Tues. Oct. 17th is National Pasta Day. How are you celebrating? *DO NOT ATTEMPT. PROFESSIONAL SPEED EATER!

On National Pasta Day we celebrate World Record Speed Eater Leah Shutkever from the UK who holds the record for eating a bowl of pasta very fast ... how fast is the world record?

Earlier this year Leah ate a bowl of pasta in just over 17 seconds!
Before you attempt to eat a whole box of Kraft Dinner in 17 seconds, please reconsider. Leah is a pro.

*UPDATE* you guys texted in your favorite pasta for National Pasta Day and the winner in a close race was macaroni. Also, we think we invented a new kind of pasta to sell to the NHL during Stanley Cup Playoffs... 


BTW, Leah was part of a speed-eating showdown versus Canadian speed-eating champ Mike Jack.
Last month the Guinness World Records folks published the story...
Highlights include:
- Leah beat Mike in a couple head-to-head challenges ... fastest time to eat a head of lettuce (46.53 seconds) and most vegan nuggets eaten in one minute (350 grams).
- Mike got a couple records for drinking stuff ... fastest time to drink a bottle of hot sauce (8.56 seconds) and fastest time to drink a litre of tomato sauce (1 minute 5.56 seconds)!!
- Leah also set some new records ... Fastest Muffin Consumption (15.25 seconds), the aforementioned fastest bowl of pasta consumption (17.03 seconds), and Fastest time to eat 500 grams of mozzarella (1 minute 2.34 seconds). Good Lord that's a lotta mozza!!