Eclipse 2024 Info and Links!


🌞 First, here's a future-Juno-award-winning-song to enjoy during eclipse prep... 

🌞 This website and app will talk you through the eclipse:

🌞 DO NOT LOOK AT THE SUN unless you have legit glasses (they'll have ISO 12312-2 on them). You can check your glasses by looking at a light in your home... can you see light through the glasses? THEN THEY ARE NOT SAFE FOR ECLIPSE WATCHING! More at this link

🌞 Cool things to watch for/ the Psychological Effects of the eclipse/ Live Feeds and more at this link

🌞 This link says put a filter on your phone or camera before taking eclipse photos to prevent damge to your gear:

🌞 BTW, Mercury is in retrograde for this eclipse:

🌞 Find yourself on the eclipse map:

🌞 Watch this for what to expect and things to try, it's excellent... 

🌞 "Moncton is excited to announce EclipSol, the City’s solar eclipse festival, taking place at Bore Park on April 8 from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. This festival offers a variety of activities, including safe viewing of the solar eclipse through specialized glasses provided by the City of Moncton, face painting, live music, a photo booth to capture the memory as a keepsake, and more! The solar eclipse is expected to begin in Moncton at 3:26 p.m. from the southwest direction and conclude at 5:43 p.m." See this link