Thurs Sept 7: What's gonna happen with gas prices? Late Summer Heat Wave! If you want to break the pancake record, this weekend is your chance! Radio Shownotes.

Shownotes for Thurs. Sept 7th. Info for you every day on the Scotty and Tony blog. Listen to the radio online here:

What Up, End of Summer? Isn't it supposed to be Pumpkin Spice Season?
Today forecast = Humidex of 33, Friday forecast = Humidex 40! Check our Summer page for a bunch of good hot weather links:

Gas Experts predicting a small drop in gas, a modest drop in diesel prices tonight at midnight... 

There's a pancake breakfast on Saturday at Riveriew Lions Club. Info here

If you're thinking of breaking the pancake-eating world record, maybe give them a half hour heads-up that you're coming over... otherwise, no reservations required!


Scotty and Tony's Million Dollar Idea File:
Today we floated out two ideas that we penciled into our Million Dollar Idea Binder:
1) donuts with fudge inside.
2) a way to harness the energy of people on a treadmill at the gym so we can charge our smart devices and tasers.
Fudge Donuts wins this battle.

*even though the artist depiction looks this creepy

Soundbites: In 2006, a fella named Guy went to the BBC for a job interview. At the same time, the TV channel was expecting an expert to do a TV interview. Long story short, the wrong Guy ended up on TV and he did his best to fake it through the interview. ICYMI, here's that clip... 

That fellow is back in the news because he would like some of the income that's been generated by his viral video moment.