Happy Mashed Potato Day! Wed Oct 18, 2023. #WorldRecord #GiantPotatoMan

Largest serving of mashed potatoes... 2641 lbs! 
- was set by high school kids Jason Lin, Colin Stockdale, Tyler Hubeny and Evan Armstrong in East Binghamton, New York, in 2015.

- started as a bit of a lark

- had to overcome a bunch of hurdles before attaining potato greatness, partly because none of them knew how to make mashed potatoes... also, where were they gonna get thousands of potatoes on their budget of zero dollars?

- eventually they got community help (the potatoes were donated by a charity that feeds hungry people) and made 2641 pounds of mashed potatoes in a donated vat.

- mashed potatoes were then distributed to local soup kitchens!

see https://www.pressconnects.com/story/news/connections/2016/04/13/endicott-potato-posse-teens-smash-potato-record/82905868/ and https://www.wicz.com/story/31610395/union-endicott-students-set-world-record and also https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/largest-serving-of-mashed-potato