What a Weird Week Show for Fri. June 9, 2023: The UFOs have Landed!

mr Beast reaction meme
*actual reaction may vary
Hello you, I'm Scott. Here's the Show.
icymi, every Friday we do a Weird-News-of-the-Week Top 10 Countdown podcast, a blog with all the stories and shownotes, and a
YouTube video. Find everything at Shownotes.page.
This is Season 4, Episode 37 for Friday June 9th, 2023:
❿ The Miracle Diet that's been under our noses the whole time...
- Kevin Maginnis lost 60 pounds.
- His weight loss journey included eating at McDonald's for 100 days and here's his secret... half portions.
- we all doubted your McDonald's diet would work, Kevin, but happy for you brother.
- He ate everything on the menu, too! *not sugary drinks.
- all he did was order a typical meal and then only eat half... half burger and half fries, etc.
- Notes: for Kevin's diet there was no booze, no snacks between meals, no added fruits and veg, and no exercise.
- consult your physician before embarking on any diet... also there's plenty of free advice on social media... just post that you want to lose weight and wait for that free advice to come pouring in!
See https://taboolanews.com/article-page/2136498854221100806 and Kevin on TikTok @bigmaccoaching
 ❾ the Barbie Movie and the Pinkmergency...
- They used so much of this particular fluorescent pink paint for the movie that there was a shortage of it.
- so if you were planning some sort of pink project, sorry but it all went into the Barbie Dream House and Barbie movie universe for the movie production...
- the paint company Rosco says that Barbie got all their fluorescent pink paint... there were also some supply chain issues involved...
See https://ew.com/movies/barbie-movie-caused-pink-paint-shortage-margot-robbie-greta-gerwig/
and trailer https://youtu.be/pBk4NYhWNMM
via EW

❽ Another discovery has stunned scientists...
- Idk you guys. These headlines talking about stunned scientists seem to pop up more often these days... are scientists really stunned by stuff all the time? Is it the Weirdening?
- a team of astrophysicists discovered "hundreds of mysterious structures" in the middle of our galaxy.
- What are they? I'll read the thing because I can't even begin to understand what they're talking about... they've discovered some kind of "one-dimensional cosmic threads..." as near as i can put together they're slim, stretched out horizontal threads/ filaments... or some aren't horizontal they're radial so ray-like? These are made of shiny gas. They think that these weird space threads came about when a black hole co-mingled with other space "materials".
- was the headline click baiting us? Not really... Prof. Yusef-Zadeh, of Northwestern University's Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences said "I was actually stunned when I saw these..."
- What does it all mean? As near as I can tell, discovering fairly new things in the galaxy is exciting for science and that stuff can get you published... also every time you discover something interesting about black holes, that gets into the science news... but for you and me... the universe is beautiful I guess?
See https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/06/02/world/milky-way-galaxy-filaments-discovered-study-scn/index.html
❼ AI Drone turns against human and it got scary... but wait...
- another week, another weird and scary ai story. *I don't understand ai at all but we've all heard the stories about ai passing the bar exam and cranking out solid gold hip hop... what if they put ai in charge of taking out the enemy?
- headline from Newsweek: "Military Drone Attacks Human Operator in Hypothetical Scenario"
- this experiment/ simulation was run by the USAF... a Drone was programmed to take out enemy sites for points... it had to get a human operator's approval to destroy the enemy sites in this simulation... sometimes the human operator wouldn't approve the mission... and so the Drone optimized the situation by killing the human operator so that the Drone would be free to take out all the enemies without human interference.
- that's kind of scary, right? But... that's not exactly what really happened..  A colonel gave that presentation to a bunch of people at a conference... then after the conference the colonel  said that it wasn't an actual simulation that was run... it was a thought experiment. So, like, they brainstormed a scenario...
❻ weird fish weird fish weird fish...
- somebody in South Carolina saw this weird fish swimming on the surface of the water..  and they got a great video from atop a bridge.  
it ended up on the local news... and we got this one solved you guys...
- from the article: 'WCNC Charlotte Chief Meteorologist Brad Panovich what he thought it could be... "At first, I thought it was a cuttlefish, but it's actually something called a sea hare or a sea slug,"'
- local news FTW!
❺how long is the longest dog tongue?
- Short Answer: really long. Also short answer: 5 inches long.
- Zoey the dog from Louisiana just got acknowledged by GWR for having the "longest tongue on a living dog."
- Zoey is a Labrador/ German Shepherd mix.
- Someone had to overcome a LOT of dog slobber to collect the data for this world record.
- For reference, Zoey's tongue is longer than a pop can... and almost as long as a dollar bill...
See https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/news/2023/6/dog-secures-longest-tongue-record-with-licker-longer-than-a-soda-can-748545
and video...

❹ the Biggest Crocodile in the World is how old?
- 120 years old they think...
- Cassius the Crocodile is 18 feet long and they just had a party to celebrate Cassius' 120th birthday!
- What do you get for a really old crocodile? Maybe a meat pinata? Just brainstorming here.
- Cassius was captured in the mid 1980s... now lives at Marineland Crocodile Park on Green Island, Great Barrier Reef...
- so to recap... the biggest crocodile in the world is also pretty old... and he lives on an island in Australia... and some day when the crocodile uprising occurs that island will be the epicenter* (*citation needed)
See https://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2023/06/05/australia-largest-crocodile-Cassius-120-years-old/5241685984263/
❸ UFOs, UAPs, weird vehicles from space in the news...
- if you don't follow the UFO news too closely, the other day there was one of these bombshell stories that dropped...
- a witness from the US military says there's a program in the United States that is all about locating and retrieving crashed or landed UFOs...
- this whistle-blowing Air Force vet (David Grusch) says there's a cover-up... he's seen evidence... and that UFO pilots have also been retrieved...
- icymi... the US has a fairly new task force (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All-domain_Anomaly_Resolution_Office) under the Secretary of Defense that's supposed to get to the bottom of weird things in the sky and they've been investigating different sightings... but this aint that...
- this whistleblower was a high-up in the military and could access secret stuff...
- here's his quote: “I thought it was totally nuts... People started to confide in me... I have plenty of senior, former, intelligence officers that came to me, many of which I knew almost my whole career, that confided in me that they were part of a program.”
- reporters have confirmed that David the Whistleblower IS who he says he is but haven't seen any documents or evidence... David says he has evidence and has filed an official Whistleblower complaint with Congress and gave them the proof...
- So why is this a bombshell UFO story? We've heard stories like this since the X Files was on TV... but this would be the first time an official US government representative has said something like this in public.
- some name-brand credible journalists (https://thedebrief.org/author/leslie-kean/) are reporting on this, so there's that... but also some of the big names in UFO investigation have their doubts... like  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64B6r6HsL58&list=PLE3oneoSnqvo0-IjaLOW9Hl6fwHdXysye&index=1) and (https://podcastufo.com/special-edition-uap-whistleblower-bombshell/)...
Also See https://www.newsnationnow.com/space/military-whistleblowe-us-ufo-retrieval-program/
❷ Another Reason to Go for a Walk... Fame and Fortune*! *citation needed
- A lady who went for a walk on the beach in California found an ancient mastodon tooth sticking out of the sand...  
- But then they lost it! Oh no!! ... then they posted on Insta!!! ... then they found the fossil again!!!!
- What a roller coaster ride !
- A lady named Jennifer was strolling on the beach... sees this weird, foot-long tooth sticking out of the sand...
- Jennifer took some photos but left the thing there... she posted those photos on FB...
- somebody from the Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History saw those photos and was like, 'that's a mastodon molar!' (paraphrase)
- They went back to the beach, but... they couldn't find the tooth! (You can't handle the tooth!?)
- Thank heavens for social media... they made a post and someone called the museum... a guy named Jim Smith rediscovered the tooth fossil while jogging.
- Jim sold the mastodon tooth to the museum for 300,000... jk he donated it for free!
- Q: how old is it? A: under a million.
See https://apnews.com/article/california-beach-ancient-mastodon-tooth-cfcd32d4b9008523d111714a84dea604 and Insta https://www.instagram.com/p/Csydb6PLIec/
❶ Pizzabot, DEACTIVATE!!
- If you're concerned about a robot uprising, this is a win for the humans... a robot that made pizzas has been shut down because it's hard to get the cheese right*... *sort of
- Cheese was the undoing of this robot... so file that away in case we go to war with the robots some day... we might be able to weaponize cheese against them...
- I don't want to be insensitive about it because this is about a company closing down... a robot-based pizza company that had gotten hundreds of millions of dollars in financial backing from investors...
- This company started as a pizza-making robot machine in a truck where the pizza would be cooked while it was being delivered... it didn't pan out... then they tried to become a sustainable packaging company... the reason for this pivot is that cheese is hard to master...
- The article says that, essentially, cheese would slide off the pizzas while they were baked in a moving vehicle...
See https://www.sfgate.com/tech/article/zume-pizza-startup-shuts-down-18136126.php and company background https://www.restaurantbusinessonline.com/technology/zume-shuts-down-its-robot-powered-pizza-business
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