Blue Green Algae: *INFO on OUR DRINKING WATER.Also Ponds closed to recreation at Irishtown Park, Centennial Park, Jones Lake.

Yesterday's (June 24) Times Transcript has a story about our Moncton water supply and what they're planning to keep us safe from blue green algae...
- the two reservoirs Moncton uses are Turtle Creek and Tower Road. The article says they have enough water to last a pretty substantial drought (11 months or something without rain!) (still, please conserve water)
- blue green algae was previously found at the Tower Road reservoir but we have a system to handle the problem.
- new improvements are coming to safen up water treatment even more in case of more blue green algae.
- article by Al Cochrane here
Irishtown Nature Park Reservoir Closed- They found blue-green algae in the reservoir at Irishtown Nature Park so it's closed TFN. No kayaking, canoeing, and other. Keep people and pets out of the water. Blue-green algae is dangerous. Watch for signs. Do I have to write Do Not Drink? We know that, right? 
- Blue-green algae Q & A from the City

Centennial Park Lagoon and Jones Lake is also closed.
- They found high counts of E. Coli in the water at Centennial Park and Jones Lake so they are closed TFN. No kayaking, canoeing, and other. Keep people and pets out of the water. E Coli can make you sick (and is gross). Watch for signs. If you intend to drink the water at Jones Lake or Centennial Park Lagoon, boil it for 3 to 4 weeks.