Ice2Run (I Care Enough to Run) 80's-themed fun run/walk happens Sat June 8th

Ice2Run (I Care Enough to Run) is an 80's themed fun-run or walk. 
Where/ When:
- It happens Saturday, June 8th with a 10am start from Running Room Moncton (300 Main St.) 
Route is along Riverfront Trail from Running Room (300 Main Street) going West then looping back to the Running Room.
- It helps kids by raising money for the Salvation Army’s KIDS TO CAMP program. You're helping to send kids, who wouldn't normally have the opportunity because of life circumstances, get a chance to go to summer camp!
- all funds raised will stay here in Moncton and will cover the cost of each camper. who all come from the Greater Moncton area.
- because of your generosity, kids get to have a life-changing Summer camp experience... campers will also receive a new sleeping bag, personal care items, and new clothing.
- To Sign Up or Get More Info or Donate/ Give a Pledge see
- Facebook Event