3rd Annual Kenny Sock Memorial Hockey Game: Friday 19 April in Richibucto

Bonar Law Memorial School Alumni will take on the High School Hockey Team from Bonar Law on Friday, April 19th. Doors open at 7:00p at the Kent North Imperial Center in Richibucto. Admission is $5 for adults/ free for students.
This is the third annual Kenny Sock Memorial Game, in memory of Kenny Sock who played on the Bonar Law Hockey team in the 80's and was an important part of the school family for many years. This game is about school and community coming together in supporting Mental Health Initiatives. Everyone is welcome!

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues here are some places to get help...
- Atlantic Wellness Community Centre: 506-382-0298 or CLICK HERE
- Chimo: 1-800-667-5005 in NB or Click http://www.chimohelpline.ca/
- Kids' Help Line: 1-800-668-6868 or Click https://www.kidshelpphone.ca
- Tele-care: 811
- Emergency: 911
- CLICK HERE for a big list of  phone numbers to get Mental Health help
- CLICK HERE for a big list of links to Horizon Health Mental Wellness Resources 
- Check 211 NB if you have questions about: accessing food, mental health support, or other non-emergency programs or services. Call 211 or CLICK.
- For a big list of local churches click HERE 
- Resources for ANYWHERE in Canada HERE