Tuesday Radio Shownotes: 10 year old Elvis talent show anniversary, Thanksgiving Food Drive is Thursday, Idiot Sandwich Show details, Crash My Playa Artist of the Day!!

Shownotes for Tues Oct 3.  Info every day on the Scotty and Tony blog. Listen to the radio online here: bit.ly/listentoscottyandtony

Artist of the Day-ah for Crash My Playa! Listen at 8:20a.

- we tell you who to listen for.
- you listen for that artist.
- when you hear the artist of the day, go to our website and put in an entry for a Trip for Two to a Sunny Mexico Resort to enjoy Luke Bryan's famous concert series!!
- Don't forget that you also win the instant prize of a collector's item Beach Ball and S&T Coozie!!
- At the end of every contest day,  one contestant wins a Limited Edition New Country Beach Ball. After we give away 19 Beach Balls, we do the Grand Prize Draw! Good Luck!!


Gordon Ramsay's Idiot Sandwich Show is the sandwich competition we deserve... 

On This Date: Elvis Loses Talent Show...

Q League Hockey: Moncton Wildcats...

Next home game is Thursday.

Toronto Blue Jays Playoff Action starts today in The Sota...

Wildcard best-of-three starts on Tuesday... "The Toronto Blue Jays and Minnesota Twins will clash at 4:38 p.m. ET / 1:38 p.m. PT in Games 1 and 2 on Tuesday and Wednesday."

Local News:  

πŸ’• There's a great write-up from CBC NB about a lady named Sheila from Rusagonis and a guy named Cody from Tupelo, Mississippi (Elvis' hometown!)
More than a decade ago, Cody signed up to be a bone marrow donor. A month after that he got the call to please donate - he was a match! His blood ending up saving Sheila in NB.
Fast-forward to Oct, 2023: Cody and his family came to NB to finally meet Sheila.
    Cody quote: "Meeting Sheila, it really solidifies the human impact our decisions can have."
    Sheila cries whenever she looks at Cody... you might cry too reading the story.
via https://www.cbc.ca/lite/story/1.6984140
More info on signing up as a donor here https://www.blood.ca/en/stemcells/donating-stemcells/how-stemcell-donation-works

Thanksgiving Food Drive... 

Thursday (October 5th) we'll be broadcasting from Atlantic Superstore in Riverview (6a to 6p) collecting donations for the food bank. Please spread the word!

Thinking about a Corn Maze Adventure?

Bookstravaganza Book Sale is Coming Soon and now you can drop off book donations at Sobeys...

There is a Solar Eclipse happening Oct 14th...

*there might be a Total Eclipse of the Heart at that time

Garage Night for BGC Riverview is October 19th, but tix sellout fast!!

Oct 19th
Food Fun Prizes!
Supports BGC Riverview
Tix are $75 each or table of 8 for $550
For tix call 506-387-7070 or 289-251-5825 or email at sarawodnisky@bgcriverview.com

Weird News! Check out the Weird News Podcast #WhatAWeirdWeek ...

School News

- Riverview High School's first Homecoming game will include a HOCO Hype-Up Event (short for homecoming)... Game is at the Riverview High School Football Field and HOCO Hype-Up activities are happening on the LOWER Field at RHS... Game happens Saturday, October 7th at 1p. HOCO Hype-Up is from 10:30a to 12:15p. More info here https://www.scottyandtony.com/2023/09/rhs-homecoming-game-is-sat-oct-7th-at.html

- Do you have School News for us? Want to read the latest School News? See NewCountry969.ca/school


How to Donate Blood

🩸Moncton Blood Donation Centre Hours are:
- Monday from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm
- Tuesday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
- Wednesday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
- Thursday from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm
- Friday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
🩸 The Moncton donor centre is at at 500 Mapleton Road.
🩸 Get an appointment through the GiveBlood app (iphone) (android), call 1 888 2 DONATE (1-888-236-6283) or book at Blood.ca.
🩸 Check the CBS Moncton Facebook https://www.facebook.com/LifelineMoncton/


πŸ’πŸˆπŸ€⚽⚾ Sports:

-- Pro Sports https://www.flashscore
-- Moncton Wildcats Q League Hockey https://chl.ca/lhjmq-wildcats
-- Moncton AAA Flyers U18 Hockey https://nbpeimu18hl.ca/teams/flyers
-- Ladies High School Hockey www.leaguelineup.com/cehockeyec
– Boys High School Hockey www.easternconferencehockey.com
-- West Kent Steamers Jr A Hockey https://www.westkentsteamers.com

πŸ’° Atlantic Lotto Winning Numbers... https://www.alc.ca/content/alc/en/winning-numbers.html