What a Weird Week Friday March 8, 2024: Get caught up on the Weird News of the Week! #weirdnews #oddnews


What a Weird Week gets you caught up on the weird news of the week. https://www.shownotes.page or search "What a Weird Week" where you get podcasts.

(Begin episode transcript) Hi Friends, I'm Scott. This is What a Weird Week where we catch you up on the weird news of the week. For transcript/ shownotes/ podcast stuff see www.shownotes.page! Here's Season 5, Episode 10 first published on Friday March 8th 2024 ... 

❿ The moon was back in the news this week. Russia has announced that they hope to team up with China and build a nuclear power plant on the moon. There's been a lot of moon action from different countries and different agencies... Many of them haven't gone well. Just recently one famously flipped over on its side... It's a little unnerving when you think they're going to be rocketing radioactive stuff to the lunar surface ... You don't want that nuclear power plant to be a failed mission... I just want to float this out here that before we dabble in what has potential to be catastrophic nuclear disaster... wouldn't it be nice, as a proof of concept, If we could put a donut shop on the moon first? Prove to me that you can remotely build a doughnut shop that nothing has gone wrong with, and then I'll be convinced/ I'll trust you with the nuclear thing. I'll trust you with nuclear reactors if first you give me donuts I guess is what I'm saying.

❾ Rare Lego piece makes news... It was found at a thrift store and sold for a lot of money. This is a Lego piece that was made out of gold. It's a solid gold Lego piece. But still it didn't seem like it was on anyone's radar that this might actually be valuable. First let me say it's not a Lego brick. It is from the Bionicle Lego series. So it looks like a mask. Maybe like, you know the face of a transformer or A Star Wars character...  Picture a little Solid gold mask... it got donated to a Goodwill in Pennsylvania. It was donated with a bunch of jewelry. Just a box of Junk Jewelry. They put it on their website (shopgoodwill.com) and people were bidding on it saying 'I'll give you a thousand dollars for it right now!' It ended up getting auctioned off for 18,000 bucks. I love stories like that.

Next: They've discovered a new sea creature...
The Top Ten Weird News Stories of the Week: this is What a Weird Week.
❽ They've discovered a new sea creature. Off the coast of England. It's a whole new species of sea slug. They used to think there were only 2 species of sea slug. Now there's another one. There's a new player in town you guys. This is one of those things where it made news this week because they published the findings, but it was actually discovered years ago... ~2018. At some point they figured out it's not just a sea slug. It's a whole new kind of sea slug. Not as exciting maybe as if they found Bigfoot... But if you're a True Believer like me, this is just another step towards Total Bigfoot Disclosure you guys! They're still finding new things. I love it that they're still finding new things. By the way, if you don't have a chance to click the photo and you're wondering what the heck the sea slug looks like, It's between 2 and 5 cm long which is like between an inch and 2 inches and it's quite Blobby. I would describe it as Blobby. Saved you a click.

❼ Scientists stunned by man who has gotten the Covid vaccine more than 200 times. This fellow is 62 years old. German. Not part of some experiment just wanted to get the vaccine/ felt compelled to get the vaccine. Over and over. He's described as cautious in the article we linked to. He says he's gotten 217 doses. Once researchers found out about him, THEN they started studying his situation. They're still sort of piecing it together. But if he really did get 217 vaccines in 29 months, that means more than 7 vaccines a month. Almost twice a week he went for a Covid vaccine. And... No side effects is what they're finding. The fellow is healthy.

Next: something incredibly rare just happened the other day and it's not terrible...
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❻ Something incredibly rare happened the other day and it's not terrible/ I would not deem it terrible news. A Grey Whale was spotted in the Atlantic Ocean... They thought Grey Whales were extinct and did not live in the Atlantic Ocean anymore. For centuries. For 200 years no Grey Whales in the Atlantic Ocean. And then the news this week was 'Grey Whale spotted off the coast of Nantucket!' It is considered so unusual that one spotter in the story is quoted as saying "I didn't even want to say what I thought it was. Because it seemed crazy." There are some great photos. We linked to those in the show notes... if you don't have a chance to click just imagine a whale in the water. It looks like a whale. Classic whale In water scenario.
❺ How often does Campbell Soup come out with a brand new flavor? Well, they have! Campbell Soup is in the news for their limited time offer of grilled cheese and tomato soup. Side note: I don't know if where you're at it's like this but soup has been hit by shrinkflation like a lot of our favorite things at the grocery store where I live. All I want is a delicious can of soup at a reasonable price. That is easier said than done. But I'll tell you what, brand new soup flavors will keep bringing me back to the soup aisle. So how does it take? Well, it is described as traditional Campbell's tomato soup (one of the best! *this portion of the show is not sponsored but Campbell's knows their way around tomato soup!) So it's tomato soup/ Cheddar cheese/ Monterey Jack/ and "a surface ripened semi soft cheese like Muenster." I have a very unsophisticated palette and I don't know what any of that means really. But I'm willing to try it. By the way, right now it's in the coming soon stage on social media... not sure if it's going to be USA only or available here in Canada. This delicious soup may require a road trip. To be continued.

Next: Your hero is named Don Gorske...  
You're listening to the What a Weird Week Program. It's weird news! 
❹ The return of Don Gorske! Is he your hero? Does the name not ring a bell? He still might be your hero. We talked about Don Gorske before on this program. He is a fellow who holds the world record for Big Mac consumption. He first got the world record in 1999. He just goes to McDonald's every day and eats Big Macs. He's back in the news because the tally is now over 34,000 Big Macs in his lifetime. Quote in the story from Don is "Many people thought I'd be dead by now." He had his first Big Mac in 1972 you guys. Congratulations, Don.

❸ This is one from Ben "Hoops" Hooper, weird news guru at United Press International... The rabbit tattoo world record in the news this week. Congratulations Craig Evans of Wales who just got his 69th rabbit tattoo... that's a world record. The guy just loves rabbits. We link to video that shows an assortment of the rabbit tattoos if you want to check them out, perhaps you're looking at getting a tattoo and this might inspire you ... some are traditional rabbits. Some look to be some sort of robot rabbit. Rabbit bot? Some of the rabbits look Fierce. Some of them do not.

Next: the world record YOU will break this weekend!
We're almost to the number one weird story of the week... this is the What a Weird Week Show.
❷ Dave Rush back in the news with another world record attempt. He's the fellow who is going for most Guinness World Record Titles Held Concurrently. He has a lot of World Records already... the Most World Records Held Concurrently is difficult because every time he sets a record somebody else tries to knock him off that pedestal. That's the cut-throat nature of World Records. We should say Dave is using this platform to raise awareness of STEM education. This latest record attempt seems like a world record you could do this weekend... You could get a couple of balloons and keep those balloons in the air over 14 minutes using only your head... the official record is "longest duration to keep 2 balloons in the air with the head." You've been training for this one since childhood. 14 minutes and change the current record... good luck!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbkVhFSQFaQ and https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/428220-longest-duration-to-keep-two-balloons-in-the-air-with-the-head

🍅 Okay, this one is PG-13! PG-13! Not for the kids maybe. It involves nudity. A group of nudists in Pittsburgh have made news because they are planning a naked bowling event. Whoever's in charge of organizing this event and raising awareness has done an incredible job because this got picked up by a lot of news orgs. So the Pittsburgh area naturalists are hosting an event/ you can find this on Facebook/ it is called the Balls Out Bowling event (You know, like bowling balls?) at a bowling alley in Pittsburgh. You have to be nude to participate. It's not clothing-optional it is no-clothing-mandatory. No photography allowed. Nothing saucy. And participants are asked to bring a towel. Which you should have at bowling anyway. Anytime you participate in Bowling you should bring a towel you guys.

🍅 This week a robot made headlines. Should we ever trust robots? Right now my vote is no. Never. This robot in the news is dubbed the "first male robot of Saudi Arabia." It's a robot that looks like a dude. And in the video that got trending, the lady reporter is talking about the robot as they unveil this robot that looks like a dude and the robot looks as though it reaches out and tries to maybe grab the reporter's butt. Definitely, that's what it looks like. And so people started sharing the video. I mean viewer discretion/ there is what looks to be attempted butt-grabbing going on... robot butt-grabbing is is what is depicted in the video. Robots you guys, right? This is how it starts... robots trying to cop a feel... and eventually that leads to robot takeover and world domination. It has begun. 

Next: Number one involves a holiday you might not have heard of and an unusual tradition you can be a part of...
♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫  Hang on for number one!!
Catch up on the weird news of the week with What a Weird Week.

❶ Couple of things I didn't know... first of all, hello to our friends in Missouri... the area code in St. Louis is 314 and so that's become a bit of a local holiday in St. Louis... 314 Day/ March 14th. And so I didn't know that... I also didn't know the world record for most people in one place with underwear on their head is 270 participants... Well on March 14th/ 314 Day in St. Louis they're going to try to get 314 participants wearing underwear on their head. This is at a museum in St. Louis. They will supply the underpants. You just got to be there. All we need is your presence and a good attitude. So good luck and shout out to the City Museum in St. Louis, Missouri.

... that's the program... For Shownotes and more go to ShowNotes Dot Page or search "What a Weird Week" wherever you get podcasts. Every weekend you can hear the show on Fun House Radio. Ask your smart speaker to play Fun House Radio or see the link on our Shownotes Page.  See you next week for another countdown of weird news.

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