What a Weird Week: Please Lady, Don't Go in for your Apple Watch! Fri Sept 29, 2023

This is What a Weird Week, a show about the weird stuff from this week's news. Scroll Down to Listen to audio and Watch the video. Links: Shownotes Page https://www.shownotes.page and Audio Podcast https://kite.link/weird and also Video Podcast https://www.youtube.com/@weirdweekpod

Here's the Top Ten for Season 4, Episode 53 first published on Friday Sept 29, 2023...  

❿ Tinder's Very Expensive Option makes news...
- $500 per month Tinder option has been made available to a select number of Tinder users...
- *Tinder Select is actually $499
- What do you get for that fee? New features, like one described as "VIP search, matching and conversation". 
- I've been married a long time, is it that tough out there to find love that people will pay 6 grand a year for Tinder?
- BTW, Tinder's company already has a different app, called The League, which is $1000 per week. 
$500 per month Tinder (artist rendering)
❾ Wienermobile Rides Again!
- Four months ago, the folks at Oscar Mayer changed the name of their hot dog fleet of cars from Wienermobiles to Frankmobiles.
- Now, those wiener vehicles will be called Wienermobiles again.
- Was it a publicity stunt name-change, or a sincere attempt to switch the name of your rolling wieners, that just didn't take? 
- Did a petition by fans of giant, motorized wieners make the difference?
- We're left with some questions, but if you're a fan of the traditional name, you don't care do you? You got the rolling wiener car back!
❽ Dogs Go To Human Movie, World Reacts...
- Paramount Pictures, along with an animal well-being charity invited dogs and their families to an outdoor showing of Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie... 219 pooches brought their families to the showing and that is a world record for dogs-watching-a-movie.
- Happened at Griffith Park in L.A.
- Official record is "Most dogs attending a film screening."
- Are the dogs OK with being part of a publicity stunt for Hollywood? Almost all of them didn't care.
- New Paw Patrol movie opens on Friday.
and video https://www.2news.com/news/most-dogs-attending-film-screening-world-record/video_715b8f06-5ad2-55ee-83ad-49fb80d89031.html
do dogs like popcorn?
❼ Flock of Sheep Steals 600 Pounds of Marijuana Plants...
- happened at a town in Greece... 
- the sheep got into a greenhouse full of medical cannabis...
- the article in Newsweek says that the shepherd noticed his flock started acting strange...
- the greenhouse said the sheep were "jumping higher than goats," which is highly unusual, apparently.
Guinness World Record for 10 Year-Old Makes Many of us feel inadequate... 
- a youngster from Malaysia (Punithamalar Rajashekar) set a new record for the quickest chessboard setup while blindfolded...
- she set up a chessboard in 45.72 seconds while blindfolded...
- she is also a very good chess player... not just good at setting up the chessboard...
and the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wo7hFBlVHo

❺ Message in a Bottle Sweepstakes Makes News...
- The tallest lighthouse on the Great Lakes has a contest where you can win a stay in the lighthouse if you find their message in a bottle...
- This is the White Shoal Light and the message in a bottle you're looking for is somewhere in Lake Michigan... 
- Prizes don't expire...
- you're encouraged to check the shoreline for one of the winning bottles...
- the article says the prize bottles might have floated into Lake Huron...  
- That's a lot of shoreline to scope out...
you in future. nice headband.
❹ Guy drinks Capri Sun brand beverage very fast, sets new record...
- We talked about this record before... now there's a new time to beat...
- Fayis Nazer of India is the first person to drink an entire single serving Capri Sun beverage in under ten seconds... 
- new record is 8.02 seconds!
- in case you don't know from Capri Sun drinks, it is one of those beverages where you stab it with a straw and enjoy the fruit or fruit-like juice...
- in case you want to try to beat this one, the rules say you have to start with both hands on the table... 
- be careful not to suck up other nearby objects in you fervor to break the record... 
@guinnessworldrecords Fastest time to drink a Capri Sun 🥤⏱️ 8.02 secs by Fayis Nazer 🇮🇳 #caprisun #guinnessworldrecords ♬ original sound - Guinness World Records

❸ a Drug that can Grow New Teeth was in the news this week... 
- Scientists have the go-ahead to start human trials on a drug that grows new teeth...  they've already had successful trials in mice...
- Looks like testing on people will start in July...
- If it goes well with the different phases of human testing, it could be up for approval by 2030...
- they think it would be another option alongside false teeth...
growing new teeth, not just for sharks anymore - Shark Dentist
❷ Dog from Canada sets Sock Removal Record... 
- Daiquiri is an Australian Shepherd type of pooch who lives in Canada and got in the news this week when the Guinness Book of World Records published a report on this sock-tastic accomplishment...
- Daiquiri removed 21 socks from people’s feet in a minute and that's a world record.

🏆 Honorable Mention...  SpongeBob Mac and Cheese is a Triumph of the Human Spirit...
- Kraft in the United States announced this week that they were bringing back their Mac & Cheese in the shape of SpongeBob SquarePants characters...
- Should be available any time (they said starting in October)...
- SpongeBob Mac and Cheese was officially discontinued in 2019, but then they teased us with limited edition SpongeBob boxes in 2020... 
- Fans on social media and a petition demanding the return of SpongeBob must've convinced Kraft to bring it back. 
- Great things can happen when we work together you guys... GREAT THINGS!
a big bowl of SpongeBob pasta *citation needed
❶ Lady Stuck in Toilet Makes News, Retrieves Watch!
- happened in Michigan where Police responded to a call of "|Lady trapped in Outhouse" *paraphrase
- So... picture a portapotty... except this is a permanent outhouse like they might have at a campground or a park, maybe at a ball field...
- the lady somehow dropped her Apple Watch down in there... those things are expensive... so she decided to go after it...
- people called the cops when they heard a lady calling for help... the sound seemed to be coming from the vicinity of the toilet... 
- Rescuers removed the toilet then were able to hoist the woman up from the bowels of the earth/ containment area, back to solid ground...
- authorities warn that if you ever drop your Smart Watch, Phone, or other, down an outhouse, do not attempt to retrieve it from the containment because it is dangerous...
- This lady seemed to escape the incident without serious injury... but my Sweet Lord that is a doozy of a story!
- BTW, the lady got her watch back, so that's nice for her...
photos here

leave smart watch with a friend before entering - experts

Here's the stream, thanks for scrolling all the way down! Hero!


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