What a Weird Week Podcast for Friday May 26th: The Birds are Getting High on your supply, and, the saga of Cricket the Squirrel!

This week's top ten of weird includes birds getting high, the most expensive ice cream in the world, and a scientific life hack to sleep better.
New here? Every Friday we do a Weird-News-of-the-Week Top 10 audio podcast with a full show notes blog and a YouTube video (@weirdweekpod).  

video podcast... 
Here are the show notes for Fri May 26th 2023 / Season 4 Episode 35 ...
❿People reminded to wear clothes for Driver's License photo in Georgia*
- now in the state of Georgia (USA) you can get a digital driver's license or digital ID.
- part of the apply process is that you send them a photo...
- the Georgia Department of Driver Services  posted this note on their Facebook the other day: "👀Attention, lovely people of the digital era! Please take pictures with your clothes on when submitting them for your Digital Driver’s License and IDs. 🫣Let's raise our virtual glasses and toast to the future🥂😄 Cheers to technology and keeping things classy! 🤭#ddscares"
See WFXG post (https://www.wfxg.com/story/48962312/ga-driver-services-please-wear-clothes-for-digital-ids) and Georgia Department of Driver Services Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/GeorgiaDDS/posts/794725632109907)
❾PG13! The Birds are High af...
- increasing reports out of Britain of seagulls stealing illicit and or recreational drugs from human people...
- essentially, people smoking drugs have their stash stolen by seagulls...
- maybe it was by mistake at first... like, maybe the seagulls thought they were stealing a delicious french fry or something... but now the birds seem to like the drugs... they are getting high...
- one fellow is quoted in the story from Metro UK said "Gulls will go for anything... If we were stoned and completely out of it, the gulls could just take the joint we were smoking and fly off."
- they really paint a picture of gulls, crazy on drugs, basically terrorizing bystanders.
See (https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/other/seagulls-high-on-spice-after-making-off-with-stashes-of-drugs/ar-AA1btBR3)
❽Buy Now Pay Later for Pizza? But wait, there's more...
- Hell Pizza is a New Zealand-based pizza chain and they are kind of infamous for publicity stunts that 1)get attention and 2) offend people... (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hell_Pizza)
- Latest publicity stunt from them is a "Buy now, pay when your dead" pizza deal.
- so, if you're picked to participate in this offer, you don’t have to pay for pizza until you're dead...
- you'll amend your last will and testament giving permission for Hell Pizza to collect what you owe them.
- They say it's a legally binding deal.
❼Surgeon Fired because of who helped with the amputation...
- a surgeon in Germany got someone who cleans the hospital to help with an amputation and now the surgeon has been fired...
- this happened in 2020... it was a toe amputation and there were no complications...
- there was no officially qualified surgical assistant available at the time, so it was either, cancel the surgery, or find a fill-in assistant and the surgeon recruited a hospital cleaner.
- the cleaner's job, btw, was mostly handing surgical tools to the doc.
- that's a firing right there.
❻very expensive ice cream sets world record...
- an ice cream company from Japan named Cellato has an ice cream worth close to $7000 per scoop (not sure what the kiddie cone price would be...)
- the GWR folks say that's World Record expensiveness.
- Here's why... it has gold shavings in it... it's also got some rare white truffle from Italy in it and some kind of sake paste... and an expensive Italian cheese (Parmigiano Reggiano).
- what does it taste like? People who've tried it say it tastes like white truffle followed by the fruity, old cheese taste from the old cheese that is in it.
- MMMmmmConeCheese.
See (https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/news/2023/5/worlds-most-expensive-ice-cream-will-set-you-back-more-than-a-family-holiday-would)
❺Planking is back? #WorldRecord
- so yes the real headline here is... planking is a thing again?
- secondary headline is... a guy just set a world record for planking for 9 hours, 38 minutes and change.
- congratulations Jo from Czechia.

❹The Science of selfies... why do we do that?
- the National Post has an article about this study on photos that we take of ourselves...
- study is from the journal "Social Psychology and Personal Science".
- study seems to indicate that when we include ourselves in photos (you know, take selfies...) it helps us capture the deeper significance of what's happening in the moment...  
- quote from the article: "“We found that people have a natural intuition about which perspective to take to capture what they want out of the photo,”
- it seems like selfies give us a different feeling than regular photos and sometimes we want to remember things the way the selfie makes us feel... maybe, idk, I'm not a scienceman...
See (https://nationalpost.com/news/why-do-we-like-to-take-selfies-study-uncovers-the-real-reason)
❸Enormous T-shirt breaks world record...
- GWR shared this record the other day... a T-shirt that's over 350 feet long and 240-some feet across is officially the biggest T-shirt ever.
- record set in Romania
- after the record attempt the giant T-shirt was "broken down" to make thousands of pieces of clothing for kids in need.  
- T-shirt is taller than the Statue of Liberty btw...
See (https://twitter.com/GWR/status/1661313086685614082?s=20)
btw, it's a screengrab not a video

❷Headline via Ben Hooper at UPI... "Pet squirrel rescued from tree in Ohio"
- that's the story in a nutshell... *pun.
- it was a squirrel in a tree that needed help because somehow the squirrel forgot how trees work on account of the squirrel being a pet squirrel instead of a tree-loving squirrel I guess?
- it's a little bit more complicated because this squirrel was on a leash and got entangled in the tree about 60 feet up... so the Green, Ohio fire department answered the call and saved Cricket the pet squirrel.
- shoutout to Ben Hooper at UPI who knocked it out of the park once again with the weird squirrel story.
See (https://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2023/05/25/domesticated-squirrel-rescued-Green-Ohio/5431685026270/)
❶Sleep Better with this Simple trick...
- A big ol' sleep study from Indiana University seems to indicate that it's  harder to fall asleep when you keep looking at the clock...
- I love science and God bless you researchers but we knew this... when you worry that you're not getting enough sleep and you keep checking what time it is, that doesn't help.
- They suggest that you should hide clocks, phones, smart watches, sun dials, or whatever we use to tell time when trying to sleep. That's the hack.
See (https://beta.ctvnews.ca/national/health/2023/5/18/1_6405273.amp.html)
artist depiction
Here's the Stream because you're my favorite...

Paper Airplane Day 2023 is Fri Aug 26. You should break the world record!

Earlier this Spring people from the Boeing Company set a world record after carefully designing a paper aircraft that was able to fly 290 feet! That's almost as high as the Statue of Liberty... or the tower of Big Ben... or one-and-a-half times as tall as the castle at Disney World. It took hundreds of hours of design time and also a a pretty fantastic throw. (They practiced for four months before making an official attempt.)
If you don't have time to watch the video, the paper airplane design was based on actual hypersonic aircraft... if you Google 'hypersonic aerospace vehicles' there's quite a variety but prolly the most common design is a bit like the space shuttle... the paper airplane kinda looked like a space shuttle to me...

*this post first appeared on the What a Weird Week podcast. See https://kite.link/weird to subscribe and check the podcast blog HERE.

Fun Fact! One time on Paper Airplane Day we made a giant paper airplane out of a 6-feet-tall Faith Hill poster. It didn't fly and we abandoned the project.

May 25 is Towel Day. Here's the biggest towel in the world...

Happy Towel Day! Towel Day is a salute to Douglas Adams, the author who wrote The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy, and mentions in those books how important a towel is to intergalactic travellers.


watch the video here

Towel Facts via Everplush Towel Company:
- the towel was first used in Turkey in the 1600s. These ones were cotten, silk, or linen. Only rich people owned them at first.
- in the 1800s towels started to be mass-produced by machines. That's when the price came down and more people could afford them.
- "The Cleaning Institute" says we should wash our towels after three uses. Also, let your towel dry out between use b/c wet towels are "germ magnets". Helloooo yeast, bacteria, mold, and viruses!

What a Weird Week Podcast Friday May 19th: California UFO Mystery solved, Indictment in Famous Shoe Crime

This week's top ten of weird includes frogs and dogs and chicken can beer.
Every Friday we do a Weird-News-of-the-Week Top 10 audio podcast with a full show notes blog and a YouTube video (@weirdweekpod).  

video podcast... 

Here are the show notes for Fri May 19th 2023 / Season 4 Episode 34 ...
❿The Gator that fooled us all...
- happened on Treasure Island on the Gulf Coast
- police on night beach patrol were surprised by a tricky gator...
- from their Facebook post "“Look at the size of that gator one of our officers tried rounding up on Treasure Island Beach last night!”
- it was an incredibly realistic sand sculpture.
❾It's wrong to blame the dog for your crimes...
- police in Colorado say they pulled over a driver who was speeding and driving erratically...
- the driver slides over to the passenger side and says his dog was one who was driving badly...  
- man arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence and a number of other charges...
See: the Guardian (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/16/us-driver-speeding-dog-colorado)
❽A Frog First? #FrogScience
- they think it's a first for frogs... a little orange Brazilian tree frog that eats nectar is the first frog pollinator* (is what they think... more research is needed)
- *editorial* sciencing would be so much easier if these animals could talk. I'm right about that, aren't I?
See Scientific American (https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/this-frog-may-be-the-first-amphibian-known-to-pollinate-flowers/)
❼Is a Taco fight really what we need right now?
*Quick Taco Tuesday Primer (*varying accounts are all over the internet)
- According to a post by Smith & Hopen Patent and Trademark Attorneys...
- It starts with Gregory’s Restaurant & Bar in New Jersey. In the early 1980s they got a federal trademark for TACO TUESDAY (for restaurant services.)
- That meant other restaurants couldn't use Taco Tuesday in promotions with permission from Gregory's.
- But! In 1989, Gregory's didn't renew their trademark on time, so the federal trademark got cancelled. A Wyoming-based restaurant chain named Taco John's swooped in and trademarked Taco Tuesday. They've had that trademark ever since. BTW, "Nation's Restaurant News" says that Gregory's still has the right to Taco Tuesday in New Jersey, but Taco John's owns every other state.
- Now Taco Bell wants to free up the use of "Taco Tuesday" so everyone can use it as a common phrase.
- There's an official filing and also a petition on (https://www.change.org/p/freeing-taco-tuesday)
- I guess it's time to take sides?
See the origin story from (https://smithhopen.com/2020/05/13/who-owns-taco-tuesday-part-i/) and the news story from Nation's Restaurant News (https://www.nrn.com/quick-service/taco-bell-fighting-taco-tuesday-trademarks)

❻Dog viciously attacks soccer ball, interrupting match...
- happened during a Premier Division Soccer match in Chile the other day...
- a dog ran onto the field and went right for the ball...
- play stopped... dog got some 'Whose-a-good-boy!" then was carried off the field by a player...
- dog had a fierce bite-down on that soccer ball.
- last week it was a bull interrupting rugby... what the heck?
- see video
We Tweeted the video
❺Is Beer Can Chicken Beer Savory and Delicious?
- icymi, Perdue is a poultry company in the USA... they know chicken...
- next week their new beer goes on sale...
- it's supposed be the perfect beer to cook chicken with if you've ever tried making a 'beer can chicken' recipe... (see https://www.perdue.com/recipes/beer-can-chicken/)
- congratulations to their marketing department on this... but,,, I'm torn on the name... is it genius or phoned-in??
- It's “Beer Can Chicken Beer”...
- how's it taste? Supposed to have all the delicious seasonings you'd use in preparing grilled chicken... so like rosemary, thyme and MMMmmm pink peppercorn...
- So you could drink it, but you might notice a hint of savory if you're a beer connoisseur
- supposed to cost $14.99 US for a six packs...
- please grill responsibly.
See CNN: (https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/17/business/perdue-beer-can-chicken-beer/index.html)

❹The Bears are Ringing Again!
- in a repeat story from last week's episode, another bear is in the news for ringing a doorbell...
- This time it was in San Bernardino County and it actually happened in April, but this just made the news this week...  
- (last week it happened in West Virginia)
- the bears are organizing you guys. 
See KTLA: (https://ktla.com/news/local-news/black-bear-plays-ding-dong-ditch-on-cabin-in-san-bernardino-county-wilderness/)
❸Very Strong Man hired by carnival to spin Ferris Wheel by hand...
- jk, that's not a real job...
- he did it to raise money for charity and he set a new world record for "fastest time to rotate a Ferris wheel by hand"
- btw, Ferris wheels are heavy... do not attempt unless you're a professional.
- congratulations Troy Conley-Magnusson who spun the wheel around in 16 minutes, 55 seconds.
See GWR: (https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/news/2023/5/strongman-spins-full-size-ferris-wheel-with-his-hands-in-record-time-749642) and we tweeted the video

❷California UFO Mystery solved?
- There were a bunch of UFO/ UAP sightings called in to authorities in California... but they aren't UFOs anymore... they're just FOs...
- they looked like a bunch of bright lights all in a row... turns out they were satellites... Starlink satellites...
- when those things are in a low orbit you can see them with the naked eye and that's what people were seeing...
See KCRA Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsakEjmOsS8) we have the embed also... 
❶Amazing Cold Case has been Cracked!
- The ruby red shoes that Judy Garland wore in the film "Wizard of Oz" were stolen in 2005... somebody climbed through a window, went into the museum where they were on loan, and stole them from a display case...
- in 2018 there was an FBI sting operation and the famous shoes were recovered... this started with a tip to the insurance company that was on the hook for the expensive shoes... somebody got in touch with them and said he could help facilitate their return... no arrests at that time, but...  
- now, in May of 2023 a grand jury has indicted a man suspected of shoe crime... like 18 years after they were stolen!
- official charge is "one count of theft of a major artwork".
- there are only four pairs of auhentic Wizard of Oz shoes left... they are worth millions...
See KCRA (https://www.kcra.com/article/man-indicted-in-theft-of-wizard-of-oz-ruby-slippers-worn-by-judy-garland/43923349)
Here's the Stream because you're my favorite...

Want to Adopt a Guinea Pig? Guinea Pig Rescue in the news again!

If you'd like to find out more about For the Love of Guinea Pigs Rescue and Sanctuary in Albert County, HERE'S their Facebook.
See news story below... right now the charity has a LOT of Guinea Pig rescues waiting for a nice home to go to. 

Scotty and Tony radio Bit.ly/listentoscottyandtony

What a Weird Week Podcast Friday 12 May 2023: Meteorites and Bears

This week's top ten of weird includes several weird things that happened before... the weirdening is real you guys... we're on weird repeat!   
Every Friday we do a Weird-News-of-the-Week Top 10 audio podcast with a full show notes blog and a YouTube video (@weirdweekpod).  

video podcast... uploading...

Here are the show notes for Fri May 12th 2023 / Season 4 Episode 33 ...

❿How Excited are you about Printed Fish!?
- a company in Israel has 3D printed fish...
- it's not meal-ready... it's a ready-to-cook fish fillet... 
- they start with a lab-grown grouper fish base and that becomes some kind of edible filament for a 3D food printer... (oversimplification alert).
- this lab-grown, printable fish might save the environment/ real fish/ all of us (like lab beef and chicken) 
- they hope it'll be available for purchase next year...  
- it looks like white goo... but if it tastes good and they can get the cost down, maybe it'll save us from ourselves... 
- article doesn't ask any fishers what they think about this whole thing... 
❾Street Pianos and Why they are a Terrible Idea...
- this story is from Japan, but similar stories have popped up all over... even happened in a little town nearby me on the East Coast... 
- as an art installment, they put a piano somewhere where passersby can stop and play a tune... in this case it was at a train station...
- there was supposed to be a ten minute time limit, but that didn't take... 
- another rule was 'don't play or sing too loudly' but that also didn't take...
- it seems like with these street piano installments, always goes off the rails at some point (railway pun alert)... you don't get that as much from a painting of lovely flowers... 
- so they have ended the street piano exhibit at the train station in Japan... 
❽Fruit Roll-up Smugglers! caught in Israel. Blame TikTok.
- Two couples from USA are mentioned in the article as being Rollup Smugglers
- One couple in the article was caught with suitcases full of Rollups at the airport in Israel...
- over 660 pounds of Fruit Rollups were confiscated...
- that's more than 21,000 Rollups...
- it's too many Rollups you guys... that's a commercial amount of of Rollups... 
- they have also seized a bunch of Rolluips in the mail...
- Why? It has to do with what I would describe as greed... 
- On Tik Tok there are these videos where people put ice cream inside a Fruit Rollup so you get some kind of ice cream wrap or Fruit Rollup burrito... that trend took off and it became hard to find Fruit Rollups in Israel... but Rollups were still fairly cheap in the States... so people thought they could bring a bunch of Rollups to Israel to sell them at a profit. 
- TL;DR there was a run on Rollups because of a Tik Tok trend and people tried to start smuggling Rollups for profit.
❼This week in AI... Smart Drive-Thru Speakers being tested... 
- I think the narrative that we need to be terrified of the robots will take a hit if they can figure this one out... AI taking your order at the drive-thru...
- God bless you hard-working drive-thru specialists, I don't want anyone to lose their job to a robot, but if it fills a job nobody likes to do... and it gets are order right, I think humanity will let our guard down and welcome the AI with open arms at the drive-thru. 
*BTW, Google's big tech conference happened a couple days ago and they are making their AI more accessible to all of us... but their announcement didn't involve Junior Bacon Cheeseburgers... 

❻ Woman Rescued after 5 days lost in Australia, and here's how she survived...
- Wine and lollipops. That's it, that's the story.
- want to know more? OK... this is a classic scary movie scenario... lady on vacation in Australia, trying to get to Dartmouth Dam which looks beautiful btw... kind of a landmark that people like to travel to... 
- lady took a wrong turn... car got stuck... no cell phone reception... if you were watching the movie of this, it's like a classic trope...
- this was supposed to be a day trip, so after the lady didn't check in with family back home they launched a search... after 5 days missing she was spotted by a search plane and rescued... (shout out to the rescue team!)
- she survived on the suckers that she brought for the day trip, and a bottle of wine that was supposed to be a gift for her mom...
- all-in-all it's a wonderful story of survival and wine that has a happy ending.
❺*A Shownotes Exclusive* it's that funny story about an iceberg in Conception Bay that's a funny shape and is getting attention in Newfoundland, in the town of Dildo.
- That's all I want to say about it because, pg13.
❹Should they add bulls to professional rugby games?
- In France, a bull ran onto the rugby field during warmups.
- It was chaos... The players scrambled...
- The bull was there for a pre-game parade to advertise local meat... but he broke free from his handler and then... Excitement!
- Video in the shownotes... Looks like everyone hopped over the fence in time to escape injury...
- I don't know much about rugby... One of my kids played in high school, and I'm not saying introduce it at the high school level... But Would live bulls add to the game of professional rugby? Either two human teams playing against each other and some bulls added in... Or maybe one human team vs. one team of bulls? Does the sport need to evolve?
❸Another person avoids serious meteorite injury!
- we had a similar story in late 2021 when a lady from BC avoided grave injury when a meteorite crashed through her roof and landed on her pillow (https://www.scottyandtony.com/2021/10/what-weird-week-oct-16-2021-one-with.html?m=1) and zero pillow companies jumped on board by putting some kind of Space Pillow on the market. #Disappointed
- This time around it was a house in New Jersey... no one hurt but a hole in the roof... also I should be calling it a suspected meteorite because  the space rock scientists haven't confirmed it yet... the alleged meteorite is innocent until proven guilty... the link has some other famous meteorite cases... also, they say it's rare for meteorites to hit houses, but I say sure it is... until it isn't #titaniumroof
❷Bear in West Virginia rings doorbell in attempt to draw out homeowners to eat them...
*some of that is conjecture on my part, but come on! so obvious what's going on...*
- we've had a very similar story in the news before... if you live in a community that has bears, sometimes those bears walk up to your door and ring the doorbell... and that's bonkers to me... 
- are they trying to lure us outside so they can eat us and then steal our homes? I say yes, but might need more data. 
❶*Gross Alert* Here's a Quote from the story... "Niko Blankenship told 9NEWS Tuesday that he was in the right lane, near the truck's rear tire, when "some kind of dung" came spewing from the top. He said he's washed his car several times, and wiped the area around the tires and the bottom of the car with baby wipes, but the smell still lingers."...
- this happened on a highway in Colorado... 
- Niko is also quoted as being thankful he had his windows up and the sunroof closed...
- so what happened? obviously somebody's ex-spouse was teying to get even and it went terribly wrong... I mean, I've seen that 80s comedy... that has to be it... but the official story is a simple sewage truck spill. 
See link, they even have some dash cam footage of this... not available in Smellarama btw... (https://www.9news.com/article/traffic/sewer-truck-spill-i-76/73-8c1906d8-9f27-470b-b4a1-6b0c9b002700)

🏆🏆The oldest dog in the world just had a birthday on May 11...
- we talked about Bobi back in February... Bobi was in the news for being an old dog with a friend who's a cat...
🐶from our February Shownotes (https://www.scottyandtony.com/2023/02/what-weird-week-podcast-for-friday-17.html) "Headline: How old is the World's Oldest Dog?
- wrong question... it should be how awesome is the world's oldest dog!?
- Bobi the dog is 30 years old.
- That's a world record.
- Bobi is Portuguese.
- Bobi looks fantastic. I'm not good at judging ages but Bobi definitely looks younger than 30.
- Bobi has a friend who's a cat! What a wonderful message of peace!! Cats and dogs getting along, you guys!!!
- so the Guinness World Records people had Bobi back in the news on his birthday... honorable mention and happy 31st  birthday, Bobi! (https://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2023/05/11/portugal-Guinness-World-Records-Bobi-worlds-oldest-dog-turns-31/1291683817500/)
Here's the Stream, you cool person...

ACM Awards 2023: who won? What did they wear?? Anyone drunk???

The ACMs were streamed on the Amazon last night. Some winners...
- Entertainer of the year: Chris Stapleton
- Female artist of the year: Lainey Wilson
- Male artist of the year: Morgan Wallen
- Duo of the year: Brothers Osborne
- Group of the year: Old Dominion
- Album of the year: Bell Bottom Country (Lainey Wilson) 
- Song of the year: She Had Me at Heads Carolina by Cole Swindell (Songwriters are Ashley Gorley, Cole Swindell, Jesse Frasure, Mark D. Sanders, Thomas Rhett, Tim Nichols)
- Music event of the year: wait in the truck by HARDY featuring Lainey Wilson
For the full list see (https://www.billboard.com/music/awards/2023-acm-awards-winners-list-1235327979/)

Want to see what people wore? Here's a bunch of Tweets...