What a Weird Week Friday 23 Feb 2024: Hot Pork Drink! #weirdnews #oddnews


What a Weird Week gets you caught up on the weird news of the week. https://www.shownotes.page or search "What a Weird Week" where you get podcasts.

(this is a transcript of the podcast) Hi Friends, I'm Scott. This is What a Weird Week where we catch you up on the weird news of the week. For transcript/ shownotes/ podcast stuff see www.shownotes.page! Here's Season 5, Episode 08 first published on Friday Feb. 23, 2024 ... 
❿ A new Guinness world record for the most sweaters worn at once... a girl in Washington State,  Sophia Hayden has attained sweater-wearing greatness... she managed to put on 45 sweaters and wear them all! BTW, her mom is quoted as saying it was hard to get that many sweaters... 45 sweaters...  because the last sweater has got to be huge to fit over all the other sweaters. It wasn't easy to track down all the sweaters... the mom is Alessandra Hayden... That name might also sound familiar because of a previous world record we covered...

❾ I don't know how to feel about this one you guys. It's a follow-up to when we talked about Bobi... The world's oldest dog... Bobi (God rest his soul by the way... he's gone on to his great reward...) Bobi was in the Guinness Book of World Records for being almost 32 years old, which is very very old... oldest dog in the world. Well now the pooch has officially has been stripped of that title. I guess I'm glad that they followed up and investigated. I'm sad for Bobi's owner who is still dealing with the loss of Bobi probably... and now this.

The Top Ten Weird News Stories of the Week: this is What a Weird Week.
❽ The Ryan Rodeo is in the news this week... This is a group out of Brooklyn... a society of Ryans... to be in this club you must be named Ryan...  they're having a Ryan Rodeo this weekend in Austin in hopes of breaking the world record for "the largest same name gathering." Right now the record is held by a whole bunch of Ivans who got together... 2325 Ivans set the world record in 2017. Thr Ryans are going for the record this weekend... BTW, the article does mention that the Ryan Society officials will be laying down the law and no Brians will be allowed in... you have to be a Ryan. So don't even, Brian.

❼ The Naked Man Festival of Japan made news this week. The festival is ending after a thousand years. It's been running for a thousand years?! They just had their last one because they just can't find enough people who want to participate in the NMF. This story does shine a light on a bigger issue which is an aging population and a changing society... but today let's focus on the fact that, on the surface, it is a bunch of men in white thongs wrestling each other... and not enough people are signing up for this thing which is why the event has to end... I just did a cursory dive into this one... I'm sure it's ceremonial or a rite of passage for a lot of people in Japan... so no disrespect intended but if you are doing research on a naked man festival, your browser history is gonna get flagged at work. Whether it's right or wrong, that is just a thing that may happen, and I didn't want to get a note from the IT department...

This is What a Weird Week. Thanks for listening and subscribing.

❻ (From Hoops at United Press International) A couple got married in a social-media-famous bathroom... the happy couple from Ohio got married in a gas station bathroom in Kentucky... the gas station is The Hop Shops and they had a bathroom-going-viral-situation on their hands, but in a good way... their bathroom became famous on social media because it has a button... when you press that red button, all of a sudden, it's a disco party. The sign is clearly labeled "do not push this button" but when you press the button nothing bad happens... it's disco time! Congratulations to Logan and Tiana who said their vows and then pressed the red button for the first dance.

❺ Shoutout to the marketing team who got a casino in the news this week with a fun Oscars contest/ publicity stunt/ job offer... Test Casinos made news this week because they're offering two thousand dollars if you are picked for the job of watching all 10 best picture nominees for this year's Academy Awards... then you've got to rate the movies and try to predict who will win. If you're selected for this task, you're going to get two thousand dollars cash... a big ol big screen TV... and you get some food delivery money! You don't have to leave the comfort of your giant TV to prepare food like a chump... they're going to take care of feeding you. This one is open to USA or Canada. Check the link in the show notes if you're interested. By the way, it's Oppenheimer right? 
You're listening to the What a Weird Week Program. It's weird news! 
❹ Another world record... this one is super fast. A fellow has set the land speed record for riding on a toy car... it's one of these cars like a kid would truck around in... a little car... and here's a full-sized human... an engineering student in Germany...  and he souped-up this toy car... and the record is 92 miles an hour... 92 point something!! We link to the video. It doesn't seem safe you guys... if you don't have a chance to click the video just imagine a normal sized human being on a teeny tiny toy car going way too fast and things looking super dangerous... but then at the end everyone's happy and World Record! 
❸ There's a new latte flavor at Starbucks. This is available in China and it is pork... pork flavored latte. I don't know do we have to go into it more than that? You can get a latte at Starbucks in China that tastes like pork. A nice savory latte. That's like a soup... we're really talking about soup. Starbucks is serving up soup.

We're almost to the number one weird story of the week... this is the What a Weird Week Show.
❷ The Tooth Fairy is in the news for paying less for teeth... So the last five years or so it's been going up and up and up... the average monetary gift that the Tooth Fairy leaves... now it has dropped... from $6.23 (national average, USA) to under six bucks... This is all according to a survey done by Delta Dental which is a dental insurance company in the United States. They blame inflation... the tooth fairy's trying to dial back expenses a little bit. BTW, the article might not be something you want your kids to see... 

🍅 An article from HuffPost talking about this study looking into whether marijuana makes running easier. Please enjoy responsibly and all of that... This is a University of Colorado study which seems to indicate that people using cannabis before a run had improved motivation and felt that it made workouts more fun. BUT, it might also make exercise feel harder... so you're more motivated, you have more fun, but it feels harder to exercise. 
BTW, previous research had it that perhaps smoking the marijuana made you want to relax and not exercise. To be continued. 

♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫  Hang on for number one!!
Catch up on the weird news of the week with What a Weird Week.

❶ Chizza is in the news. Today and tomorrow (this show drops February 23rd)...  today and tomorrow in New York City you can go to the East 14th Street KFC and it will be transformed into a chicken pizzeria and they will be serving Chizza which is pizza, but with a chicken base... it's fried chicken with pizza toppings on it. This weekend is the publicity stunt and then starting next week in many locations in the United States you'll be able to enjoy Chizza... which is crispy pieces of fried chicken topped with marinara sauce, mozzarella, and pepperoni. This portion of the show not sponsored by KFC, but when you develop a new way to enjoy fried chicken and pizza pie, you get the top spot on our countdown.
... and that's the episode. For Shownotes and more go to ShowNotes Dot Page or search "What a Weird Week" wherever you get podcasts. Every weekend we are one of the things you can hear on Fun House Radio. Ask your smart speaker to play Fun House Radio or see the link on our Shownotes Page.  See you next week for another countdown of weird news.

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