What a Weird Week for Friday, June 23rd, 2023: Doin' Shots and Breakin' Records!

Dear friends, I'm Scott. This is What a Weird Week. Every Friday we do a Weird-News-of-the-Week Top 10 Countdown podcast, a blog with all the stories and shownotes, and a YouTube video. Find everything at Shownotes.page.
This is Season 4, Episode 39 for Friday June 23, 2023:
❿ You've heard it said, Dance like no one is watching. I say, dance like the world is watching! Students at a school in Connecticut just broke the world record for the longest conga line.
- it's not a conga line that stretches for miles and miles. It's that they kept the conga line going for 16 miles before they stopped conga-lining. Non-stop conga lining around their school track and they did it to raise money for charity. So, well done!
- school is Greenwich High School.
- I'll take this opportunity to give Hoops a shout out... Hoops had this story... Ben Hooper, UPI, who is on the Weird News Beat. 
 ❾ Headline from ABC7... I'm gonna read it word for word because it's a perfect headline... "Bear hangs from second floor window, climbs into home, and then eats family's pork chops." Perfection.
- This is in Colorado and they got video, we link to it in the show notes... A bear hanging from a second story window of this house, and then the dangling ends when the bear decides to enter the home, climbs inside, and then, oh, the pork chops! Those aren't your pork chops, bear!
- We're deep into bear aware season in  lot of places... There's been bear sightings where I live. You gotta be bear safe. But I mean, don't you think, that your second story window, where your pork chops are, wouldn't you have thought those pork chops were safe? This is Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Are we supposed to be bear-proofing our second story windows now?
See https://abc7chicago.com/steamboat-springs-colorado-bear-hanging-form-window/13403882/
- btw... we're throwing in a couple bonus bear stories here... the bear that climbed into the passenger seat of a glass company van and ate a guy's snack... the bear looks so comfortable in the passenger seat... really looks like he works for the glass company... See that bear here
- also another bear/ doorbell cam incident has happened in California... this time instead of just ringing the doorbell, the bear tried to eat it... 
❽ Number eight features 8 clams... 8 boss clams who are basically in charge of people's lives in this Polish City...
- these clams are kinda in charge of the drinking water of this city in Poland. I won't try to pronounce the city in Poland, but they have a very unique system to make sure their drinking water is clean and good to drink...
- they have some modern technology, but also...
- they have little electrodes* (or some kind of electronic connector) glued to 8 clams... and when the water is fresh, you got a happy clam and the clam is open wide... When the water is not fresh, not good, not potable, for the good people in this city in Poland who get their drinking water supply from the Warta River, then the clam slams shut and the electrode makes contact with another piece of equipment and a signal is sent to people in charge of the drinking water in this city in Poland. It's a clam circuit I guess.
- TL;DR Happy Clams = good water, Unhappy Clam - bad water.
- btw, the clam circuit method to quality control in this case means that if 4 clams are closed at the same time, the system shuts down.
- clams are a like a canary in a coal mine.
See https://www.zmescience.com/ecology/poznan-mussel-water-plants-892524/
❼ Number seven is about greatness and world records. Maybe this will inspire you to attain greatness this weekend. It's a world record involving jello shots.
- The most jello shots purchased by a group.
- the record for most jello shots purchased was set at a place called Rocco's in Nebraska.
- this was set by fans of LSU, Louisiana State University. They were there to cheer on their school in the College World Series.
- Rocco's has been keeping tabs on who's buying the jello shots... fans of LSU have purchased 21,435 jello shots. That is a new world record.
- there's another world record. An LSU fan bought 6,000 jello shots himself. That's a world record for most jello shots purchased by one person. 6,000?! (Which he shared with friends, family, extended family, extended friends, etc.)
- That cost $30,000.
- So two different jello shots world records. Congratulations LSU. And congratulations to LSU fan Todd Graves who will be in the Guinness Book of World Records for purchasing all those jello shots.
See https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbssports.com/mlb/news/lsu-fans-break-college-world-series-jell-o-shot-challenge-record-with-massive-purchase-from-booster/amp/
❻ Number six on our list involves love, heartbreak, and bomb threats.
- A flight attendant in Argentina has been charged for allegedly making a bomb threat to prevent her ex-boyfriend from going on vacation with his new girlfriend. She reportedly warned the airline that the plane would blow up into a thousand pieces.
- Minutes before takeoff, all 270 passengers and crew members were evacuated while authorities inspected the aircraft. The incident cost the airline approximately $1 million in losses. This former couple had broken up just a few months prior to this event.
- flight attendant could face up to six years in jail.
- Thought... if you love/hate someone so much that you want to make a bomb threat and have their plane grounded, find another way. Again, to reiterate, don't do the bomb threat thing... maybe like block them on your socials or something instead.
See https://www.vice.com/en/article/dy33jz/flight-attendant-charged-for-bomb-threat-to-stop-her-exs-vacation
❺ the Ohio lady who is in the news for refusing to remove a nine foot tall werewolf statue. - Mary Simmons says Phil the werewolf has sort of become a mascot in her yard...
- yes it went up as a Halloween decoration but after October was over November, December, January, February, ... she started to really enjoy having Phil up as a year-round decoration - and she dresses Phil for different seasons, so he's an all-year decoration now youy guys...
- but of course somebody complained and the city sent Mary a warning... but... then they said they're not gonna follow up or enforce the werewolf removal! So it sounds as though this lady has beat city hall!
- the werewolf lady does say if it becomes a hazard, that she'll take it down... here's the quote from the story that's pretty good: "I don't want somebody walking by and his head falls off and hits them so you know I try to treat people like I want to be treated and I wouldn't want that to happen to me..." that's a marvelous quote from the story.
- if you want to see a picture of Phil the werewolf...
See https://www.fox8live.com/2023/06/16/woman-wont-take-down-9-foot-werewolf/ and Phil on FB https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093151106653
❹ Another world record to inspire you... maybe try to break it this weekend...
- It's a Rubik's Cube world record. Last week I mentioned how Octopuses can solve the Rubik's Cube. I cannot, I can't solve the Rubik's Cube. Not even taking the stickers off. I tried that once and still only got maybe one side.
- Rubik's Cube solved in three seconds is the new record. A fellow from California named Max set the record... 3.13 seconds.
- BTW, Max has a handful of Rubik's cube records, for different sized ones... this three seconds deal is just his latest.
See https://torontosun.com/news/weird/man-sets-new-world-record-solving-rubiks-cube-in-three-seconds
❸ Spooked horse jumps or falls off patio into pool and has to be rescued.
- Q: Why was the horse hanging out on the patio? Was it a horse patio? As near as I can tell it wasn't a patio made especially for horses... and I don't know why this horse was on the patio.
- Some of the reports say the horse got spooked then jumped into the pool, and other reports say the horse fell into the pool from the patio.
- God bless the Florida firefighters who rescued that horse. It's not easy to get a horse out of a pool. And that's about the whole story.
- In some of the articles I read, the horse's name is being withheld... but some reporters have revealed that the horse is named Mo. 
❷ I had quite a few world records this week but I mean they're weird, they're wonderful, they're inspiring. This one is, when you think about it, impossible? Doesn't this sound impossible...
- a couple of fellas from Nova Scotia broke a Guinness world record by completing 306 holes of golf in 12 hours. 
- if my math is right they had 2.352941176470588 minutes per hole.
- The Guinness people have to review the evidence before it's official but they did it you guys and they did it for charity. Speed golf, Endurance golf, what would you call it? 
- official record is 'most golf holes played by a pair using a cart, 12 hour time limit.'
- btw, their names are Wes and Thomas. According to the report they basically didn't stop...  - I assume there were zero practice swings.
See https://www.saltwire.com/atlantic-canada/news/cape-breton-golfers-smash-guinness-world-record-while-raising-funds-for-health-care-100866580/
❶ The weirdest story of the week? I don't know, we had some weird ones, some interesting ones... but the team thought that a very long piece of bacon should have the number one spot.
- a world-record-size piece of turkey bacon. It's almost two feet across, and 17 feet long. 
- at a place called Godshall's Quality Meats... for the longest day of the year, when summer arrived in Pennsylvania, they decided to make the longest slice of turkey bacon. I love that. Building on something great like the arrival of summer with a giant slice of bacon. We finally can end an episode on a great note. Happy, happy. Thoughts of summer, thoughts of delicious bacon, thoughts of any food that's comically large. That's just a nice story. That's a good way to wrap it up. 
So thanks for being here. Remember, click Shownotes.Page and get all the What a Weird Week stuff. You'll even find a link for our answering machine. If you want to leave a message on it, it's old time, and I never answer. So let it ring!.
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