Lou Macnarin School Online Auction on now til Tues May 7th at 9pm. #playgroundequipmentfundraiser

Lou Macnarin School Playground Fundraiser
On Monday they kicked off Theme Week with Crazy Hair Day. Fundraising continues as they hope to be able to purchase playground equipment.
Please check out the Lou Macnarin Online Auction. Your bids will help the kids! #Rhyme
From the auction page: "About Our Auction... With the increase in registration at our school 6 portables were added. In order to make room for them our playground had to be removed. Currently our (Grade) 3 to 5 students do not have any playground equipment at all. We want to create a new space with new equipment."
*Auction closes on Tuesday, May 7th at 9pm.
Lou Macnarin School Facevbook https://www.facebook.com/Loumacnarinschool