Groundhog 2023: Even Among the Skeptics there is an Odd Marmot Fascination

All the Groundhogs are predicting more Winter for 2023.
*End Update*

Shubenacadie Sam is scheduled to predict our weather future at 8:00a.
No Live Facebook stream this year! The folks at Shubenacadie Provincial Park are handing things over to the heavy hitters in Weather News...

shadow schmadow! watch for the Crocs

Fact: Groundhogs have a worse weather predicting record than random chance. They are horrible at it. But they still get tasked with deciding our weather future. That's messed up you guys. They didn't ask to have all that responsibility. They asked for zero responsibility. They asked for sleep. Sleep is what they asked for. And maybe some Ol Red brand Gopher Nugs© (*affiliate link)
That being said, we all love a good Groundhog Day celebration.
and now, Better Know a Groundhog:
- Shubenacadie Sam (obvious)
- Staten Island Chuck *might be the most accurate  