Big Cabbage in the News #BigCabbage

🍅 Large Cabbage in the news... Jenny from Louisiana grew a 44-pound cabbage! (that's a State record.)

- The Monster Cabbage was harvested in December and the dept. of agriculture did the measuring... it weighed  44.115 pounds with a circumference of more than 7 feet. 
- It was grown from a seed planted in July. 
- BTW, what did Jenny do with that beast cabbage? She made casseroles and served it with ham. It's almost all gone now... and Jenny is “tired of eating cabbage.”
BTW, the world record cabbage was 138.25 lbs
- You guys texted us some ideas of what to do with a giant cabbage, including:
Eat it/Slaw it/ donate to a Museum/  Raffle it/ start a social media account for it/ roll it down poly mountain/ (actuall several people had a variation of roll it down a hill creating a swath of destruction/ set it next to the giant potato statue/ cabbage rolls/