Mon Sept 11: North End Stink Meeting is this week, Sadfishing Explained, Happy Birthday long-distance cell phone call (we hope you get an 80 pound pinata) Radio Shownotes

Shownotes for Mon Sept 11th. Info for you every day on the Scotty and Tony blog. Listen to the radio online here:

Local News 

North end stink meeting and survey info (meeting is Wed Sept 13th)

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Forecast this week might include some Hurricane Lee impact

🗲🌩 Today Periods of rain with risk of a thundershower. Amount 10 mm. High 20. Humidex 27. On Tuesday or Wednesday we'll have a better picture of what'll happen with the tracking of Hurricane Lee... to be continued!
Storm Link

Sadfishing Explained...

It's when you keep seeing posts on your social feeds from somebody who keeps posting sad stuff in hopes of getting some likes, or hugs, or attention... It all started with Kendall Jenner... she started posting about her awful, “debilitating” struggle with pimples... it turned out that the whole thing was a campaign for Proactiv. For more on this Sadfishing business see


On this date...

On today's date, the first mobile long-distance car-to-car telephone conversation took place between Houston, Texas and St. Louis, Missouri... in 1946! ... required equipment weighed in at 80 pounds...

What the heck are Fall Webworms? You've seen them...


Garage Night for BGC Riverview is October 19th, but tix sellout fast!!

Oct 19th
Food Fun Prizes!
Supports BGC Riverview
Tix are $75 each or table of 8 for $550
For tix call 506-387-7070 or 289-251-5825 or email at

Check out the Weird News Podcast...


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Victoria Park Arts & Crafts Fair

Event happens September 15, 16, 17. Here's more info: