RHS Royal Road for Kids Super Fun Fundraiser is Thurs June 6th from 1:30 to 3:30p at Casely Park in Riverview.

Royal Road for Kids is a fun carnival for kids and families that raises money for charity, organized by kids at RHS. This year's Royal Road for kids happens on Thurs. June 6th from 1:30p to 3:30p at Caseley Park in Riverview. This year the crew at RHS are raising money for Harvest House.
You can stop by and make a donation, eat food, have fun, and know that you are a hero who has made the world a better place (perhaps through baked good consumption or other). If you'd like to donate or want more info on Royal Road for Kids CONTACT the school.

Thanks to Lily for letting us know about this!  

RHS on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100050826255522