Happy Friday the Thirteenth! Friday the 13th of January 2023 is your chance to get and stay lucky *citation

for storm info see HERE

Do you feel lucky? Because I DO NOT. It's Friday the Thirteenth and I feel that bad luck closing in. So I went to WikiHow to find out how to fight back against Friday the 13th level bad luck... it's quite informative you guys...  many of these will be familiar and you'll be able to do with hardly any effort! But a few will be a wake-up call for you that bad luck is real and it is hunting you down today...

👀 On Broken Mirrors:
WH says don't throw away pieces of broken mirror. That's a rookie mistake... if you've done that don't feel bad, maybe no one taught you how to get lucky. Instead of throwing them away, you need to get a storage bin that is solely for pieces of mirrors that you break. Depending on how clumsy you are around mirrors you might want to rent a storage unit.
Are you skeptical? Haven't you seen that show Goosebumps? If you don't store the mirror pieces you're asking for trouble... 

👀 On Serious Cases of Bad Luck:
WH suggests that if things get really bad, try moving to a whole other country. Again, I would put this as a last-case scenario, especially if today's storm makes travel difficult.
But, you'd only have to go for a day, because Friday the 13th can't change the calendar. You could travel to Sweden today and return home on the 14th like nothing ever happened.

👀 On Fresh Flowers:
According WH, we should be cleansing our chakras with fresh flowers. What if you can't get out to buy fresh flowers? Well you should have thought about that. You've brought bad luck upon yourself. I mean, Friday the 13th is right there on the calendar so you should have been more prepared. Or you could send yourself some flowers using one of our sponsors?