Time Change Weekend 2024: Clocks Spring Forward 2:00 AM on Sunday March 10, 2024. #CheckSmokeDetector


Clocks Spring Forward One Hour on Sunday! Daylight Saving Time begins at 2:00a on Sunday, March 10th, 2024. It's a great time to remember to put new batteries in your smoke detectors. Then put the old batteries in a sack and carry them around for self-defense...    
Or recycle them. *artist rendering

BTW, We're still waiting to see if Time Change will go away forever. Some Provinces have already voted to get rid of Spring Forward/ Fall Back. Ontario wants to end the time change but can't do much until Quebec and New York State come on-board. We kind of all need to be in or it kinda doesn't work. #WaitToSee

I am re-blogging some of these Time Change Factoids as I have vowed to continue my amateur research into time until science gives us time travel...
I have found that the more you look into time-change, the more complicated it gets.
icymi, Time Change is terrible... but also Time Change is brilliant... Here come the links...
- There are stats about heart attacks, traffic accidents, energy consumption, and enraged colleagues (not you, everyone else.)
- The time change might conserve energy, or it might not (depends on what study you look at.)
- SOME studies say car accidents go up after the time change because our concentration gets all messed up, but another study showed that more daylight resulted in better driving outcomes. 
Remember when they made Daylight Saving last longer? Some things that resulted...
- The time change helps the golf industry make more cash
- The petroleum companies do great business during extended Daylight Saving because it means that people drove their cars more in the evening.
- It has been great for the barbecue industry too.
- Did You Know... that the big candy companies lobbied for a longer Daylight Saving Time? They wanted as many kids as possible going out to Trick-or-Treat. I can't stay mad at you, big candy. 
Not everybody hates DST, and not everybody loves it (looking at you, airline industry... and farmers.)
- Has anyone asked the the team in charge of Big Ben how they feel?

Time Change is complicated and can be stressful... but we got you, don't worry... ⏰How to deal with messed-up sleep patterns...
😠 Issue: Crankiness.
Solution: Just go with Cranky as your new normal. Maybe you used to be Happy-Go-Lucky... well, it's somebody else's turn to be nice now. Send an email to all your contacts explaining that you have chosen to become a jerk, and that people should "deal with it." and that they "need to calm down." (People love it when you tell them they need to calm down.)

😫 Issue: tiredness.
Solution: Get a pair of glasses with eyes painted on the lens. Wear them to the staff meeting and people will think you're super-alert when you're really dreaming of kittens on clouds.

💔 Issue: increased risk of heart attack.
Solution: handcuff yourself to a cardiologist.

🚗 Issue: Traffic Accidents.
Solution: buy an Electromagnetic Pulse Device on the Dark Web and crank it up to 11. This will disable all the vehicles around you, rendering them harmless. Note: does not work on horses. It would suck to go to all the trouble of disabling every car for a hundred miles, then get run over by a horse. Don't get cocky.
Here are some other (better-researched) ways to counteract your lousy stinkin' time change mood...
- Force Yourself to Smile... (it can trick your brain into being happy)
- Stand up straight (you had it right, mom)
- Force Yourself to Make Small Talk (Pro Tip: if you're terrible at small talk like me, bring a microscope to work and carry it around all day. When people are like "what's the deal with the microscope?" You can say it's for small talk. It's a terrible Dad Joke, but the commitment is pretty hilarious.)
- Put your hands up (like you're gonna be arrested?! 30 seconds of that and you're less stressed somehow)
-Do a good deed!? Yes, it's been studied.

⏰ Some Daylight Saving history...
I thought it was a Ben Franklin idea... but it might've just been a Ben Franklin sense-of-humor joke... 
a guy in New Zealand also theorized about Daylight Saving in 1895... then the great great grandfather of the lead singer of Coldplay also had Daylight Saving ideas... Then Coldplay had that "Clocks" song!? There are no coincidences!!

Look what was trending on Google last time change... 
Scotty and Tony react to the time change (artist rendering)
if alarm clocks had feelings would you be nicer to them? 
if alarm clocks had human hands you would be nicer to them.