*UPDATE: Battle of the Brains 2024 Sets Record!!!! How to Help YMCA ReConnect

Homelessness can take the form of a person sleeping in a doorway, or a young person couch surfing because they don't have a safe place to live. YMCA ReConnect is about helping in the moment and also in the long-term by connecting people with community resources.
How you can help them: cash/ gift card/ hygiene product donations. These can be a one-time thing or part of an installment giving plan. For more, please call Shannon Barry 506-857-0606 ext 2285. CLICK HERE for more info. 
*UPDATE: 2024 Event was an AMAZING SUCCESS!! $42000 raised for YMCA ReConnect!!
Congratulations to team NBCC who won this year's Battle of the Brains Championship Belt!!!
Some photos...

some video from the event... 

2024 Champs from NBCC Moncton... 

more video from Battle of the Brains 2024... 


👉 One of the big ReConnect fundraisers has been Battle of the Brains. See https://moncton.ymca.ca/opportunities-to-give/battle-of-the-brains/ or https://moncton.ymca.ca/about-us/contact-us/.
Last year's Battle of the Brains raised $24000! Here's some stuff from the 2023 event... 
2023 champs. photo by Daniel St Louis
"SHOCKER! New Country 969 staff WIN BATTLE OF THE BRAINS 2023 (the Trivia Newton Johns!)🤯 $24,000 raised for YMCA Moncton Reconnect ❤️"