*UPDATE* Details on Partial Eclipse of the Sun on Sat Oct 14th. Note: a total eclipse of the heart also possible on that date.

Total Eclipse of the Heart (artist depiction)

According to Gary, the Backyard Astronomer, we will have a partial eclipse of the sun in North America on Saturday, October 14th, 2023. (That's the one where the moon appears to partly-cover the sun.) 

*UPDATE* Event at University of Moncton...
The physics and astronomy department at Université de Moncton is having what I like to call an Eclipse Party... Professor Viktor Khalack will speak at 1:00p in room A-102 of the Rémi-Rossignol building. After that, things will move over to the observatory on top of the Léopold-Taillon building. Event is free. Partial eclipse will be at its peak at 2:32p. Since you should never observe the Sun with the naked eye, observation glasses will be available, but the quantity is limited.

More from Gary TBYA: "Solar eclipses come in basically three flavours, total, annular and partial... On Oct 14, the moon will be farther from Earth and... not block the entire solar disk..."

- It is dangerous to look at any solar eclipse so please DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE SUN!
- You can use a certified solar filter or a number 14 welder’s lens to look at it.
- You can also make a pin hole camera and have the double satisfaction of making something cool, and using it to check out a dadgum solar eclipse!

Pin Hole Camera Tutorial: https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/edu/learn/project/how-to-make-a-pinhole-camera/

or watch...