What a Weird Week: Alien Mummies Again? Fri Sept 15, 2023 *Updated Links*

This is What a Weird Week, a show about weird stuff from this week's news.
Audio https://podnews.net/podcast/i9vxl , Shownotes https://www.shownotes.page , Video https://www.youtube.com/@weirdweekpod
Scroll Down to Listen to audio and Watch the video. Here's the Top Ten Headlines for Season 4, Episode 51 first published on Friday Sept 15, 2023...

❿ Man from Pennsylvania sees 777 theater movies in one year.
- Zachariah Swope is 32 years old and loves movies.
- To hit 777 movies in a year you have to average more than two a day!
- Zachariah demolished the old record of 715.
- Zach used the record-breaking odyssey to raise awareness for mental heath initiatives then the theater where Zach broke the record, the Regal, surprised him with a donation to the American Federation for Suicide Prevention! Amount was $7,777.77!
- More: How did he do it? Zach would get off work and watch two movies... then on weekends he would watch more... taking one night off per week.
- That's like 16 or 17 movies every week... he used a movie pass deal so it only cost Zach between two and three hundred bucks... without the movie pass it would've been a LOT more $$.


❾ Chopping Chopper Chops a Lot... Wallace Wong has an inspiring story. He overcame obesity. He beat cancer. He became a bodybuilder, and a chef, and a Tik Tok star... now he has a chopping world record...
- nickname is the “Six Pack Chef”
- set a record for the most cucumbers sliced while blindfolded (in 30 seconds.)
- record is 166 slices... more than five per second!
- please do not blindfold-chop stuff. He is an expert.

https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/news/2023/9/bodybuilding-chef-beat-cancer-and-became-tiktok-star-with-food-slicing-skills-757965 and video https://www.instagram.com/p/Cwz8Y9WNNjz/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet

❽ Little Girl Finds Big Ol' Diamond, Makes News...
- A 7-year-old girl wanted to celebrate her birthday at this State Park in Arkansas. That park, Crater of Diamonds State Park, is one of the only public diamond sites in the world... you're allowed to go to there and start digging. That's what this little girl did and KaBlammy, she found a diamond that's almost three carats!!
- Happy birthday and congratulations to Aspen Brown!
- BTW, some other diamond finds there were: a 9 carat diamond in 2020, and a 4 carat diamond in 2021.
What is that diamond worth? idk how diamonds work exactly, but this link (https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=what+would+a+three+carat+raw+diamomnd+be+worth%3F) says somewhere between 7 grand and 150 grand...
- btw, they have a "Finders Keepers" policy at the diamond park so little Aspen gets to keep that thing!!

State park https://www.arkansasstateparks.com/parks/crater-diamonds-state-park/digging-for-diamonds and article https://www.travelandleisure.com/little-girl-celebrates-birthday-in-arkansas-park-with-2-95-carat-diamond-find-7967179

❼ What is the Mystery Golden Orb they've discovered in the Ocean?
- it's biological... so some sort of living golden orb...
- some reports describe it as a blob rather than an orb... I think I'm on Team Blob also... it's about four inches across... described as smooth and soft...
- found two miles deep in the Pacific Ocean by a remote vehicle that was being used to map deepwater sites near Alaska.


❻ When you buy a cursed painting, the important thing is to come to grips with the fact it's cursed as soon as possible, then return it...
- the painting got attention on social media when a charity shop in East Sussex, UK, posted a photo of the art and this caption: "She's back!!! Sold twice and returned twice! Are you brave enough?"
- according to the article, the last person to be cursed by the painting was a person named Zoe who bought the painting and the next day was chased by a dark, mysterious figure. Zoe returned the portrait to the shop.
- a Ms. Elliott-Brown bought the haunted art and put it on eBay and the final bid was over 1600 pounds! Some of that goes back to the charity shop btw.
- Good luck and God Speed to the new owner.

Charity Shop Link if you want to donate https://harcuk.com/charity-shops/ and article link https://news.sky.com/story/cursed-painting-sells-for-more-than-1-600-after-twice-being-returned-to-charity-shop-12959697 

❺ Chico the cockatoo in the news after GWR article re land speed bird scoot record!
- Chico was celebrated by the Guinness folks this week because that bird holds the Guinness World Record for fastest 5 meter scooter run by a bird, completing the 5 meters in 14.58 seconds!


❹ Lady in Maryland Uses License Plate to pick lotto numbers, wins $50,000 lottery prize!
This is from Hoops (Ben Hooper at UPI)... article about a lady who didn't like her license plate number... it's 91104... she wanted to change it but it was gonna be a hassle so she kept the bad license plate... then she kept seeing the numbers show up in her life... she says those numbers showed up on paperwork, on TV ads, stuff like that... then she used those numbers on a lotto ticket... Kablammy! Last Sunday she won $50,000!!  


❸ River of Wine Floods Portuguese Streets... I would say it was like white water rapids, but the wine was red wine... red wine rapids!
- a distillery had a breach and 2.2 million litres of delicious wine flowed out of their vats and down the streets of the Portuguese town...
- from the article "The wine flowed down nearby roads, flooding land and at least one cellar... firefighters helped clean up..."
- They managed to prevent the wine from from pouring into a nearby river which would have been some kinda environmental disaster...
- spill lasted for about an hour...
- from the article "The wine flowed down nearby roads, flooding land and at least one cellar... firefighters helped clean up..."
- They managed to prevent the wine from from pouring into a nearby river which would have been some kinda environmental disaster...
- spill lasted for about an hour...

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/13/levira-portugal-wine-flood-how-damage-litres-destilaria and also see video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ag-in9TQ_g8

❷ Teen from India has record-breaking long hair...
- How long is the longest hair on a male teenager? Four foot nine and a half.
- a 15 year old fella from India who has never cut his hair has was honored by the Guinness folks this week...
- according to their article he washes his hair a couple times a week... the process takes an hour...
- The young fella gives a shout-out to his mom, which is nice
- “It would take an entire day if it wasn’t for the help of my mother...”

https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/news/2023/9/indian-teen-sets-world-record-with-remarkably-long-hair-758478 and also the video https://youtu.be/cms4Zv9iG-Y?feature=shared

Honorable Mention: UFO fails to cause panic in Prophetstown, Illinois. Everybody there seems really cool.
- Love this one because it's obvious no one believes it's a UFO, and they're just treating it like a straightforward, weird thing-in-the-sky story... they think it's probably a research balloon... they don't think aliens or China spy balloon... it used to be that a story like this would feature the theme from the X Files show and interviews with the weirdest person they could find, like they would seek out somebody who high or hammered, and that's how the story would go... I like it how they handled this one...

from WQAD 8 ABC https://www.wqad.com/article/news/local/prophetstown-ufo-sky-flying-object-unknown/526-e08fb678-6758-49c0-9402-b0f288c542db and see the video https://youtu.be/jhM1hLVbW8k?feature=shared

❶ Mystery Alien Mummies and Mexico's Congress...
- If you don't follow UFO stuff, have a look at the photos and decide for yourself... this is highly controversial, even amongst true believers...
- According to the article, Jaime Maussan, a Mexican reporter, went before a Mexican public congressional hearing and, under oath, claimed that these mummies on display for the politicians were not part of “our terrestrial evolution”...
- This reporter used to be very well-regarded among UFO researchers, but then his name was affiliated with some UFO discoveries that were debunked... so now a lot of people are like, "idk, Jaime" *paraphrase...  some of that controversy involved mummies that turned out not to be alien...
- These mummies (I keep calling them mummies but really, they are mummified/ fossilized) were supposedly found in a mine in Cusco, Peru. They look like small dusty statues imo.
- What do you think?


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