What a Weird Week Honorable Mentions! Bonus Podcast Content from the What a Weird Week Team?!

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Friend, Here's the shownotes blog for a bonus What a Weird Week Podcast episode. In case you're new, Every Friday we do a Weird-News-of-the-Week Top 10... and sometimes there's just too much gold, Jerry! So we follow up the main podcast with a Weird Monday episode featuring the stories that didn't quite make the top ten, but still pass the weird test.
Like always, we put all the links/ videos/ photos in a show notes blog (https://www.scottyandtony.com/search/label/podcast).
You can Listen to the Episode Audio here and Subscribe to the podcast here!
Also see the enhanced episodes with video on YouTube (@weirdweekpod)

Here are the show notes for Mon Feb 13th, 2023, Season 4 Episode 20 ... the Honorable Mentions...

Headline: Little kid gets stuck in cake pan...

- this was on a lot of feeds and in the news... 
- Firefighters in Pennsylvania rescued the 2-year-old girl from the angel food cake pan.
- the little girl is named Quinnley.
- if she doesn't get a lucrative deal with Betty Crocker or Paderno, or something, then that would be a crime because some no-stick cake pan company needs to give this cute kid a contract.
- see the rescue video!

Headline: Blindfolded Dribbling Greatness...

- A 9-year-old kid from Chicago set a new Guinness World Record by dribbling a basketball, while blindfolded, for an hour and 20 minutes.
- kid's name is Henry Speedwell.
- he did it in a school gym.
- he did it in tribute of his late grandfather,
- raised $2,800 for cancer research.
- that's a nice story right there.


Headline: How scared would you have to be?

- A 3-year-old parrot, who got spooked, flew away from his New Zealand home and nine days later they spotted him 155 miles away.
- Pablo is a pet parrot, but he's allowed to roam the neighborhood (called a free-flyer).
- Usually Pablo's owners whistle and Pablo comes home...
- but a neighbor spooked Pablo and he took off (literally).
- They started hearing about this Macaw parrot sighting 155 miles away (free-flying Macaw parrots aren't too common according to the article). 
- at time of recording the rescue mission is ongoing... they've gotten close to Pablo but then he gets spooked by a car or something and takes off again...
- hoping for a happy ending, then a Disney film.

Headline: Monkey Followup!

- remember the monkeynapping at the zoo in Dallas?
- a guy has been arrested in connection with the missing monkeys.
- they say that the man is also linked to the leopard escape that happened there.
- a photo was sent out of a person of interest and somone at another animsl place (The Dallas World Aquarium) recognized the fella from the photo!
- seems suspicious that this guy was at another exotic animal place... circumstantial evidence? #NotALawyer

Curiously evil?

Headline: We should have known woodpeckers were jerks...

- did you see the thing where woodpeckers stashed hundreds of pounds of acorns in a house?
- 700 pounds of acorns got stuffed into the wall of a California home!
- did you know that woodpeckers were acorn stuffers?
- this is where it gets gross... a pest control expert found the acorns... he was called in because bugs were coming out of the wall... those bugs were in the acorns...
- They figured out that the woodpeckers were pecking holes in the chimney and stuffing acorns in there... they think for a few years this has been going on... the acorns eventually fell down into the wall and started to pile up... 

Headline: World Record Sub Sandwich is a longie!!

- it's really not one long sub... it's more like a sandwich train...
- A Brazilian food company got the Guinness World Record by putting together 1180 submarine sandwiches.
- noteworthy: the article refers to them as torpedo sandwiches.
- it's not one giant straight line of sandwich, which would have been cool, it's a line of subs that twists around corners and goes all around the room... 

Headline: the thing that terrified an entire neighborhood was a what now??

- It was an emu. 
- This happened in Missouri.
The emu was running wild for "multiple days" before animal rescue experts captured the thing... with the help of people from the neighborhood who cornered the beast so that it's reign of terror would end.
- *It wasn't really a reign of terror if you watch the video. Rescuers seem pretty chill. I'm projecting the reign of terror business  based on my own experience with an emu at my local zoo... I was working there one summer and there was this emu who was so evil you guys...
- btw, here's how they caught the evil beast... with a blanket. So if you ever find yourself squaring off against an emu, wrap that rascal in a blanket and put him in a crate.
- I just assumed this bird has escaped from a zoo or something but it was someone's pet! 
- Bird is going to live on a farm now.


Headline: Record Breaking Statue is how tall? 

- 34 feet you guys. That's it!? (*34.12 feet high actually)
- it's a statue of Japanese superhero Ultraman.
- The Largest Ultraman Statue in the world is at the Ultraman section of a theme park in Shanghai.
- Ultraman (the character, not the statue) also has the record for most TV spin-offs... there have been 33 Ultraman shows?
- idea: let's build a taller Ultraman in some little town that could use the tourist traffic... come on Shanghai, you already have a whole theme park... 

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