Today's the day that a lot of us will eat pancakes (and maybe earn beads) for Shrove Tuesday/ Fat Tuesday/ Mardi Gras.
Side note from Scotty: I dreamed a Giant Pancake came to life for Pancake Day and left of path of destruction in downtown Moncton... don't worry, my dreams hardly ever come true...

Expect delays on Main Street
Anyways... Why not take this opportunity to break a world record?!
We mentioned before that according to the stats 7 percent of people surveyed do not like pancakes. I am sorry that pancakes hurt you in some way. Hang in there today as you are surrounded by pancakes.
Back to the world records! The fastest time to top 10 pancakes is 19.46 seconds... The highest pancake flip is over 30 feet...
We mentioned before that according to the stats 7 percent of people surveyed do not like pancakes. I am sorry that pancakes hurt you in some way. Hang in there today as you are surrounded by pancakes.
Back to the world records! The fastest time to top 10 pancakes is 19.46 seconds... The highest pancake flip is over 30 feet...
What about a beads world record on Mardi Gras?!
- longest thread of beads made by one person in an hour: 42.30 m (almost 139 ft)!! Syeda Anisa Murshed of Bangladesh set this one a couple years ago. #Expert
That string of beads was as long as two Bowling Lanes! Those beads would go halfway up The Statue of Liberty! Or, as tall as 7 Giant Potato Statues stacked on top of one another! (You know, the giant potato in Maugerville... it's one of our faves.)
In ONE HOUR she did that!
In ONE HOUR she did that!
Lady Liberty earlier today