What a Weird Week Podcast Fri April 21: UFOs and the Cave Lady


This week's top ten of weird includes the biggest Donkey Kong game in the world and a drinking world record you might want to try...
FAQ: What is this? Every Friday we do a Weird-News-of-the-Week Top 10 audio podcast with a full show notes blog and a YouTube video (@weirdweekpod).  

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Here are the show notes for Fri Apr 21st 2023 / Season 4 Episode 30 ...
❿Headline: How Fast can you drink? Are you ready to set a World Record?
- a German man just shattered the Capri Sun speed-drinking World Record.
- 10.41 seconds to finish an entire Capri Sun drink.
- that time includes putting the straw in.
- See video.
- Good luck!
See: (https://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2023/04/13/germany-Guinness-World-Records-fastest-time-Capri-Sun/5731681400662/)
❾Headline: He made the news for an unusual act of generosity...
- story broke last Friday after we published last week's episode.
- a fellow threw approximately 200 thousand dollars out a car window onto an Oregon highway.
- people pulled over and got out to grab some of that money so it was a bit of a traffic debacle.
- btw, you can be charged with littering when you do that... police let the guy off with a warning...
- the money-thrower told the cops he's "doing well and wanted to bless others with gifts of money,"
See: (https://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2023/04/14/man-throws-money-Interstate-5-Eugene-Oregon/4691681485395/)
artist depiction. do not attempt.
❽Headline: The Biggest Donkey Kong Game in the World announced! How Big??
- they are going to make a 20 foot tall Donkey Kong game that's actually playable.
- for the World Video Game Hall of Fame.
- need to stress that this is supposed to be playable by regular size humans, not giants. How? Not sure. Guessing shrink ray/ growth ray technology.
- supposed to be ready to play on June 30th.
See: (https://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2023/04/11/The-Strong-National-Museum-of-Play-worlds-largest-Donkey-Kong-machine/7531681238006/)
❼Headline: 10 Year Old Kid breaks world record for soccer ball wizardry... could you do this for an hour?
- 10-year-old kid China broke the World Record for "most football (soccer) touches with alternating feet in one hour".
- he foot-juggled that soccer ball 8,147 times in an hour you guys!
- youngster was encouraged by his coach to go for the world record...
- quote from GWR: "In our soccer club, many teammates can juggle the ball over a thousand times with both feet, but I am the best..."
See: (https://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2023/04/13/Guinness-World-Records-soccer-juggling/3591681417581/)
❻Headline: elite extreme sportswoman in the news... "It's true that there were some difficult moments, but there were also some very beautiful moments... and I had both as I lived up to my commitment to living in a cave for 500 days."
- that's it really, that's the story... a lady lived in a cave for 500 days.
- Lady is 50 years old.
- she spent 16 months in cave isolation.
- she had books and art supplies to pass the time.
- this was an extreme sport challenge but also was so scientists could do research on what would happen if someone lived in a cave for 500 days.
- that will all get unpacked when they write up their research papers, but one thing that happened is the lady's perception of time changed a lot... she was surprised when they came down to get her because she thought she had a lot more time to go...
- did she turn into a cave person? science will tell us later.  
See: (https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/spanish-athlete-emerges-after-500-days-alone-in-underground-cave-180981998/)
❺Headline: here's a message you don't want to get from a buddy: "Dude this is so weird but I’m watching this murder documentary and they start flashing a bunch of peoples pictures and I said that is Hazlewood. Did they steal your photo? How did you get on there?” (via Hollywood Reporter story)
- Taylor Hazlewood is suing Netflix for a million bucks.
- He posted a photo on his Insta a few years ago... the photo was of Taylor posing with a hatchet.
- The lawsuit centers around this photo which Taylor says someone used without permission in 'The Hatchet Wielding Hitchhiker' documentary.
- according to Hollywood Reporter (I haven't seen this documentary)... Taylor's photo is shown next to a convicted murderer and there's audio saying “stone-cold killer” ... even though Taylor has "no connection to any aspect of the Film.”
See: (https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/netflix-defamation-hatchet-wielding-hitchhiker-1235391364/)
❹Headline: Dead Birds repurposed as drones... how do we feel about that?
- Wildlife researchers in New Mexico have a new tool to do their sciencing and it's dead birds turned into drones.
- I'm calling them TBDs - Taxidermy Bird Drones (©2023 Weird Week Enterprises)
- They had been using mechanical birds (Bird Robots), but dead bird drones seem to get better research results.
- *Note to Disney: this sounds like a hilarious animated reboot of "Weekend at Bernie's" waiting to happen. Weekend at Bird Bernie's!!
See: (https://www.ksl.com/article/50622470/dead-birds-get-new-life-new-mexico-researchers-develop-taxidermy-bird-drones) and (https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/science/dead-birds-get-new-life-new-mexico-researchers-develop-taxidermy-bird-drones-2023-04-13/)
❸Headline: Kyles of the world unite! First step: world record, next step: global domination!
- the city of Kyle, Texas wants to break the world record for most people with the same name gathered in the same place.
- they're trying to spread the word to Kyles all over that on May 21st, you Kyles need to be in Kyle, Texas.
- this will be part of the Kyle, Texas Kyle Fair (a Tex-Travaganza).
- This is their fourth try to break the record!
- Guiness record right now belongs to a bunch of Ivans... 2325 people named Ivan got together in Bosnia in 2017.
- Good luck, Kyle. You too, Kyle.
- btw, if you remember us talking about a similar world record on the podcast, it was a little different... (https://indianexpress.com/article/trending/trending-in-india/new-world-record-created-as-178-people-with-the-same-name-congregate-in-japan-8238496/)
See: (https://www.fox4news.com/news/kyle-texas-gathering-of-kyles)
❷Headline: Picture yourself doing pushups... for an hour... how many could you do?
- An Australian man did 3206 pushups in an hour to get the world record.
- Lucas (age 33) trained for two years.
- before this, another Australian had the pushups record... and before that guy, ANOTHER Australian had the pushups record. Australia dominates pushups.
See: (https://www.complex.com/life/australian-man-sets-guinness-book-world-record-most-push-ups-one-hour)
🏆🏆Honorable Mention: a rocket exploded. I thought that was bad, but everybody keeps saying that it was super great... 
🏆🏆Honorable Mention: update on UFOs or UAPs...
- the Pentagon continues to investigate UFOs/ UAPs throught their All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO).
- the folks from that testified before a US Senate Committee on Wednesday (April 19).
- Part of the hearing was closed to the public.
- My take on those hearings is that not a lot has changed... the Gov says most everything is explainable (UFOs are mostly just regular things that have been misidentified) ...
- the Gov is leaning hard into the "it's Not Aliens" message...
- they did show a video that has some weird sphere flying past... it was cool.
- the investigation continues.
See: (https://www.space.com/pentagon-aaro-ufo-hearing-april-2023)
❶Headline: Harrowing Hearse Misadventure!
- the headline from Michelle Butterfield at Global News... "Weight of organ donor’s body stops hearse from falling over cliff in Colorado"
- this happened awhile ago but it hit all the news outlets this week...
- just like in a movie, the hearse slid off the road and was balancing on a cliff... the driver of the hearse was able to escape because they say the weight of the deceased person in the back of the hearse kept the vehicle from plunging over the edge!
See: (https://globalnews.ca/news/9633149/hearse-cliff-organ-donor-colorado/)
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