What a Weird Week Podcast Special Episode: a Deep Dive into Cereal, and the Best-selling Cereal that You Never Ate! Bonus: Interview with a Vampire for Time Change Weekend!!

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This week it's March Break and I was going to take the week off from podcasting. Tuesday was National Cereal day on the radio show and we took a deep dive into cool cereal stuff. So instead of the usual "Top Ten of Weird" I thought I'd share some of the cereal weirdness today. 
*If you're new here, Every Friday we publish a new audio and video podcast episode (usually a Weird-News-of-the-Week Top 10) and we also put all the links and media in the Show Notes Blog (direct link https://www.scottyandtony.com/search/label/podcast).
Thanks for listening to the Episode Audio  and Subscribing to the audio podcast !
Also thanks for liking and subscribing to the YouTube channel for the videos!! (@weirdweekpod) 
This week, because of March Break, we didn't do a regular video episode. Please enjoy this Tribute to Pi Day...

Here are the show notes for Fri Mar 10th, 2023/ Season 4 Episode 24 ... Our Deep Dive into Cereal Weirdness... Plus a bonus Interview with a Vampire at the end of the episode. This is where I win my Local Emmy for Journalism I think!!

This cereal timeline is pretty fantastic (via https://nationaltoday.com/national-cereal-day/).

But, like, What's the BEST cereal? Your votes later, but for now here are the top-selling cereals in the USA and how much money they bring in per year (hard to find Canadian stats on this, so we went with US stats.) Also, are there any of these best-sellers that you haven't tried? How is it possible that we haven't tried every one of these if they're top-sellers? That freaked my bean a little bit...
1 Cheerios: $435.9 million/year
2 Honey Nut Cheerios: $421.7 million/year
3 Frosted Flakes: $412.6 million/year
4 Honey Bunches of Oats: $375.2 million/year
5 Cinnamon Toast Crunch: $344.3 million/year
6 Lucky Charms: $283.4 million/year
7 Froot Loops: $269.1 million/year
8 Frosted Mini Wheats: $241.9 million/year
9 Life: $177.5 million/year
10 Fruity Pebbles: $172.3 million/year
Video: These cereal fails are pretty interesting... *may contain swears* or read the list here: (https://phantomstrider.fandom.com/wiki/Worst_Cereal_Failures)
... and what about the time they spent millions to market this cereal-and-milk travelin' pack? This one should have been the greatest cereal invention of all time! (via https://www.businessinsider.com/food-failures-2012-1#kelloggs-breakfast-mates-6)
Note for my kids: Back in the day you could get free prizes in a box of your favorite cereal... really cool stuff  like a tiny plastic submarine, or a miniature sticker book with stickers that you had to lick... MMmmmgluey. Prizes co-mingled with the cereal and required careful extraction because no one wanted to wait until the cereal was gone to get that plastic Cap'n Crunch Ring. Rings are meant to be worn, they are not meant to linger amidst 800 grams of toasted corn mush. Anyways... HERE is a list of the coolest cereal box prizes of all time.
What we noticed by your texts: 
- Most Popular Overall based on your votes was a toss-up between Honey Combs, Froot Loops, or Lucky Charms.
- Most Popular "Healthy" cereal based on your texts was Vector.
- Best New Cereal as voted by you is the Tim Hortons Apple Fritter Cereal.
- Most Popular Old-school Award went to Fluffs or some variation of the 'No Sugar Added' puffed type of cereal.
- Strangely Absent from your Votes was Golden Grahams, Rice Crispies, and Corn Pops. Hardly anybody voted for these and we were surprised.

Thanks for texting in on Cereal Day! Radio show stuff at (bit.ly/listentoscottyandtony)
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