Facebook Marketplace Scam Awareness!

CBC News has a story about a lady in Fredericton who sold something on Marketplace and instead of the person paying her $30, they stole $3000 (*or tried to) from her account. How? It seems like she received a message about the e-transfer with a link... when she clicked that link, the lady thought she was logging into her banking site but the criminal was actually able to steal that banking log-in info (and steal money.)

From the article: " so she clicked through, chose her banking establishment, signed in, and went to deposit the money. A loading symbol started spinning, with a note to not refresh the page as it may take a few minutes. She said she decided to click out of the loading page because something didn't seem right. It was taking too long. That was when she saw an email from her bank asking her to change her password. Something was wrong." via https://www.cbc.ca/lite/story/1.7216826

Bottom line is don't click on a link from someone you don't know and use Interact Autodeposit which eliminates the need for passwords and logging in altogether. For a full list of common e-transfer scams and how to protect yourself see https://www.interac.ca/en/consumers/security/interac-e-transfer/