Book Sale 2024 Supports Scholarships for Women and Girls: Donate Books May 19th-21/ Buy Books May 21- 23

If you like books (to read, as a background for your Teams Calls, or to throw at your enemies in a courtroom setting) it's time to get Bookcited! (©2024 Scotty Horsman Enterprises) 
A Big Charity Book Sale happens May 21-23, 2024 in Riverview.
*Book SALE is big. Actual Books are regular size.
* First Step is Donate some books you're done reading and think someone else should read and enjoy.
📙 Drop off book donations Sunday, May 19th from 1p to 5p... Monday, May 20th from 10a to 5p, and Tuesday, May 21 from 10a to noon.
📗 Bookworm Bonanza Book Sale happens: 
- Tues May 21st 2024 from 1p to 8p
- Wed May 22nd 2024 from 10a to 8p
- Thurs May 23rd 2024 from 10a to noon
📗 at the Dan Bohan Family Centre (5 Fatima Drive, Riverview NB)
📗 Softcover books for the LOW LOW PRICE of $1, $2, or $3.
📗 Why is this sale happening? Every year the Moncton chapter of the Canadian Federation of University Women gives out more than $18,000 in bursaries/ scholarships to women and girls!
📗 more info at their Facebook Page. 

From the CFUW Moncton Facebook: "Canadian Federation of University Women Moncton Club promotes lifelong learning, advocacy, action, and fellowship. We are probably most well-known for our annual used book sale to help us fund scholarships for women and girls."