Wildlife Wednesday Report: ♪The Bears are Back in Town♫ #VanThief #Bearvasion #Bears #DaBears #WildlifeWednesday #BearProofSuits 8 Nov 2023

Wildlife Wednesday Nov. 8th 2023:

A lady in BC is the latest human van owner to fall victim to attempted bear-theft-auto.

It seems clear that the bears are organizing, either by ringing our doorbells so that we answer the door in our pajamas leaving us open to bearvasion, by climbing into our second story windows to eat our delicious pork chops, or (the latest) by breaking into our vans in what can only be seen as an organized bear cabal of vehicle thievery. 

- What is going on here? According to THIS EXPERT, the bears are evolving and this is the beginning of a Planet-of-the-Bears situation where we will become subservient.  

- What is the next phase? According to THIS EXPERT, the bears will learn to drive our vehicles and use them to go to the grocery store, and honey manufacturing plants.

- What can we do? According to THIS EXPERT, we need to start wearing Bear-Proof-Suits 24/7.

story continues to unfold. check back for updates.