School News: Anglo East Staff to form Band, world tour imminent

We thought this was a great opportunity for school staff to rock out (by that we mean play fantastic Country Music) and spread musical joy!
Anglo East has a new opportunity for musicians on-staff to join the band!
From the Anglo East Newsletter:
"District Staff Concert Band on the second and fourth
Wednesday of each month. The first rehearsal will be
on Wednesday September 27 from 4:00p - 5:30p in the
BMHS Music Room. Dust off that instrument or borrow
one from your school and come out and have some fun.
This is open to all staff with any experience."

School staff do a lot for our kids and no doubt this will turn into a terrific opportunity to provide entertainment at school events, or put on a benefit show, or start churning out solid gold records... who knows!!!???
Good luck, Staff Band!!

suggested band name: PD Daze