What a Weird Week Special Report: the Time Change Exposed, our interview with the Vampire


What a Weird Week gets you caught up on the weird news of the week. https://www.shownotes.page or search "What a Weird Week" where you get podcasts. Sometimes we dig deeper. Please enjoy this deep dive into Daylight Saving... and our Interview with the VAMPIRE...

Reminder: For transcript/ shownotes/ podcast stuff see www.shownotes.page! Here's Season 5, Episode 10.5 first published on Sunday March 10th 2024 ... 
Time Change Fact Sheet... 
- There are stats about heart attacks, traffic accidents, energy consumption, and enraged colleagues (not you, everyone else.)
- The time change might conserve energy, or it might not (depends on what study you look at.)
- SOME studies say car accidents go up after the time change because our concentration gets all messed up, but another study showed that more daylight resulted in better driving outcomes. 
Remember when they made Daylight Saving last longer? Some things that resulted...
- The time change helps the golf industry make more cash
- The petroleum companies do great business during extended Daylight Saving because it means that people drove their cars more in the evening.
- It has been great for the barbecue industry too.
- Did You Know... that the big candy companies lobbied for a longer Daylight Saving Time? They wanted as many kids as possible going out to Trick-or-Treat. I can't stay mad at you, big candy. 
Not everybody hates DST, and not everybody loves it (looking at you, airline industry... and farmers.)
- Vampires lose an hour of darkness this time of year.
"Thanks for all the support" - vampires
... that's the program... For Shownotes and more go to ShowNotes Dot Page or search "What a Weird Week" wherever you get podcasts. Every weekend you can hear the show on Fun House Radio. Ask your smart speaker to play Fun House Radio or see the link on our Shownotes Page.  See you next week for another countdown of weird news.

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