Tuesday Radio Show Notes July 16: Bad Anthem/ Jelly Roll/ Snake Day figures prominently too...

- There's a charity country concert next Friday (July 26th) at the Holy Whale to help young Levi who had a diving accident and got seriously injured. You should come and bring a friend! Riley Taylor, Ben Chase, and Sean Michael Ryan are in the lineup! Here for more info.

Happy Snake Day. SSSssscroll down for more!!

- Jelly Roll in Canada is taking the internet by storm! He is also a talented food critic...

- It's Snake Day you guys... we've had close encounters...

- Scotty and Tony's Unnamed Bachlorette roundup segment... we need someone to help us understand what the H is happening on this program! The Reddit community seems to have some hot takes... What we know: there were rats in the episode last week... They've moved to Australia this week... 

Are they using a snake instead of a rose now? We have questions.

- Bad Anthem... Everyone online is talking about Country Ingrid Andress and her rendition of the American National Anthem at the Home Run Derby. It wasn't her best day, you guys. But she is a Grammy-nominated talent. Just an off-night? Here's the video...

- Thanks... We appreciate it when you listen in - Thanks! Scotty and Tony, M-F 6a to 10a at NewCountry96.9 wherever you get radio. 

- Programming note... Tim Horton's Camp Day is tomorrow (Wed July 17th). We are scheduled to broadcast from the Tim's location near the airport. We encourage coffee drinkers to have a cup at your favorite Tim's to support the kids. And maybe you youngsters should start drinking coffee once in awhile too. We think maybe if you're over 5 years old you should be able to handle a small double double. I mean, it's for charity, kids! *ask your parents before ordering 7 coffees on Skip.
