What a Weird Week: The One with Big Onions! Fri Sept 22, 2023

This is What a Weird Week, a show about the weird stuff from this week's news. Scroll Down to Listen to audio and Watch the video.

Links: Shownotes Page https://www.shownotes.page and Audio Podcast https://kite.link/weird and also Video Podcast https://www.youtube.com/@weirdweekpod

Here's the Top Ten for Season 4, Episode 52 first published on Friday Sept 22, 2023... 

❿ Large Onion Makes News, Everyone Cries...
- Post article says the onion "made him cry tears of joy."
- Gareth Griffin, in the UK, has grown an almost 20 pound onion...
- That's unofficially the biggest onion ever recorded.
- it is larger than the gardener's head.
- old record was an onion from 2014 that was under 19 pounds.
- onion still needs to be given the official all-clear from the Guinness folks.

❾ Flaming Hooper Breaks World Record...
- new record is 8 (on-fire) spinning hula hoops...
- congratulations to Grace Good who is a professional Hoop Performer and gives audiences a thrill with hooping feats like spinning 8 flaming hoops at the same time!
- Grace also set another hooping record for "most hula hoops spun simultaneously while balancing on a giant rolling globe"... that record is 28 hula hoops... she had 28 hoops going at once while standing on a ball you guys!
and video
@guinnessworldrecords Most fire hoops spun simultaneously πŸ’ƒπŸ”₯ 8 by Grace Good @Grace Good πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ As featured in the new Guinness World Records 2024 book, out now πŸ“˜ #GWR2024 #hulahoop #hooping #guinnessworldrecords ♬ original sound - Guinness World Records
❽ Mistake by Ticket Seller Results in Big Lotto Win...
- a fellow in Maryland was given the wrong ticket and won $580,000!
- he went to the gas station to buy five Cash4Life tickets but the store employee rang in one Multi-Match instead... Then was having trouble voiding the mistake...  
- the ticket buyer said 'it's all good' *paraphrase 
- that wrong ticket turned out to be a big winner!
- the store gets a cool thousand bucks for selling that ticket too!
❼ Artist's Art Wasn't Really Art? They have to give the Money Back... 
note, we talked about this story when it happened, now the courts have ruled on it... an artist from Denmark has to pay back ~ $72,000  to the museum that hired him to do some kind of artwork... the artwork was supposed to incorporate a bunch of banknotes ... but the artist kept those banknotes and instead gave the museum a couple blank canvasses...
- artist is quoted in the story as saying, "The work is that I have taken their money."
- btw, the artwork was called "Take the Money and run"
*artist rendering of the artist rendering
❻ Surfing Snake Incident Results in Big Fine... 
- fella in Australia took his snake out on the surfboard... video went viral... video also got the attention of wildlife authorities... snake owner fined $2,322... he says the snake didn't even hiss/ snake loves to surf...
- authorities say surfing puts the snake under unnecessary stress *paraphrase*
❺ these train wrestlers you guys!
- Pro wrestlers recently in the news for fighting on a Japanese bullet train!
- Imagine you're seated on the train... it's doing maybe 180 m/p/h and these wrestlers come down the aisle bringing the hurt to each other... well, it happened!
- and the train was packed!!
- but the people on the train were there to see the wrestling... it was a wrestling event... weird venue though, eh?
- DDT Pro Wrestling put the event on... pro wrestling in the aisle of a train!?
- they've also had events in a bookshop btw...
- congratulations to Minoru Suzuki who beat Sanshiro Takagi in the train match.
this photo: pro wrestling is 100% real
❹ WTF? (What the Fanta?!)
- this is a publicity stunt where Fanta comes out with a limited-edition pop/soda for the Halloween season and it's a mystery flavor that will turn your tongue black... and it's called What The Fanta.
- it's a zero-sugar mystery drink btw.
- WTF drink available in bottles or cans at various retailers in the USA and Canada... also available with sugar or as a zero-sugar drink at some Coke Freestyle machines.
- Noteworthy: last year the mystery flavor turned out to be orange cream.
❸ Beer Foam Study... (How do you get a grant to study Beer? asking for a friend.)
- new study says foamy beer is good for flavor...
- according to research published in the Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, that foam on your beer sends flavor bubbles to your nose *paraphrase* and that makes it taste good... 
- Foam locks in some of the CO2 that would normally escape your beer, and that locks in the flavor, essentially.
- Through their testing the researchers were able to determine that foamy beer is almost twice as aromatic as no-foam beer and the foam gives beer a "multisensory drinking experience." 
- article also links to former beer studies that seem to indicate that beer tops the list of food that makes you happy, and that beer may help stave off Alzheimer's disease.
❷ Bargain Painting bought for four bucks sells for a profit ~ 190K!
- I love articles like this! This is the dream!! The dream isn't "work hard at something you love and you'll be a success," the dream is spend four bucks on a picture at a thrift store and then auction off that picture for a $190,000!!
- *story from Hoops at UPI's Weird News Division... 
- painting was bought four $4 at thrift store in New Hampshire...
- turned out it was some long, lost art from an artist named  N.C. Wyeth.
- from 1939, this painting is one of four like it in the world and depicts a young lady and an older lady having some kind of stare-down *paraphrase/ I'm not an art historian*
- The owner of the painting was a lady who bought it for 4 bucks, had it on her wall, and one day posted a photo of it on Facebook... someone in the comments said "Get the museum to check that thing out!" *paraphrase*
❶ Boot-throwing world record attempt!
- Happened during the National Ploughing Championships in Ireland.
- from the article in Farming Life: "Excitement was in the air as the countdown began, at the signal participants launched their wellington boots into the air in unison. Hundreds of wellingtons flew through the air, which was a sight to behold in itself."
- 995 people threw their Wellies (you know, rubber boots) in the air at the same time and once the Guinness folks certify it, that's a world record for ‘Most Persons Simultaneously Throwing Wellington Boots’.
- do you bring a spare boot to something like this, or do you throw one of the boots you wore there? Anyway, Congratulations! 
do you bring an extra throwing boot, or just use one that's on your foot?

Here's the stream, thanks for scrolling all the way down! Hero!


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