #Monolith

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Hi friends, I'm Scott and this is What a Weird Week, a show about the Weird and Odd stuff in this week's news. See below for a transcript🠋 of the podcast episode. To subscribe to the podcast or for social media and more links, you can get everything at www.shownotes.page. These are the shownotes for Season 5, Ep 27 first published on Friday July 5, 2024. Here are this week's stories... 
❿ Happiness is Birdseed and Acorns?! A Canadian Study made news this week that seems to suggest that people in cities are happier when there is a variety of birds and trees around. More birds and trees = better mental health outcomes *paraphrase. In other words, (go with me here) we should be going to the park dressed in my new invention, the Bird Seed Vest! Enjoy the trees around you while the birds flock towards you bringing joy and better mental health outcomes! Just what the doctor ordered! (*no doctors have ordered this.) Remember the name, the What a Weird Week brand Birdseed Vest of Mental Well-being! Free to patreon members in our platinum tier. Sign up today for one million dollars!! Study link 
The What a Weird Week Mental Wellness Birdseed Vest (artist rendering)
❾ Canadian Chicken Pecks way to World Record!
Lacey is the name of the chicken. The pet chicken of Emily Carrington of British Columbia, Canada. Emily is a veterinarian. She started teaching some of her pet chickens, different tricks or skills I guess? She taught her chickens to pick out letters of the alphabet and then got in touch with the Guinness book of world records. Is there some sort of some sort of record I can go for? and then she got those chickens focused on greatness! Long story short Lacey, the chicken was the most elite and becomes a Guinness world record holding chicken. Official record: "Most identifications by a chicken in 1 minute." ... I'm just gonna say this makes it hard to go to the drive through and order that chicken sandwich, you know? This makes me see chickens a whole other way... someday there'll be chicken accountants maybe.
I did find a short video of Dr. Emily training a chicken...
❽ Beach Balls and Determination: the David "Record Breaker" Rush Saga Continues!
https://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2024/07/01/Guinness-World-Records-David-Rush-beach-ball-passes/3601719855156/ and video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqbyumFT-ec
David Record Breaker Rush is back on the show. He is the fellow trying to break the world record for most world records. He wants the most concurrent world records and he's within a couple! A couple/few more world records to go and then, achievement unlocked!. You guys think of the dedication? So this week his world record was passing a beach ball. You get a big beach ball... get a beach ball buddy... And you just pass the beach ball back-and-forth. As many times as possible, there's no stopping. No rest for these heroes. And so they passed the beach ball for an hour and something/ under an hour and 10 minutes... and they got almost 8000 beach ball passes. And that's a world record. The article says it was quite painful, not the lighthearted. Happy-go-lucky beach movie of the 1960s that you imagine. But more, A horror movie of pain in neck, pain and exhaustion.

❼ Politics on a Weird News Show? OK Let's get into it!!
Another story from my home country of Canada, North America planet Earth. Usually we don't talk politics, but this is a weird record involving politics.It is a first in the history of politics in my country and it's about a fellow named Felix who ran for office in a Toronto by-election (Toronto Ontario, Canada, North America, planet Earth) and Felix made news because he didn't receive any votes. And that's never happened before. Not even one vote. That's a hard pill to swallow and a tough defeat. I don't know anything about the candidates, and I guess there were a ton of candidates in this deal...  I thought there was some honor in that Felix didn't vote for himself, But it turns out, Felix doesn't live where he was running... so he wasn't allowed to vote for himself. He was running, I think, to shine a light on electoral reform. I don't really understand politics You guys, but still, that has to sting a little bit. Will Felix pick the pieces and run again sometime? TBC!


❻ Another monolith, making headlines.
These mysterious monoliths have been showing up and the theories are... It's either an art installment... Some sort of alien structure or a close third is a government conspiracy of some sort. But I don't know about that one because I think people just type that when they don't know what to say in a forum, you know, to get the comments going. No matter what the topic you type in government conspiracy, and now you've got a lively comment section. So this monolith, under the radar for us here at the what a weird week show... It actually appeared in this Northern Colorado town in June. And it's making headlines now cause it's been removed...It was generating too much traffic. It's on private land... a person named Lori owns the land where the monolith was and also owns the howling cow café nearby. People kept coming, wanted pictures, wanted to see the thing and then left a mess/ made a mess of Lori's property and and that's why they had it removed,.. but Laurie did say they took down the monolith and they're keeping it safe... if you are the person who made that monolith/ installed that thing email howling cow cafe at gmail dot com.You can have your monolith back.

❺ This one's about a poop truck, so you've been warned.
it's just gross you guys. It's gross, but it's one of those things that's weird and funny also. First, let me say, We're gonna talk about a truck accident in here. The driver had minor injuries according to the article. Could have been worse, kind of scary, but the reason this truck accident in Connecticut, it's making headlines is because the truck was carrying liquid poop. When the truck rolled, that poop sprayed all over a person's house, there was what's described as a pond of liquid poop between 2 houses,... the photos are very, very detailed and one person's car was basically covered in poop... And the article we link to from New York Post is just so full of puns. Quote from the article, "the smelly spill caused the neighbor's tireless landscaping to go down the toilet" ... The cleanup is going to involve crews digging down because you know that liquid grossness might seep in, so they they have to dig down and take away some of the sod  or topsoil. This is an opportunity for the folks at Fabreze to come in and say Here's a year's supply of our product to help with the smell. Come on Fabreze, this one writes itself....
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❹ We've got another truck loses its load story this week... not as gross as our last one... 
A truck with 8 tons of avocados overturned on the California highway. No major injuries reported but whattamess©! Highway covered in delicious avocados. How do you feel about avocados? Would you want to get in your car and drive to there and have Avocado Toast? Or maybe not your car, perhaps your recumbent bicycle? Maybe you would want to go to there and make delicious guacamole? Either one is some fantastic eating! This story does not end with someone eating delicious food... We lost some good avocados that day you guys.
Do we need to do a song here? 
all over the highway
i wish u came my way
with chips

❸ Headline from Study Finds is "Scientists flip switch on fat cells, discover way to naturally burn more calories"
This is about a study that's been published on the Journal of Clinical Investigation that solves it for people like me who too heavy... they were able to change white fat cells into beige ones... in mice... "Using advanced genetic techniques"... white fat cells store fat and beige ones burn fat. So it's with mice, it's using advanced genetic tech (not available in pill form) and more testing is needed. For now I guess it's back to lousy stinkin diet and exercise.

❷ Cool pineapple publicity stunt in the news...
It's called the Dole Can It Pineapple Snack Hackathon... it's a "show us your cool pineapple snack ideas" challenge where you're given theme ideas to get you going... the winner of this contest gets a weekend getaway and a summer supply of delicious Dole canned pineapples. Btw, you should call your entry pineapps. Thatsan award-winning catchy name I think.
From the article: "Pineapple upside-down cake was popularized by a 1925 Dole-led recipe contest." Didn't know that. Maybe it's time to go "right side up" with a dessert though.
Contest continues to late July... USA folks only. See https://dolesunshine.com/us/en/news/dole-challenges-foodies-to-think-outside-the-can-with-nationwide-contest/

🍅We just had Canada Day on July 1st... if you're unfamiliar it is a day where we all go to a park and get our faces painted red and white, then watch a Canadian band play, then there's fireworks...  we had a Canadian restaurant chain make headlines with their Canada Day S'mores burger...
The WORKS Craft Burgers & Beer is the place...  here's what they did in case you want to try a home version...  it's a beef patty stuffed with melting milk chocolate, topped with toasted marshmallow and graham crumbs.
MMMmmm or MMMnnnope
If it's something you'd try let us know in the poll this week... that is available on the spotify feed.
❶ The most famous bikini in all of space is getting auctioned off.
Princess Leia's bikini from Return of the Jedi will have an opening bid of $30,000 when it goes on the auction block in late July.
If you want to bid go to https://entertainment.ha.com/itm/movie-tv-memorabilia/costumes/star-wars-episode-vi-return-of-the-jedi-tcf-1983-carrie-fisher-princess-leia-production-made-b/a/7361-89354.s?ctrack=5286177&type=prcopy-ent-open-7361-Hollywood-tem070124# ... you have until the 25th.
I thought this was already at Disney Studios... do you think Disney will buy it? Or some rich guy for his mistress? I think I would buy it and take it to conventions or something... what if you charged people 30 cents to get a photo taken with it. Five photos later you've got a cool buck fifty! #financialguru

See below for a transcript🠋

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