School News: Emotional Support Bearded Dragon at Hillsborough Elementary. Name the Dragon Contest on Sept 28th!!

S&T Note: We thought an emotional support bearded dragon/ name the dragon contest sounded pretty cool. From the Anglo East Newsletter:
"Hillsborough Elementary School – Our TLC (Therapeutic Learning Centre) room gained an emotional
support Bearded Dragon on Marvellous Monday! He is already so loved. He was researched; facts and
information were found. He was held and read to and even shown pictures of what has been ordered on
Amazon for him after much discussion. A huge thank you to a Hillsborough family for letting us love him! Class pets are the best! Also, all the students are still talking about feeding him; a definite highlight! Stay tuned for more updates of our new HES resident as we will be having a school-wide contest at our September 28th assembly, to give him a new name!

If you'd like to support our schools there are tons of ways to help:

- volunteer at a breakfast program

- take part in a fundraiser

- donate something for a raffle

- spread the word when a fundraiser is happening

- donate climbing rope for the school gym *jk, that's not one